whats her fucking problem?
Whats her fucking problem?
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there straight up no doo-doo to play with to nut
That asshole must be fucking ruined
tons of vids on xvideos. "wrecking it again daddy" or some shit. she just likes to rip up her asshole
Siswet19 she's a streamer on chaturbate
in a few years when she sneezes she will get a prolapse but for now she is enjoying life
these toys were never intended to be used, right?
not quite, if she stops and goes through proper rehab before it gets too bad, she wont have a problem at all, as in, shell be a normal human being, not a poopmachine
just imagine sticking your nuts in her ass she squeezes them while you jack off that would be the best nut
her asshole is, to the amazement of the scientific and broader community, totally fine
Face it bud, shell never be a normal human being
some pornstar could cough then get a prolapse if this is her only source for money expect the toys to get bigger
that must feel so fucking incredible in her ass, even more cause she's always high as fuck when she cams
having a 3 inch wide asshole isnt "fine"
is there even pleasure at that point? jesus, she must love taking shits
how about 6 then?
no homo anal gives you the best orgasms as a dude sticking a fake dick in your ass gives you the biggest most intense nut
oh certainly
its a shame she only uses the trash tier fantasy dildos
I'm a mix of horrified and amazed. The complete lack of emotion on her face is crazy.
what am i suppose to do with my small dick?
I'm afraid they dont make normie dildos that size
Jesus what does her asshole look like normally?
your mom
the lack of emotion on her face is due to the uncut amsterdam kush she gets directly from her thug bf
like I said, you probably wouldnt know
she is hot tho. if u saw her on the street u would have no clue
true actually cute in the face most girls you see do these type of things are beat
It's a living
She likes it I guess
That’s her number, she’s doing text give give aways. First to text gets her panties.
>never uses the horse cock dildo
>never uses the doggy dildo
>only uses trash tier xenomorph ugly as fuck dildos
>meet her on the street
>somehow land a hookup
>she shows her her dildo collection and uses some
okay user now your turn
>bustin nuttin everywhere
why would you panic? maybe o shit she is freaky then go into like anything else expect nothing never be disappointed
>fucking problem
looks like you answered your own question
maybe they feel the best?
.... what?
daddy must be proud
real animals dildos are forbidden on Chaturbate
any videos of her actually cumming ?
wow, high standards.
eh, who cares, she probably orgasms here and there when she's streams literally all day
yeah i guess it's akin to bestiality, which is illegal in most countries
fisting is forbidden too, it sucks
i am just saying sure its cool her shoving pretend dicks in her ass but an actual orgasm would be nice not those fake ones
at this point it's not even about cumming anymore, the sensations are intense enough to put you in a trance
bs fisting is illegal
true but surely she would need to twiddle the twot when her shit pipe is occupied by a toy ?
obviusly anal isnt her problem
I think in the UK it is
she's also not allowed to insert anything that isnt a toy, like a pen or phone
>no homo
Found the homo
your turn with the dildo*
that makes sense in terms of idiots trying it because she does it but if you are that stupid its your fault
if she was involved sure
Fuck already ruined
At what age can girls have anal orgasms?
*her dildos
*in your ass
no more vids?
oh dont worry
this was at some kind of event? with people walking around and stuff with posters. anyway, garden gnome in the ass
Just fuck her right in the pussy
Das boot
thank god
I also made this and have a few more if anyone wants
its a forward reverse loop obviously
This is the anal queen all women need to take a lesson from
how do you call these mucousy strings?
pic unrelated
Wow looks actually fine
yeah ns, people walk past her everyday and have no clue her asshole is 6 inches wide
remember the first time you saw the goatse and found it gross as fuck and downright puzzling, and here we are 15 years later jerking it to prolapse porn
now is there no more???
That she’s outside of the kitchen.
nah its fucked
anus can only stretch 12cm, beyond that is irreparable damage
not the guy you replied to but what industrial strength lube is this?
A damn good movie
That looks like way less than 12 cm. We're talking diameter, right?
i saw her boyfriend once, he's like a 50-year old junkie. meth or something. her sticking stuff up her ass is pretty much the extent of her appeal. she's a total bore. she found a niche and that niche will eventually lead to her selling her asshole as public parking.
nah man, see that stan xl? 5 inch diameter (12.7cm). that said you really shouldnt be stretching further than about 7cm as thats where most complications arise
I did not need this boner before calling my gramma.
>as thats where most complications arise
care to elaborate? asking for a friend
a lot of anal doctors here
...trips of truth?
colon regular width. also just a fun fact most of the testing for this stuff is done on guinea pigs, so many have had their anus' stretched to extreme sizes
Sorry for Reddit, but here's her answer:
surely this isn't healthy at all? Having something that large that deep must have the potential to cause some serious damage.
Remember that one guy one horse thing, the horse cock ruptured his intestines and he died.
>many have had their anus' stretched to extreme sizes
Fuckin' pics or it didn't happen
Is it a prolapse if the rectal walls never goes out of the anus? Isn't it more like a "no cavity gape" then?
I do.
>I don’t use the big red plug because chaturbate doesn’t allow it, it’s to wide in diameter
well shit there's even a size limit on Chaturbate
what's next? they demonetize you if you curse?
I don't hate anal, but I'd rather see them doing that with their pussy.
recent sexplanations video. does anal cause prolapse?
I need to know how she preps for these vids...
My guess is that she spends an entire week of only eating metamucil and liquids, then nothing at all the day before
>what industrial strength lube is this?
You can also buy it stored dry. "J-lube".
It is fine for a foot massage but for sex I would always use coconut oil instead (more healthy).
she loves ass yoga
if youve got edu email researchgate.net
i cant remember the site i used to use for this shit
lol no
oh look the anal avenger is here
sup loser
>picture of her asshole circa 2004
In my head I read this in the Flintstone's pterodactyl record player voice.
What lube is more safe for anal sex than coconut oil?
Plastic based shit that makes strings sure as hell isn't.
why isnt it safe is my question, in what ways is coconut oil safer?
what are you talking about?
Yes it is. It's just a lesser form of prolapse
>why isnt it safe is my question
It is liquid PLASTIC.
Read the warning.
>in what ways is coconut oil safer
You can eat coconut oil, you will get fat if you keep doing it but it is safe.
That means you've torn through your bowels and are now in your stomach cavity. Your problem isnt going to be the small quantities of whatever lube leaking into it, you are going to need immediate medical attention regardless of what you were using.
Also, where does this idea of it being 'liquid plastic' come from?
oh no! you know anything in the peritoneal cavity is going to cause ilness, and anything being able to enter it is what leads to death, not the jlube itself
from a lubricant standpoint thats not very convincing, if anything that means the chance of a pathogen entering . im not argueing coconut oil to be unsafe, im saying its equal or less safe than jlube, which is more likely to besterile when prepared correctly
>liquid plastic
well that is one of its ingredients but its not like theres only one plastic type
Crystal meth...gets them all anal hungry as you can see
she'd be a sweet girl if it wasnt for the whoring, pretty thicc potential too
She had to have been sexually abused growing up. That's insane
>whats her fucking problem
im rolling
I'd like to see her take a large horse dildo all the way that would be hot
Love her in glasses
She can play with her toys, ill play with her feet
>all day
does she really do it every day? what a life
Dont know why, but this makes me rock hard
yeah there's periods where she does it several hours everyday, then she takes a break for a few weeks
during these breaks she probably goes in sex clubs to get fisted to the elbow
anal really is addictive, talking from experience
any good vids of her riding something not retarded looking?