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But it’s a pro stand!

Why the hell would anyone buy this STAND when they could buy a 55”OLED panel with the same amount of money?

because they are massive faggots?

fuck they know how do get money from idiots

You could buy a new GPU, CPU and board with that.

That company has perfected appealing to the unwarranted arrogance and nonexistant but imagined elitism of homosexual people.

>earpod fags
>apple watch fags

you really have to admire their abillity to sell much overprized shit

fkin poetry there

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They keep making them because people keep buying them.

Can't blame them.

this is the third prostand thread i saw today. what the heck is this thing even and why do you faggots care about this crap, if it's just such awful crap?

Because Apple is selling an adjustable monitor stand for 1000 bucks and it almost feels like a social study to prove humanity is stupid?

so hwat? why do you give a shit about that?

Imagine having the balls to come on that podium in front of that

Imagine the nerve to ask the audience to cough up $1000 for a stand. Just a stand.

It's made of vibranium way underpriced!

it's just mesmerizing to watch

Meanwhile you just seem interested in people being interested, which is much less interesting

Stay safe breh

It probably is a social study, honestly. Next up is the Apple Computer Chair Pro™, yours for $10,000. (your kids don't need a college fund, amirite? buy buy buy!)

I honestly went looking REALLY hard the other day for a legitimate reason for the price tag, and the closest thing to actual justification ended one article by saying "it holds up a $5000 monitor". Which is fucking retarded because a few cuts to a piece of angle iron from Home Depot bolted together can hold up my entire bodyweight and costs literally 1% of the Pro Stand. Other articles mentioned that the display lets you rotate to portrait mode which, news flash to Applefags, has been available to anyone buying a non-Apple monitor for like a decade. In the description of the stand, which does more defense than any pathetic fanboy article, it says that it lets you effortlessly move the monitor which is, apparently, heavy. All that means is that they're using a proper gearing and sizing tolerance system within the stand. Sorry to burst your bubble Apple but that doesn't mean you deserve a medal in the form of a mountain of cash from your alarmingly devoted fans, it just means you actually built it correctly. Congrats. God I fucking hate Apple, they just keep getting worse and worse.

Is it possible to sabotage... oh it's already fucked up nvm.

Listen, you fucks!
It's pricey cause sheeple do not like buying cheap products.
Sheeple love to pay the premium and Apple Pie loves taking advantage of that right now.
Strike while the iron is hot they'll say.

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i got interested in ponies after seeing them 24/7 on Yea Forums. so, yeah, stop posting the crap and people will stop asking you questions.

youve perfected the art of over-complicating your sentences to make them sound smarter than they are

surely the people buying this (1) don't have any kids or (2) are so rich that $999 is a trifling amount to pay

It encapsulates something i thought for years but failed to find the words for perfectly.

Did you just call me a mac user? Watch it, buddy.
Anyway, you have 5 minutes to reduce it or you're a butthurt homo.

When yang wins, you get one of these a month.

Because it’s a Pro™ stand!

The 5 minutes are over. You're a butthurt homo now, which actually changes nothing for you, so good game all around.

Fuck off faggot go suck Steve Jobs rotten dick you dick riding faggot

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?


There better be a fucking mac mini inside of the stand for 1k

So...I know a lot of people are like "hurr durr Apple doesn't know how to sell a stand" but you do realize that they're not marketing this to the average consumer right? These machines are for professional sectors where companies can afford this kind of shit and need to throw thousands on a powerhouse.

If you are in a finance department or whatever and throw a grand at a fucking stand you should be fired for wasting company resources

Powerhouse stand for a 'powerhouse' monitor linked to an 8k 'powerhouse' computer, that does nothing more that a nice 3 grand CAD workstation does?

You are a fool

Fucking this

T. Poorfag

Man, I've been wanting a monitor arm for a while but I'm not willing to shell the ~$70 yet. But damn Apple claims this thing can HOLD A MONITOR!? Fuck who gives a shit about articulate arms, I'll just dump 1k on this thing.

I would literally kill for $999

I'd kill you for $999 and then I'd buy a really cool monitor stand.

The most heinous serial killer is a homeless old man who got caught recently from a homeless shelter. How much lower do you want to go?

wrong, i painted the picture of possibilities for others.
Regular upgrades are easily in the 1200-1600€ range.