I hate thinking about how people and everything pees and poops its disugsting

i hate thinking about how people and everything pees and poops its disugsting

Attached: tumblr_n7oxl6iiWb1ttdkobo1_400.gif (320x239, 944K)

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is that why u r shuckl

Just don’t pee or poop

the fake suebi as known as mfw

nope u got that one wrong, I'm actually this guy u got the konata threade right tho

thanks for letting me know idiot

np but whats the name calling for

who cares

im the guy who hates pee and poop(op)

apparently someone here cares enough to post my namefig in every thread he thinks i made and then get mad when hes wrong :-)

Its gross

the classic "you replied so clearly you care"

Attached: 4chan jail.jpg (285x248, 36K)

well yes, that is in fact how it works

why are you turning my pee and poop hate thread into thsi crap..

not really
stop samefagging

Attached: Screenshot_20190727-083420.png (2048x1450, 540K)

cool proof idiot

Attached: stinky poopy haha.png (194x113, 6K)

you people are crazy. i talk about pee and poop and your instinct is to think im someone else. Get lost

>posted less than a minute after yours
>mobile interface
One minute isn't enough time to transfer the screenshot to a PC and edit it. Editing tools available for phones, meanwhile, lack the necessary precision.
Cool proof indeed.


Attached: tenor (1).gif (200x200, 470K)

you're dragging this out too long! shush! you're ruining the psyop!

Attached: smack.png (352x516, 124K)

Good. I don't appreciate it when people try to tell me I posted a thread I didn't, so that's one psy op I'm glad to ruin.

i don't think you understand the depth of the psychological warfare at play
a psyop is never "ruined", it is diverted

saved MY thread for posterity

Attached: screencapture-boards-4chan-org-s4s-thread-8016827-2019-07-27-11_46_41.png (1104x2847, 522K)

it's a pretty great thread though it drags on for too long at times


Ok sure. I'm a decent person and have a bright future ahead of me that doesn't involve [s4s] so I hope you enjoy taking the bad reputation I made for myself here and perpetuating it for as long as you like among these people who will never again affect my life in any way about a year and a half from now.

that's great i never doubted that but if you're gonna make an ass out of yourself here someone is inevitably gonna point it out

Yeah except I don't make an ass of myself here anymore, my reputation is just so bad that people see other people making asses of themselves and assume it's me.

And -- I forgot to add this part -- frankly I'm starting to think they might be mistaking my identity on purpose. Hence what I said earlier at 8016890

you still make stinky poop fetish posts
now you're getting it

>you still make stinky poop fetish posts
No, I don't. You, as you just blatantly admitted, are pretending to think I do. That's fine, though, since, like I said, in about a year and a half it won't affect me in any way.

well you were doing it pretty fucking recently
not to mention that it's really easy to fake another identity on [s4s]

>well you were doing it pretty fucking recently
No I wasn't. I did post a pretty disgusting reply to a thread recently (a few weeks ago), but it had nothing to do with shit, and also, that was the only time.