So last night i’ve taken a random picture of my birds for no reason, only to find something standing on the door threshold behind the water dispenser i just looked at the pictures today and it honestly gives me the creeps
So last night i’ve taken a random picture of my birds for no reason...
I think this pic shows it more clearly.
u ded nigga
I cant see shit op
face, behind the jug on the water cooler, probably a picture on the wall or something else gay.
Nigga that’s momo
ooOOooOh sHIT
it's a GHOST
Its the door to my bedroom it aint a picture nig
I enjoy paranormal speculation, but taking a picture randomly of the birds for no reason? I don't buy it...
Just looks like your girlfriend or sister is standing there, and thats probably their bag with their hairbrush next to the birds.
For those who can't see clearly
And OP, take another picture now from the same angle with better lighting so we can see what it normally looks like
There ya go
Not sure why it got flipped like that
It was your m8 faggot
Maybe the ghost is angery because you're a degenerate phone poster who can't rotate a photo
Not sure though. Ever noticed anything strange before now?
Whatever fagg
it flipped because your in the presents of zozo
Wtf, I downloaded that, rotated it, and reuploaded it and it turned sideways again.
okay, you have a real ghost lol
Perhaps that. But no even though im a huge believer in the paranormal but prior to this i’ve had no weird or paranormal experiences what so ever
??? ok
I think it's a shadow cast by that black cable.
Take another photo with the shit lighting you had in your first photo.
My friends are deep into that kinda stuff. So I bought a ouija board to have fun with them one weekend. The very first time they used the board, they got contacted by "zozo"
I don't even buy into all that and it creeped me out a little.
Did you take the photo with an iphone, if so is it a live photo you can watch the second before and after its taken. As well as edit it as if it were raw to increase light
I’ll take a closer shot
Delete this thread and the photos. He’s fishing and once’s you get hooked it’s hard to get out
Let me try again. This time I rotated it in photoshop and saved a new copy.
have fun with zozo retatd
Oh sorry. Should have mentioned, I'm not OP.
Well OP basically your fucking gay and you had ur cutie gf stand in there, which I would like to ask for nudes or your thread is gonna die
Also read
Check your attic/sheds/basement could be someone living in your house and you not knowing happens a lot
Whatever mate, just stay in ur mum’s basement
it's not consistent though. Turn the lights off and put the tissue box back,
Well this is really for anyone if you actually see some weird shit don’t fuck around with it. Demons fish for weak people
My apartment is rather small i dont have a basement nor an attic and it is a rather safe neighborhood
repost of
but with 0.12 extra MB of data
This is a weird thread man.
And there it is again. What's the deal here?
fucking retard, delete the thread too?
Demons can use Yea Forums?
What would they do exactly? Like I said, I don't buy into all that stuff. And I don't feel any different since that night. We even did it in my bedroom. Haven't seen or felt anything strange since then.
No lights and tissue box back
This would be creepy if anything in the image actually changed.
What does that even have to do with anything ?
Your not gonna get out of sending her nudes also it's pretty obvious that's a woman standing there so I mean if your not a faggot LARPER which you are then your fucked because obviously your not saved by the lord jesus christ and obviously you want to mess with the things IE oujia board.
Also this
Also post a pic with the lights off again I wanna see because I mean pretty obvious if something was there just take a another dark picture and oh OP.... I hope this "ghost" fucking holds u down and rapes you when it gets ya
Offering for your ghost
Yo the original picture is way darker you nigger turn off the same lights replicate it properly.
Holy shit if your gonna LARP at least try?
why the fuck do you own a water dispenser
OP didn't even mention the ouija board, I did.
To dispense water, faggot.
There are plenty of pics of the hall way i aint gonna post em again. And yes i have messed with a ouija board before but it was almost 2 years ago and it didnt really work tbh
it's day time you faggot isn't it obvious
Some people only drink bottle water, some people can't afford a fridge with a water dispenser, there's plenty of reasons.
You've really never seen one in someone's house before?
how about tap water? Oh, you probably live in a country that can't take care of their people
Still doesnt prove me wrong OP is a Nigger LARPER
Nigga it was at night time as i stated in the beginning.
No. Everyone drinks tap water where I live.
You need to put more perches and shit in there for the birbs to play with asshole. They look like they are dying of boredom. Bet they summoned the demon ghost to fuck you up
No you faggot water dispensing fsggot it's barely 6 am over here and barely daylight you know what I hope the ghost fucks u raw hoe
Personally I cannot imagine life having to go to the kitchen and pour water from a bottle, or drink calcium, rust, chloride stinky tap water that isn't even cold. Oh, did I say that it smells bad too?
It has hot water too.
Your house is a fucking shithole
Lighten the photo you lying chink.
Huh. I live in NorCal. The tap water is safe around here, but it's loaded up with a shitload of minerals, and you can kinda taste it. So the wimpy people all stick to bottled.
Dont worry im sure they are in better shape than you are. They are well taken care of
Nigger faggot dinglsberry assed josh thinks America is the only country in the world.
Go wash your ass now.
Weird stuff starts happening and your life will slowly rot and yes I know they can’t use Yea Forums but once your buy into your not getting out
So you tried to take a picture of your birds by standing 7 feet away from the cage so that the birds only take up 20% of the frame and captures the doorway where your girl or sister is standing? There was a time when hoaxes atleast tried to be convincing.
said minerals make your tea taste like crap.
Well i cant deny it. My father owned it since 1985 its rather old but hey it gets the job done
Tap water is drinkable but i’d rather not drink it as it has a weird chloric taste to it
Huh, so why haven't I experienced anything yet? They supposedly were contacted by zozo, and it was in my bedroom. I haven't done anything to protect this place spiritually or anything.
And my life is actually kinda getting better these days
I say shit like this on the internet to people all the time, and I live in a run-down singlewide trailer.
Supposedly if you boil it for a minute or so, that goes away. The stuff here doesn't really have that issue, but it sounds like it's not worth the effort anyway.
Yeah the whole zozo thing in my opinon is just a fuckin joke why do people even believe it?
America is the only REAL, true and best country yes you right third world euro fag, why dont u share some of that crack your smoking with the ghost nigger
Exactly, and its actually convenient to have a water dispenser. You got cold water and hot water instantly so why not?
Really? I've always made my tea with tap. I'll have to try filtered. Maybe I'm about to enter into a whole new world of amazing tea.
I only drink earl grey though.
Did you wash your dingleberries off yet?
Best country in the world? Give me a break, you're the country with the most niggers and Jews in the world. And all of you walk around with shit sticking in your asses. Disgusting TRASH! Hairless monkeys!
>instant hot water
I admit, that would be kinda nice. I have cold water from the fridge dispenser, but hot water I always have to wait for the kettle or a pot to boil.
Hey the dingleberries aren't so bad when you get used to them. You can play with them when you get bored.
You do realize that american people are mostly made of the euro fags you speak of. There was only the native ones until the euro people came and started fucking them to make you. Fag
Try it with bottled water. Water dispensers essentials are bottled water.
Alternatively, you can get that multi layered filter with various levels and minerals to filter.
Idk. My friends do though. They genuinely believe that's who was there that night. They both freaked out and went straight to goodbye as soon as the name got spelled out.
I'm still convinced it's just ideomotor response.
Essentially are*
What's this about zozo and why is the name very familiar?
I have an RO filter on my fridge, I'll use that.
well done your scared of your own reflection
He's supposedly a demon that likes to communicate through spirit boards. It's a very wide spread phenomenon, and supposedly, even people who have never heard the legends sometimes encounter it.
Zozo is supposedly a demon that can be contacted via the ouija board, you’re supposed to chant its name 3 times for it to be summoned. You can just search it on youtube there’s no shortage of videos about it
>chant its name three times
This is just something that happens in all urban legends involving ghosts. My friends and I didn't do that, and we got the "Z-O-Z-O-Z-O-Z-O-Z-O-Z-O-Z-O" to happen. It kept going back and forth until we asked another question.
Oh these work nice!
Thanks for the nostalgia haven't seen one since I was home.
Yeah i had a similar experience, it just spelled Z O Z O then it asked us to close our eyes and when we did, the planchette traveled to the middel of the board and started going in a circular motion i kinda got creeped out and when i opened my eyes it immediately went to the NO mark.
Once you use the dispenser you cant let it go
Nice :)
Hmm. My friends just went to goodbye almost immediately. Then later we tried again, and it said it was evil and wanted blood. We asked whose blood and it named one of the people sitting there. It said it knew him for more than 10 years.
Weird stuff for sure.
Weird indeed, though the only reason that makes the ouija board a skeptical worthy tool is because it only “works” with more than 1 person which would always create a doubt between the two or more players that one must be moving the planchette. It do find it interesting though