General Brisbane Thread

General Brisbane Thread.
Hit me with what you got Yea Forums

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>There for a week.
>Was a passenger in my friends car stopped at a traffic light.
>got a knock on the window
>was a cop signalling me to wind down the window so he could talk
>said i didn't have a seat belt on and gave me and the driver a $300 fine.
>cheers cunt

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Any nudes?


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South Brisbane here.
Lost a library of nudes that i had been curating for over a decade in the great blue screen of 2018.

Why didn't didn't i back my files up.. WHY!

Them titties though.

There's a mega. Saw it earlier, so just go looking.

wish i had a copy of that Patrick Cook cartoon. typical Queensland cop holding a giant pencil with eraser, standing next to a 40 gallon drum full of tits, and a line of women with their tits erased and a sign "Welcome to Queensland"

Augustus should have backed his fucking legions up to a fucking thumbdrive, shouldn't he?

maybe one day Claudius will recover them.

I'm so glad you got that reference.
my night is complete

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... so.. your files were stolen by a bunch of German hooligans?

> stay out of the Teutoberger forest i told you bro

Drop it like its hot bruh.

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Californian rapscallions more specifically, my NVIDIA GFX Card fried and it was all down hill from there.


Seeing alot of under the breast tattoos lately.
Kinda can ruin the image of them fun sacks.

beautiful one day flooded ol shithole the next

It's definitely the new tramp stamp.

Um... yeah.. what does one doe with this sequence of numbers.

Everyday is a school day right?

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stuck in Nz token away from Brisbane please help me.. (also here's a nice picture)

Is this a Mega link or something?
I R Idiot


mega dot nz forwardslash xxxxxxxxx

hundreds of WHOores and i don't know a single one of them.

that's how it usually goes. sad as fuck!

You mean the world to me

yeah nah yeah nah no worries aye bruh

Lived there for 5 months. Longest 10 years of my life.

Not a Fan?
If so, whys that? We have um.. a giant Ferris wheel and um.. shops and ahh stuff.. you know.

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how do i access this

observe below.
It's an old file though, i remember seeing some of these names a few years back.

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Mayne, only way your going to get nudes of a women you know is..

A. Seduce her and receive them directly.
B. Learn to hack social media accounts.


In need of a Melb file like this tbh. Nice work anyhow

Why's the link been disabled??

works for me.

Doesnt work for me either

hmm strange, i was just on it.
Now it is disabled.

No idea.

My daughters nudes are on that mega i have been trying to get it for ages

yeah true.
name? i'll race ya

Id rather not put myself in the position of someone getting back to my daughter

2 smrt 4 me.

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melbournefag reporting in

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Id like to return to brisbane in a lancaster bomber loaded with horse shit - Billy Connolly

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Nice. Kik?

oof why is link disabled?