I know it's not /fit/, but are any anons trying to get in shape? What's your story, progressive, struggles, etc?

I know it's not /fit/, but are any anons trying to get in shape? What's your story, progressive, struggles, etc?

I'm really fat so I thought I'd try keto and calisthenics over the summer before Fall semester starts.

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Yeah, that dosent work like that. Your first problem.

Cut the crap food, start doing push ups. Go for 100 a day, do as much as you can until you hit a day when you hit 100. With 100 a day and crap food cutted, in 6 months youll see progress.

In one year i lost 40 killos, after i hitted 100 pushups i started doing pull ups, sam as push ups, how much you can until you can more...

Don’t listen to this idiot and just go to /fit/ you retard.

Hey fat Yea Forumsro

I’m doing the same thing! After twenty years of junk I’ve flipped it all around. I made a few simple changes to my life, such as making better food choices, quitting smoking, taking up a sport, etc... so far I went from 150kg and a 50 inch waist to 127kg with 42 inch waist. Still fat as fuck but no insult can put me down. I feel like the tallest man in the world when I’ve done a sick gym session.

The key I feel is to make changes to your life. It sounds simple and stupid I know, but as a man, you have to set a line, make a decision, and get on with it. Just make better choices.

I’ve found that when I’ve made a positive choice, it always cycles into more and more positive choices. Life gets exponentially better because all sorts of good hormones are being released around my body.

Honestly I’ve been on and off trying to get fit my whole life but I kind of turned it around after reading Jordan Peterson’s book.

I cut my drinking from almost every night to 1-2 nights a week, I exercise pretty much every day, and I only eat fast food once a week. Lost about 50 pounds.

Oh and wlking an running, buy a dog, walk him two times a day for hour and a half. Youll be fit.

My initial goal was to be able to eat like garbage and still not be fat. Worked out for a while then more alcohol and old age started to catch up.

Been working out 10+ years 5 days a week an hour a day. Before getting into my routine I failed to start multiple times. My best advice is to not do the same thing every day, it gets boring. Get some workout plans down for each day. Start with 3 days a week. Helps a lot if you know people who work out too.

Ultimately it is 80% diet and 20% routine. You can tilt the numbers a bit if you do a ton of cardio... But really cut out soda and other glaring issues to your health and it will go a long way. Reduce portion sizes.

i just go to the gym whenever I have free time really. keeps you from eating shit when you aren't hungry and a good healthy meal after the gym is always a good idea

Be honest about what your failings are.

For me, I overeat carbs plus I way overeat sugar. It’s a miracle I don’t have diabetes. I cut that shit out and it’s made my life exponentially better.

What doesn't work which way?

Keto makes my body burn fat before anything else, calisthenics like pushups help develop my pecs and thus getting rid of my man tits. I'll eventually move on to more things because I would have trained myself to work out, but my goal is just for late August

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Push up do fuck all you could do 1000 a day and not see much imrovement

So far best thing for losing weight for me has been stress and misery.

Dropped 100 pounds in 8 months after finding out my Dad had a second family on the low, and after my mom took out a high interest loan to hire a lawyer to divorce her, even though it was a simple divorce .

Still miserable, still stressed, hopefully I'll be 200 pounds come December.

Get high metabilism and you can eat whatever you want and not get fat simple

Horrible troll, better luck next time

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How long tho?

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newly rich-fag here and when shit finally started going my way I went to did everything short of surgery to cut the fat. Dr, dietician, personal trainer, physio etc. and so far i've been doing well, but they all say this

>cut the bad food
>cook as much at home as you can/stop packet-bought food
>add that little extra to the physical work you do already e.g. if you walk a dog, try going out for an hour instead of 30 minutes a day
>simply things like sit-ups/push ups/squats, things you can do at home at no extra cost to you except weight loss
>if you can afford it a gym membership and PT can help but CERTAINLY not required
>actively cut back on sugar
>actively cut back on salt

it's cliche but it really is a lifestyle change, not just a food/exercise one

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3 inches erect

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Running is the easiest way to get in shape for me.

Yeah I definitely need to cut soda and shit but that's all I have at my house. I'll work around it tho

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Used to be bad about carbs (soda pop, sugary snacks, microwave dinners ~60g carbs each). Probably upwards of 300g of carbs per day. Switched to lunchmeat sandwiches on rye, maybe 60g of carbs per day. I've lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks.

highly recommended

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All advice so far good..if in time you can cut out following youll see dramatic results -
Fast food
Anything fried

If youre working out as well and waint to gain, 2500+cals a day is good, otherwise try to stay lower and avoid carbohydrate rich foods
Sidebit, i carry a gallon jug with water at all times and drink 2-3 a day in place of other things...it helps. Have had great results over 15 years despite being a heavy drinker, but still with that am holding up well

I lost 95 lbs in 1 year by doing keto and did not excersize.
Drank only water and 6-8 shots of vodka a day (I drink - if you do no beer - only liquor)
You just have to stay strict and follow your macros. I recomend a scale and myfitness pal to help you track, atleast in the beginning before you can eyeball it.

This. 6 month 1 hour cyclette everyday should do it

Forgot to mention when I stay strict I mean never go above 20 net carbs in a day. Get ketone test strips to make sure youre not fuckin up

Drink tap water

SSS Is really weird for me
sometimes she's a 5 and sometimes she's a solid 9 for me.

Fuck keto, workout and eat healthy. Your diet shouldn't be to lose weight, it should be healthy for the rest of your life.

I started lifting and getting fit in high school because my gf was disabled (paraplegic) and I could barely lift her or carry her.

I'm not down to go to a gym. I'm all fat and shit. And people who say "don't worry bro, nobody will notice you, just do you thing, have confidence" have obviously forgotten what it feels like to be fat

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I might have diabetes unfortunately I drank a double gulp from 7-11 every day for years in my teens

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Push-ups work much better when you're fat than when you're already lean

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Kek at your optimism. But WTF that's crazy. Having one family is hard enough but like how do you hide a whole nother one? I'd imagine if one doesn't find out about the other early on, then what you're better off doing is hoping they never find out

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fruit juice is also loaded with sugar, avoid that too

How do I get a higher metabolism?

What is a cyclette

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Thanks for believing user. But just remember, money is a reflection of our deepest, darkest flaw: greed! And I forget the rest of the quote

I'll eat sandwiches every day if it's really that easy

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Thanks for the loads of advice, will try to do all of this

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Keto seems like my best option right now but it's so complicated, at least to me. My best bet is to buy all my food, which would be expensive but I would know exactly what I'm getting and how much, because I can't cook for shit

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Self sacrifice in a way. Very Noble of you.

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Thanks. It wasn't all selfless though, it made sex in the shower a lot easier.

i got my money from a dead relative who i was surprised to find out hated his other half of the family, left nearly everything to me. i've never been poor but i was always taught the value of money and investment. all the money did was allow me to be a little more frivolous with health matters

you're right though, money is the root of all evil, tore my extended family apart

>mfw I'm antisocial towards my family and they're all pissed at me now

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>tfw don't have a pool to swim in

seriously, give me a pool and some kind of videoprojector to multitask and i'll probably spend a good 75% of my time getting stronger

Depending on how unfit you are going straight into a heavy fitness routine may end up causing you more damage than fixing. Basically for weightloss, just work out how much energy you need to stay alive and eat less than that. Even slightly less will trim you down.

Next, setup a realistic training routine. I've seen guys achieve good results on Youtube starting off with the One Punch Man routine over a few months of slowly building up to it.
>100 pushups
>100 situps
>100 squats
>10km run
>per day
Maybe start with like sets of 10, then the next day, 11 etc. Eventually this will become too easy though.

>that doesn't work like that
>proceeds to describe the exact same thing

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10km run sounds like a good way to destroy your legs

It's not so hard, you can do 2km bursts and it takes about an hour overall.

start taking a shot of coconut oil everyday, if you can force your self to do that keeping a healthy routine should be easy. You will feel like eating healthy and quitting unhealthy habbits, not to mention energy level increase better digestion and whiter teeth. Look it up if you're sceptical.

I lost about 10lb (about 4.5kg) a week just by altering my diet. I was pretty obese though, and it was a hardcore change. Two chicken breasts per day, one head of broccoli, and a few slices of cheese. Probably close to 500 calories total.

I had some really crazy stressful stuff going on, so it wasn't even a choice. I just didn't have time or the will to eat like I usually did. Eventually I got used to eating very little, and I lost almost 200lbs (90kg) in about 6 months.

First, Keto is a fad diet.
Ketosis is a normal body function, turning fat into energy when you have no sugar in your blood stream.
Sure, carbs turns into sugar... but you know what else can turn into sugar?
It's called gluconeogenesis. Keto fags are fags for a reason, just sucking each other's dicks.

Eat less, move more, it's pretty simple.
Take your weight, add a zero to the end of it, that's how much calories you burn by just being alive. (300lbs = 3,000 calories for basic biological functions)
A pound of fat is 3,500 calories.

3 super critical tips for weight loss
-Stop eating premade food. Not just chips and soda, but cook your own food, at least 2 meals a day.
-water. Learn to fucking love it. Regular water keeps your body weight normal. If your body doesn't get enough water, it will store water. You can lose/gain 3-5lb per day depending on how much water you have. Your body wont store water if you're getting enough of it... consistently
Go to fucking bed for 8 hours. Your body burns a lot of calories as you sleep, it keeps your body regular, and a bunch of other great shit.

Just look at what they do in military basic training. Forced regularly hand prepared meals, forced water intake, and forced sleeping schedule. Turns anyone into a sex god in under 3 months.

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