LGBT and pride STILL important... the fight goes on

LGBT and pride STILL important... the fight goes on
Its time to stand up Yea Forums

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Hunting faggosexuals is a time-honored tradition, and we need to keep the fires going.

we will always be ourselves, beat us as much as you like, we will still be the same, it won't change, we are proud to be gay

So we have your permission to beat gays. Good, I think I can live with that

beat my meat instead

People get hit sometimes.

I'm for equal rights, but I'm not for a caste system, so by my own judgement, equal rights were achieved like 8 years ago. Gay people might still deal with the general apathy or revulsion of common people, but what they desire is to be untouchable. To be above criticism. To be respected not in spite of their lifestyle, but because of it. And I refuse. I find them and their lifestyle kind of gross. I'm not gonna attack them for it, but if I have criticism about buttsex or the "character" that many homosexuals adopt as a personality affectation, or find the gay pride parade inappropriately sexual, and therefore degenerate and largely disgusting, I'm gonna think you're a fucking idiot for calling me a bigot, and push back when you try to shove the cock of "diversity and inclusiveness" down my throat.

>the fight goes on to hump man ass
Keep it to your fucking selves then. It's never not going to be weird. It's never going to be accepted as normal. And it's absolutely never going to be granted superiority.

are these straight people that got fucked up by gays after making offensive comments about them? i dont really understand the wording of the captions

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Did these people just sit there and get punched in the face, or did they punch, and get punched back? Straight people would get their faces fucked up with the swung od a fist at a group of punks. It's not like we are exempt from being knocked out for stepping too far. Stop victimizing idiots.

the dude who gets mugged on the street is just being himself
the girl who gets kidnapped and sold into slavery is just being herself
the fuck do you mean cunt
bad people do bad things are you this fucking gay you cant see that

Thanks Jordan

>Being this gay

nice post faggot go get lynched

I agree with you 100 percent. That have laws for them rights, but its not enough. They want to be championed for the shit thy day. Fuck that. Its how you know its not about ANY of the shit they say it is on the surface.

As normie as this pic is, it's 100% true.

You're a bigot because you consider other people's lives any of your business.

Fuck off dude

>Celebrating degenerate unproductive disease spreading fetishes that consume entire lives
Homosexuality is never something to be celebrated.

I didn't realize people were still this stupid.

Go on, tell me how celebration of something objectively bad is good.
Keep in mind, I didn't say we should demonize it.

"Hey, maybe don't shout nigger in public."
"Hey, maybe don't masturbate in a public space."
"Hey, maybe don't try to indoctrinate my kids into adopting an ideology that I find destructive."

Yeah, fuck you.

>objectively bad

Jesus, it's worse than I thought.

What happened to the school system?

Let's take away all the realities of undeniable harm the homosexual lifestyle has.

The fact of the matter is non-childbearing relationships are a net negative.
It's not something to celebrate. Celebrating hetero couples and children is a net positive.

Yes, conservatives are bad, I agree.

Good god, I hope they don't let you operate vehicles or heavy machinery.

Not an argument.
Go on. List a positive of a homosexual relationship.

Degenerates need to burn.

People are free to be in a relationship with any consenting adult they please and it's none of anyone's god damned business?

Positives/negatives have nothing to do with it you moron. Neither you nor I are the arbiter of who the fuck other people want to fuck and live with.

And value systems can't be objective, only descriptors of the physical world can be objective.

Jesus fuck, I shouldn't have to explain this to people.

That's not an argument for celebration of it. In fact, you just made an argument against pride bullshit.
You just played yourself.
Now we see how big of a man you are, can you admit when you were wrong, or are you going to dig your heels and in claim we're disagreeing, when we're not.

>objectively bad
But murder and assault are fine.
>realities of undeniable harm
no lets talk about them.
>non-childbearing relationships are a net negative
You're wrong... take a seat and think about this.
Why hasn't evolution gotten rid of gay behavior?

populations with limited resources (such as islands or arctic nations) tend to have higher numbers of non child bearing "gay" people.
(I say gay in quotes because legit there are island people with trannies that raise the children in their families but its illegal to be gay/have gay sex)

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Pride isn't a celebration just for the lulz you dolt it's a statement that no matter how many times psychopaths assault these people for no reason other than hating them for who they are, they're not going to go away and they're never going to be ashamed and they're not going to change.

Because they shouldn't have to because there's nothing wrong with them.

That's why the slogan is "We're here, we're queer, get used to it".

And clearly since people are still beating them up for it, they still need to remind everyone.

Pride will go away when it is no longer necessary.

On a side note traps are gay and its ok.

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Just because a personality characteristic has some value when minimally expressed doesn't mean it's a positive behavior. It just means it can be useful.

Cruelty, appropriately expressed, is very useful. Excessively expressed is evil.

Sexuality is in the same boat. Appropriately expressed, useful. Excessively expressed, evil.

Homosexuality, under certain circumstances, can be useful. The question becomes, are those circumstances currently manifest in proportion to the amount that homosexuality is expressed? If homosexuality is expressed in excess, what are the consequences?

We don't encourage cruelty, but we temper the ability for it. "Hey, kill that bug." "Let's go hunting/fishing." "Fire that guy." Cruel actions, but objectively useful.

We shouldn't encourage homosexuality. We should make use of it when it manifests under appropriate conditions, and we should of course temper people's ability to have positive relationships with people of the same sex, but in moderation. When that positive relationship turns into 2 social outcasts tongue punching each other's fart box, and getting snooty at people that find it gross, then it's gone from a circumstantial benefit to an indication of corrupted community values.

next you will be rooting for MPD people, since thst is "natural" too.

Just accept you are a mistake of nature

Why is what you find gross relevant in any way.

Why is "usefulness" relevent in any way.

>muh nihilism

Bad argument.

Oh gee you sure refuted me soundly.

If only I'd known it was as simple as "bad argument".

My whole stance has been dismantled.

Common investiture in the culture and community. If you feed people a plate of shit, they're gonna tell you you're feeding them a plate of shit. If you hold a gun to their head about it, you're a tyrant. If you don't make a reasonable effort to minimize the amount of shit you're feeding them, or if you're unsuccessful in making them believe that it's actually fine dining, then you're gonna get social unrest and conflict.

What is gross and what is useful are very important standards for keeping social unrest minimized.


Why tf everyone proud to be gay? I’m bi and honestly i don’t give a fuck, why care for stpuid shit like this?

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An argument of
"Undefined and undefinable" is not an argument.
I'm sorry you're a pseudo intellectual, Mr. Centrist.

ALL the lamenting, twitter whining, marches, hollywood pandering, etc etc doesn't change the 100% FACT that homosexuals are an abomination of nature, a self steralizing anomoly that is trying to be pushed onto normal people because of some sick agenda of making traditional roles somehow the enemy. For 250,000 fucking thousand years procreation between male and female, with their attached roles worked just fine. But now, since you all live pampered, state supported lives, you have nothing better to do but be deviants. Well FUCK that. Your sick, twisted lifestyle is the downfall of all that made civilization great. The only reason you exist at all is because those who provide have allowed you to. You cry and cry, clawing for more and more, at the expense of normalcy, and you call natural roles "toxic" "problematic" and all manner of post-modernist buzzwords. You're all a bunch of fucking freaks and degenerate DISEASE who need to be fucking purged, along with the traitors who subvert society with your sickening perversions. Being gay is a genetic flaw. You are a DEAD end. And you should be sent to the dust bin as such.

Fuck you.

I can’t help it bud, and i’m not apologising for what i am

>community values
I don't believe in objective good and evil.
Gay people pay taxes and have invented some really important things.
They are useful even if they just work at McDonalds and pay into pensions.

I'm married and strait I do not want children.
My wife teaches kids and I'm working to be an engineer. we pay taxes and pay into a pension program.

>Social out casts
>getting snooty
Ah these must be the
>realities of undeniable harm

Frankly moral the corruption of you wanting to control them "for the greater good" is far worse.
As for the being snooty and social out casts that isn't immoral, you just don't like it.

>keeping social unrest
Lets get rid of 1-10% of the of the population because that wont cause civil unrest.

But are they useful BECAUSE they're gay, or in spite of it?

I'm not advocating for their genocide, I'm advocating for telling them to shut the fuck up and keep it to themselves, instead of "muh pride."

how can you have equality with straight people if you have your own day?
If straight people don't need a day then no one else does.

>in b4 cis white male

correlation != causality


>homosexuals are an abomination of nature
>self steralizing anomoly
>Only reason you exist at all is because those who provide have allowed you to
>Being gay is a genetic flaw.
You should just pick an argument.

>state supported lives
> twisted lifestyle
> downfall of all that made civilization great
> fucking freaks and degenerate DISEASE
>You are a DEAD end
>Fuck you.

So you're just sitting at home raged out about gay people?

If you're right that they are a dead end why stress out? it should all pan its self out genetically right?

If you're wrong it should all pan out genetically over time.

Tl;dr Chill the fuck out.

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Difference ofcourse is they don't get raped or mugged BECAUSE they are being themselves.

People should just keep their sexual shit at home.

That said fuck people who cant handle a little pda.

These are the same people who call everybody fascists who disagree with them so people will violently attack/jump them 20 v 1 if they dare disagree with pedophilia ie. "desmond is amazing".

Kill yourselves faggots

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Well, the girl does get kidnapped for being a girl

no one can see that you're gay unless you explicitly show it to them. just like a rich person openly displaying his wealth is more likely to get robbed.
i do agree that as a gay couple, you're probably more likely to get attacked without any other reason than you being gay, but at the same time, you're far more likely to be defended by bystanders and also benefit from the social impact incidents like these obviously have, given that this is all over every media right now. like, i get that it is probably not easy to come out as gay in shitholes like rural texas or uganda, but ffs stop crying

Don't hate!

Cause being straight!

Is great!

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They do indeed desire to be untouchable, in the sense that they desire not to be beaten up for being themselves in public space. If you are for equal rights, you'd condemn the beating, rather than this desire for self expression. You don't, instead you move the goalposts by making up that homosexuals "really" want to be shielded from revulsion.

I don't mind if 2 dudes walk out of a Starbucks holding hands. I don't mind seeing a peck on the lips, even though that's not my jam.

I DO mind if they strut down Main Street wearing leather fetish gear and shouting about how intolerant I am.

I think that if people are being assholes, they should be hit. Gay or straight.

I’m with user, idc if you want to kiss your partner that’s cool but no one wants to see you two dry humping in the middle of the street or at a party, it’s just not necessary

Fine, but then don't pretend to support equal rights. Be a proud bigot, or whatever.

How is being in favor of assholes being punished a form of bigotry?

There are laws for that, and they apply to homosexuals just as much as for heterosexuals.

Have you seen the Gay Pride Parade?

That shit doesn't get enforced.

The only reason you're saying this is because you don't have to be afraid to go out in public for risk of getting the shit kicked out of you because someone hates the color of your skin or sexual orientation. And also because you lack empathy. What is the possible downside to speaking out against racists, sexists, and anti gay assholes? Don't you think that it's probably better to show the youth of the country that is unacceptable to act that way? If not, it'll just continue forever from parent to child. This is how social reform happens. Deal with it.

>A caste system where the highest are the ones with the most oppression points is justice

You're an idiot. If I see a gay guy getting attacked, I'm gonna stand as a witness for when the police come and arrest the guy that attacked him. I'm not gonna take any blows for him, because that's not my fucking problem, but we have systems and laws in place that protect people from arbitrary assault regardless of their sexuality.

But if I see a homosexual PICK a fight and lose, I'm not gonna have any sympathy for him. Just as I won't have any sympathy for a heterosexual that picks a fight and loses.

It does where I live. Some people objected to nudity at the parade, which is illegal according to article430a in the Netherlands. The police investigated it and it turned out they werent nude, just hardly dressed. But so were all heterosexual male tourists.

this picture is bullshit.
i'm not even going to go into why it is.

Yeah cool we are on the same page.

I didn't say anything about them picking fights you dumb shit, I literally said it was about people who just go out in public and don't do anything. That's what this is about, but you either lack empathy to the extent that you're literally incapable of seeing why people are standing up for their fellow human beings, or you're on the gay-bashing side and just showing your true shitty colors and proud of it. Either way, nice work. I'm sure you're a great person to be around, you sound super nice.

Then why did you even comment?

kill all fags and niggers

Do you cringe when you see teenagers crawling all over each other in public too?

Because fuck that shit is gross to me.

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Yeah, and I said if I see them get their shit kicked in while minding their own business, I'll stand as witness. In that instance, their sexuality means nothing to me. Saying "people are attacked for being gay" doesn't garner any extra sympathy points for me, because my behavior in such a situation wouldn't change REGARDLESS of if they were gay or straight or white or black or crippled or any of that. But if I see them being an asshole and they get popped in the mouth, they fucking asked for it.

If you want to be protected from arbitrary assault, CONGRATS! You have equal rights! You are equally protected under the law! You might be unfairly targeted, but you are treated fairly or even MORE than fairly, since the distinction of "hate crime" vastly increases the likelihood of a conviction for the assailant.

Now shut the fuck up and go kiss your husband.

Fucking yes. People need to behave with some fucking dignity and composure. I'm not saying Victorian England levels of propriety, but could we at least remain fully clothed?

Boy you sure do love dancing around and ignoring the entire point of a conversation. Not gonna try a third time. Enjoy your aspbergers.

>Anyone who isn't with us is against us

That's the argument you're making. And it's wrong. There are people that aren't gonna stand beside you and champion your cause, but not attack you. I'm one of them. Victim points mean nothing to me. Sorry not sorry.

That's what you get for being gender obsessed cunts not being able to shut up about it and shoving your whiny shit in every damn discussion even if it has nothing to do with it.
Shut the fuck up and live your life like every other person, instead of dying your hair neon green and screaming "IT'S MA'AM!!!!!!" and "WHITE CIS MALE SCUM" in everyone's face because you had a fucking mental breakdown because they called you a he instead of a she or some other first-world problem bullshit.

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That's not at all what I was saying, but again, not gonna try to explain it a third time. If you're feeling up for it, you can go back and read what I said again, I don't care.


Stfu you nigger faggot. Faggots deserve to get beat the fuck up. With a bat. Brutally. Until they’re dead.

There is a downside- it takes time and effort. I couldn't give less of a shit if I saw someone getting attacked for any reason. If a cop or something asks me to like testify or whatever, I will, but I'm not taking my time to deal with other peoples problems.

Uh shouldn't we all be untouchable? Isn't that how the law works? I wouldn't want to be harrassed or risk getting my ass kicked just because I'm straight.

No. I'm of the opinion that if you're acting like an asshole and you get punched in the face for it, justice was served.

Granted, it's ACTING like an asshole. Deliberate provocation. I'm not gonna advocate for the punching of people that prefer coffee over tea and are being kind of snooty about it. I mean the kind of provocation where they get 2 inches from your face and try to scream in your ears, or blare a megaphone while you're trying to conduct a public dialogue. Those people deserve some knuckles.

Yeah we get that you'd like to frame it all as a case of victim olympics.That way you can still see yourself as the one who truly champions liberty, but it doesn't work like that. Violence is where freedom ends, and that is why a stance against violence comes first and trumps all your conservative sensibilities. This is not a passive but an active position, it's a necessary condition for liberalism, and even more so for libertarians and their Non Agression Principle. If you disagree, fine, but then stop telling yourself you're on the side of liberty.

The dude that gets mugged might either be random or he just looked liked the easiest to mug, the woman is not random at all, you don't just grab any person and sell them into slavery, obviously you want females only and they should preferably be of average or better looks. They are targeted simply because they're women and the market for them is much bigger. Thanks for making me realize how much safer I am just for being born a guy.

I think liberty has already been achieved. Further demonstrations are redundant and annoying, because demonstrations are annoying BY DESIGN. It's "Hey pay attention my plight I'm not going away until you fix this shit!"

Well it's been fixed. An argument can be made that gay people have more rights than straight people. They may be unfairly targeted for harassment, but the question is if they invited it.

If I go to a Red Sox game wearing a Yankees hat, I'm not gonna be too surprised if someone punches me for it. It may not be appropriate behavior, and I might seek restitution, but I'm not gonna be SURPRISED. If I go to a Democrat rally wearing a MAGA hat and I get punched, same exact thing. If you're in the deep south and you're talking about how you're gay, or acting the "media homosexual" personality type (which I firmly believe is a deliberate affectation) and someone punches you for it, why would you be surprised? By all means, seek restitution, but it isn't an indication of something rotten in this country that someone hits you for something you think or say. It's basically normal. Inappropriate, but we have legal systems in place to address that.

Okay but these gay people weren't doing any of that. The women on the top left were a couple and a group of guys saw them and tried to force them to make out with each other, and even started throwing coins(I guess as payment). They refuse so the guys beat the shit out of them and then ran off the bus.

Okay. By all means they should seek legal restitution. I don't have any special sympathy just because of their sexual preference.

Cut to a cell phone video of you getting your ass kicked and robbed and a crowd of people just watching and video taping. The beating finally ends and you start crying and yelling at the 50 people surrounding you that they didn't do anything to help. Or maybe you crash your car and for 40 minutes you try to claw your way out of a concussion and your destroyed car at the same time, all the while countless cars drive past and not a single person calls 911. You eventually flag down a passing police officer before you bleed to death. You're a selfish dickhead with no empathy. Nobody else matters but you bet your ass you expect other people to help you. Get fucked.

Yep. Happens all the time. It's called bystander apathy.

Ok, let's turn the argument around. If a white guy walks around on the street, and some algerian youngsters beat him up ' cause they don't like whites, who do you think should be condemned first. The white dude for not being cautious, or those algerian guys for being violent?

The level you're displaying is actually textbook psychopathy, and if you don't believe me then I encourage you to read about it. I assume the only people who think they genuinely like you only do so because they don't know what a piece of human garbage you are.

I'm not defending the assholes that attacked them, I'm saying seek restitution but shut the fuck up. If the white guy went on the news and complained about racial bias by Algerians, I wouldn't give a fuck. Just sue the pricks that attacked you.

99% of people are susceptible to bystander apathy. The Germans in WWII weren't psychopaths, they were just apathetic. "If something bad were happening, surely someone would deal with it, right?"

Look up the Milgram experiment. People might moan and wail and gnash their teeth, but they will do terrible things, or allow terrible things to happen, without putting up much resistance. And maybe that's bad, and allows injustice to flourish, but it's normal. It's unreasonable to condemn people for that.

You ever hear of the Trolley Problem? An out of control trolley is running down a track. If it continues along its path, it will certainly kill 5 people. But you're in the control room. You can turn a lever, and change the track, and it will hit only one person. Do you switch the track?

The utilitarian argument is to switch the track, because you save more lives that way. But you have to accept PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for the person you deliberately sacrificed. People are relatively even split on what they'd do with the trolley problem. 50% of people would sacrifice, and 50% of people would let nature take it's course. It doesn't matter what justifications they make, all that matters is what they do.

I'm a let the trolley hit 5 people kind of guy.

>you expect other people to help you
When did I say this? I deal with my own shit, mainly by avoiding problems before they start. If I can deal with my own shit, others can as well.

I'm a straight, white, conservative male, and I'm proud of it. Fuck everyone who isn't, (((you))) included.

You make the same mistake again. The point is not condemning racial bias, it's condemning violence.

Yeah, and I'm on that boat. I condemn the violence. But I don't care about their personal identity or why they were attacked, provided they didn't provoke it. We have legal systems in place so that you can get your justice. so you don't need to go on the news and complain about what a victim you are.

Ok, so what's causing the sudden, sharp rise in extinctions? Not saying you're strictly wrong there, but what's your explanation for this?

quit being an annoying faggot

I'm not telling you to switch a trolley track and consciously kill a person, I've presented the question "would you ever in your life even think about lifting a single finger for another human being even if it risks you no harm at all?" and you consistently answer "no" no matter how the question is worded, even though you know damn well that you would expect people to do it for you like in the car crash example. Even just one person out of hundreds, but you keep lying through your teeth saying that you expect everyone to be the exact same selfish prick as you. You're a psychopath. Deal with it or change it, preferably the latter.

Technically speaking, more data is needed. It could be resource scarcity, but that's just an artifact of competing with humans. Just because they lose the competition doesn't mean we need to feel bad about it.

If it's pollution, that's a pretty good justification for changing our ways. We're only recently becoming aware of just how much shit 7 billion people can make, and since resources are limited, we shouldn't be wasteful. I'm on board with reducing pollution.

If the problem is changes in environment or climate, you have to prove that humans are responsible to make people care. And that's actually pretty hard. You can say humans are a major cause of deforestation, but even while we cut down thousands of square miles in south America, and that undoubtedly fucks species there, but it isn't a strong argument about the climate or overall air-purity since there are more trees on the Northern hemisphere than in the entirety of the planet's history. Maybe that fucks with climate, since trees are wind breaks, so the patterns of storms change, and maybe our vast shipping enterprises or terraforming efforts have fucked with ocean currents, but there isn't any appreciable solution to those besides adapting to whatever changes they cause. If the argument is human industry, you have to weigh the bovine emissions and every plane train and automobile against typical volcanic emissions, and volcanoes win by a lot. You could make the argument that the human carbon footprint is in excess of what the planet can naturally funnel into the ocean carbon sinks, but that's a tough argument. And it doesn't solve the problem that humans NEED industry. Maybe we can cut back a bit, but just because we cut back a bit, will that make China or India cut back? What are the consequences to being non-competitive with them?

It's a complicated series of arguments.

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Interposing myself in a fight isn't a no harm at all situation. If I can help someone for free, I suppose it depends on the person. Someone I know and like? Probably. Someone I know and dislike? Probably not. Someone I don't know? I suppose it would depend on the problem and how the person was responding to it. Also, how do you define harm? It can't risk me any injury or resources (I will allow teh presumption that I'm willing to sacrifice a small amount of time). There aren't a lot of situations in which people NEED help that don't involve those. I routinely help strangers find lost shit. Or give them directions. But if someone was screaming in the middle of a grocery store "I LOST MY WALLET SOMEONE HELP ME FIND IT THIS INSTANT" then that person can go fuck themselves.

Lesbians are weird, gross mutants who are broken in a fundemental way.

That said, I still don't think they deserve to be beaten or harassed by public transport savages who chimp out for fun.

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holy shit this thread still going?
anw thanks for all the kind words Yea Forums and get jebaited faggots

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>have to be afraid
Buy a gun, learn to use it, concealed carry. Jesus fuck, do you faggots need ti be taught how to do everything?


Not the point of the comment and you know it, stop being a retard for attention

RELIGION and crusades STILL important... the fight goes on Its time to stand up Yea Forums

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yeah i dont care is just want to beat up faggots

NO ONE gets to be themselves in public without facing hazards. Artist and beggars get attacked all the time for example. Public speakers get attacked. Wear the wrong color in the wrong part of town and you might get shot. Freedom doesn't come easy cause people will protect what is normal to them as a defense mechanism to preserve their world. It sucks but gay people are not special in this regard.

I'm glad this will be the last gay pride month this country celebrates. As of next year, you get one day - April first. Because you fags are a joke.