I'm not a provider, I'm not a leader and most definitely I'm not a protector...

I'm not a provider, I'm not a leader and most definitely I'm not a protector. I like to cook and clean and I have qualities such as being great with kids, passionate, kind, submissive, loving and caring.

Had I been born a female, I could be the best girlfriend ever and possibly a great christian wife.

Now I'm just a cocksucking fag, seeking lust on craigslist and reddit and swallowing random guys' spunk, hoping one of them will see me for who I truly am inside so I can finally have the chance to be a wife for him.

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Yep, you're OP alright.

Hahahahahahhahahahahah that's what you get for being a FAGGOT hahahahahahahahahh

What do I get?

Attached: 1556406300488.png (963x720, 602K)

You get to suck juicy cocks and swallow loads hahahaha FAGGOT!

Yup, I would probably enjoy more sucking one juicy cock - my husband's one - for the rest of my life while being a female.

Well, now I'm jealous, i wanna swallow lots of loads too

You could be my wife, and we'll be the best couple ever

It's hot and empowering as fuck.

I'm just messing with you man

W-will you treat me like a real girl? I promise you eternal love and loyalty.

I like to be roughen up you know, show me why I'm your bitch that kinda thing

I know, user

I'm treat you like a girl, a love that transcend between gender, just know that you're not alone with this feeling

just find a woman with the opposite problem instead of being fucking *GAY*

I feel that so much, im legit a female trapped in a mans body, i feel like a girl who onced wished you could be a guy since "grass is greener on the other side" and this is obe of those "be careful what you wish for" Twilight Zone punishments. I want to be turned back and just find a cute girl to cuddle and be cuddled by. But until that happens i guess il just smoke to numb the pain.

Relatable, sadly

Wow OP, you're probably already better than half the actual female out there

Chads are all of those categories

I'm sorry, girls. I wish you the best.
I tried HRT a few years ago and it didn't work out. That's just how it is, no one can change their sex, but I refuse to accept it.
I don't think I can live like this forever. Thinking about suicide everyday for quite some time.

Being submissive does give a warm comforting feeling

You girls just haven't found the best companion yet, wishing you all the best

can i be your husbando? you can sucy sucy me long time

T-thank you so much kind user :')

People only see us gays as a quick way to have fun, what most hadn't realized it's that we also need love, the kind where we cuddle just after waking up, and just enjoying each others presence as a source of comfort, heck, even I'm still looking for such partner

New Game Yea Forums:

Mental illness, or retardation?

I'm already on the floor. Do you wanna kick me in the balls while I'm down here?

Nope just trying to play a game

Can’t speak for OP, but sissy porn did it for me

Thank you, i wish you luck in finding happiness, i feel you on suicide though. But what keeps me is, what if in what would have been our life time, science finds a way to allow us to change genders, what if i killed myself and 10 years later Apple discovers how to upload our consciousness to physical avatar. I think we are almost there, and if i can transfer my conciousness to a female humanoid form, then i could actually look in the mirror without seeing a stranger.

Do you have cute feet and a soft belly?

Thank you so much

We can do it!

OP! You don't HAVE to troll grindr for hookups just because you're a fag. There are plenty of faggots out there looking to settle down and have kids and the like. I know, because I am one of them. All of my serious relationships up to now have been meaningful. Stop filling your metaphorical and literal hole with cum and try asking a guy out to dinner. Maybe start with a dating site.

Yeah, that's kind of how I cope too. I'm just waiting for the advance of technology and perhaps someday something like Striking Vipers X is real and I can live there 24/7 as a woman forever.

Even though I don’t support this kind of thinking, good luck OP. Hope you find happiness. Im the cunt who wanted to play the game btw :)

Does anyone else feel massive amounts of shame for wanting to be feminine?

I actually want a commune with some dudes, some women and my wife. Like a big family that fucks and builds cool shit with our lives. Unfortunately, everyone I've spoken to online wants a superficial either hypersexual (guys) or to use the people around them for entertainment (women) or they're monogamous. it's a bummer.

I havent seen the episode but now i know what im watching with dinner. Ive watched Through The Wormhole with Morgan Freeman and he discusses alot of new science that seems like sci fi but its actually being done right now in top Universities like Cambridge, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Princeton and the sort for things like same sex couples being able to have biological children together, mind reading/mapping, hacking cells to prevent death by aging, which is basically being immortal, and like uploading the concious of deceased people to a program that allows them to talk to their family after death. Science is doing some amazing things, i just need a real avatar or something like that.

Thank you, but im not op lol

No, i do alot of feminine things naturally and when ever i realize im doing it, it makes me feel like, a since of validation for feeling the way i do

>> I like to cook and clean and I have qualities such as being great with kids, passionate, kind, submissive, loving and caring.

>>Now I'm just a cocksucking fag, seeking lust on craigslist and reddit and swallowing random guys' spunk

Ya know..... that second kinda disproves the 1st. fuck off degenerate. Stop making excuses for yourself, because no one else is buying it.

this is so sad, and i am so sorry.

i hope you feel better and ignore all the haters on Yea Forums.

your positive qualities will always triumph, if you let them. please don't dwell upon what you are not, that doesn't matter. what's important is what you ARE.

i hope you are still here. take care, and best of luck.

Im glad that this thread has mostly been supportive with minimal hate. Thanks everyone.

We all need love, just need to find the right partner, haven't given up, so should you

Thank you again

Jesus Christ's blood wash over you
Cleanse you of your carnal retardation.
God bless you and protect you and keep you safe.
May you be delivered onto the hands of God and may the light of the Lord always guide your path

fuck you

Why the hate though, are you in denial, we understand, you just gotta let the emotion flow through you


Tits or GTFO!

Don't trust them without pics Yea Forumsro!

Im watching the episode now, omg


I'm a firm believer in inner beauty, i also believe in that little by little self cleaning/hygiene and confidence and the right clothing, makeup goes a long way improving the self image, along with positive spiral, per the Pygmalion effect