How do you feel about life user ?

how do you feel about life user ?

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Women's anatomy is different

pic related

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Who is this?

I'm fucking sick of it.
Kill me?

Me likey.

I'm in my mid 30s with increasing chronic pain, muscle weakness, and I fell down on the sidewalk today for no reason. So I'm pretty sure something is seriously wrong with me.

Well, my life is just like her nipple - inverted and completely invisible.

meh, i'ts okay.

I'm kinda just waiting for death at this point. I don't see things turning around.

Not too bad right at this moment, but I've had live six beers and I'm about to have a lot more.

Have you tried drinking massive amounts of beer? I'm founding fathers founded this great country while doing it, think about what y'all could accomplish. Thanks, dads.

I just turned 33 days ago and I am quite good, but I've came to a point where everything I want to do:
a) Requires a lot of money
b) Hurts the feelings of people I love

I'm with you user. Picked up some finger tremor a few years ago and now i feel shaking in my knees and arms. Either a result of 12 years of drinking heavy or im a parkie like marty mcfly. Either way, I'm fucked bro. Hope your thing works out better

>Im 24 never tried smoking b4 and I've got a well paying job
This time i will change my life and smoke.. which is better? cigarettes or should i go straight to smokin weed.

It is what it is make the best of it. If you don't like it get up and change something.

Yeah I used to binge drink. Anyways the hangovers are pretty nasty on my old body. And the random dhiarria shit at 3 in the afternoon is not pleasant.

I feel sad about whats going to happen to us when we run out of resources.

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Tobacco is for idiot rednecks on food stamps that desire to be on food stamps for the rest of their idiot lives. It's about as sexy as living in Kentucky, and you don't want to live in Kentucky.

In all honesty it isn't that bad, but I am feeling exhausted...OT the past two weeks is just a lot atm considering the rest of daily life is bills and family.
Fuck do I know, its really not bad like I said. I have a good job that in the past 8 months of being there, I've become known to all Team Leaders as a hard-working respectful going man. I just hope all the hard Work pays off in the end I guess...just been having severe doubts.

Fuck this run on post.

fuck me, I’ve got the same issues at 25

cigarettes actually give you cancer and kill you, weed tends not to if you don’t smoke joints 24/7. of course, nothing compares to the nihilism of smoking a pack a day in the face of your certain death, has that old Harley rider or cowboy image to it. ofc I’m high af right now sooo grain of salt here

Yes dude, I am sorry, at 33 you will be earning more money but the things you will want will be also more expensive, and you are gonna have more experiences and people that love you, hopefully, but you are gonna keep wanting to do things that would hurt them if they knew. It's always the fucking same.

It makes no fucking cens

Doing pretty good overall. Grad student that has no understanding of my project and terrified im throwing away years of my youth for ahit hours and pay but have good friends here and a new gf who I feel is way out of my league

I wouldn't recommend living to anyone. Too much effort for usually too little. How many times in anyone's life have things gone as planned?

Hey feel like bags of sand