
is there anything we can do?

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Don't consume censorious media. Support creators of media you value.

i mean it doesn't really matter what i consume and support.... if he forces youtubes hand then there won't be anyone to support

good afternoon, this is Shelly with Vox Media.
we are interviewing people regarding the recent controversy over homophobia and would like to know if any of you would like to take part in a personal interview. We've found your activism in the past few days very educational and want to know more about the tactics you use.

If you are interested, we could pay for your travel and boarding expenses for a weekend in New York. We would be happy to cover your costs for that weekend too.

Is there an interest?

He has already forced Youtube to permanently demonotize well over 100+ channels because of his outcry and targeting of Youtubes investors.

Have you checked out that fags reddit account?


That has enough ammo to drag that fucker off his god damn fucking high horse!

Attached: 1553187862057.png (640x640, 542K)

If this were real I would be down. Sadly it's fake annon.

i can tell you, i've been observing these neckbeards, they're super butthurt and it's funny watching how much most of them cry about it

It's real simple, we play his game. Go check out some of his vids, go in larping as a SJW PC cunt and start whining to YouTube that he is offensive. Eventually they would have to demonetize him as well.

He's a salary paid worker. He doesn't get the ad revenue and the compnay he works for doesn't need that revenue. They just recieved a 20 million dollar investment from ABC.

So, not sure how that will work. Honestly just might make Youtube crack down harder on the other Youtubers.

Fuck fags and Maza is a lispy pozzed faggot.

Instead of talking all that talk come up with something that could help the cause. Calling him a faggot does nothing. Literally.

been on this site for over 14 years. im probably the fattest, ugliest, member of this elite group. if you are to interview anyone it should be me.

Although, it did get him to cry to Youtube. So I guess it did do something.

>this mad

Funny how Maza claimed he "can handle bantz" yet got pissy when Crowder of all people called him a "lispy queer".

Thanks, I have to bleach my eyes now.

Calling him a faggot literally does everything for him. His only true skill is utilizing victim culture, so every slur is a +1.

Prove you are who you say you are, otherwise your post is nothing but bait, pure and simple.

I mean.... I've seen you guys ruin some peopls careers. So, I have my popcorn just sitting here. Waiting to see if you guys will add another to the list.

You kind of prove my point then. Every time you call him a faggot he will cry to Youtube and say "It's Crowder's fans! Ban everyone" so, you are doing something. Just not something that is helpful

Well complain to that company then. I mean we live in the age of shutting shit down in the name of feelings, so it should be feasible to turn the tables on them.

What's this "you guys" shit? Yea Forums is too lazy to do that now.

How do you expect this to be done? Mostly everyone on this site is not even known to the public. One person saying "stop it" won't change anything.

"you guys" Have you not understood that Yea Forums is chaos? No one idea will ever persuade this whole shitpit to act again, not since the days of TRUE Anonymous and their fight against Scientology. And I still want you to prove you are "Shelly from vox"

Hey now.... They could motivate themselves to do something. Yea Forums just hasn't been motivated to do anything recently.

starts out with "what to do" ends with "prove your shelly"

You really think there is a way you could satiate Carlos Maza? Talking about fashion or what it's like to be a talent-less writer?

Why can't I just call him a faggot?

Sure they can. Honestly they just need the right jumpstart.

I didn't say you couldn't I'm just saying it doesn't really help anyone except Carlos Maza.

Sure, just threaten to outright ban porn.

I am not OP.

Attached: Shelly is a myth.png (1900x901, 83K)

Oh man that would be something that all men would go nuts over.

"Carlos Maza wants to ban all Youtubers and all Porn sites" that sounds like it could be a very interesting time.

You piss off a hornets nest, do the hornets only sting one person? No they sting anybody nearby, your logic doesn't follow.


Carlos Maza is lashing out at everyone over one person. What's to stop you guys? Honestly I would love to see Yea Forums start stinging. Then I might be able to watch a video from InternetHistorian about this incident.

Would be Grade A material to watch.

We need to find gay hispanics who agree with us, promote said person to the point of notoriety. This person could call him anything they want, and sycophants who follow him could not say a word without being accused of being homophobic and racist.

Still waiting on proof "Shelly".

Did Yea Forums freeze for a moment?

Hey! The gears are turning. But, who would we get. That is the real question.


He isn't lashing out over one person, Crowder was simply his excuse to promote his own agenda. Yea Forums lashing out would do nothing but help his cause, why would we want to do that?

He's already lashing out at everyone and Youtube is helping. If Scorched Earth is the name of the game then burning everything on both sides would prove a point to future idiots who want to pull a stunt like this.

Fuck he's on to us

The way I see it is todays society will bend over backwards for anyone that is willing to cry about Hate Speech. They don't care what happens to others. As long as their own agenda is met they couldn't care less about the effect it has on others.

So, if Yea Forums burned everything that isn't already burning. Like the very goal they want to achieve. Then it would deter some idiot from crying about this to push their agendas in the future.

tits + timestamp

Attached: 4chan guide.jpg (1024x768, 83K)

I'll leave this here, decent balanced video on the matter.

Nothing that won't do more damage than what's been done

Prove it

This is just the begining. Everyone that was affected are Crowder and 100+ other youtube channels because of the "Hate Speech" Carlos Maza is crying about.

Everything that has happened is because of Carlos Maza. Nothing has happened to him. So, there is definitely a lot that Yea Forums can do.

If he's bitching about hate speech that means anyone can use that excuse

Exactly. If nothing is done about it then everyone will use that as a way to shut down anyone they don't like or agree with.

No im saying it be used against the people bitching about hate speech as well.

just keep observing the effects. you'll see a bunch of losers trying their hardest to go after Maza. This is exactly the point: these losers will harass and then lie and claim "it's just words, man" it's the racist and bigot's only defense