Jews are the new Nazis. Prove me can't, you Jew bastards

Jews are the new Nazis. Prove me can't, you Jew bastards.

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I forgot that it's summer for teh kiddies

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Nigger, I wish I was still school aged. Every fucking day.

(They were also the old Nazis.)

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And not only that…

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...Eh, and you try to prove that with Roman neo-pagan architecture?

Good luck with that

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They are not. They aren't because the white nationalists and white supremacists are the new Nazis.

1. Xenophobic.
2. Believe themselves racially superior
3. Dumber than bricks
4. Violent, belligerent assholes
5. They carry Swastikas, swastika variants and Reichskriegsflagges.
6. March and rally around hate.
7. Spread misinformation and propaganda around.
8. Call any negative press against them "fake news".
9. Spread and proliferate racist caricatures and stereotypes.

Quod erat Demonstrandum.

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He's making fun of the neo-Nazi chant, not being serious.

Israel supports Republicans, thus they are supporting white supremacist as most of them are white. Good try, kiddo, but Jews are Nazis.

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>israel supports Republicans
You have that backwards.

You're right about most Republicans being white supremacist subhumans though.

OP is an edgy tween. Prove me can't, OP is an edgy tween faggot.

this sound just like zionism

I'm 49.

They both support each other.

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