Hey Yea Forums, my dog is in some trouble...

Hey Yea Forums, my dog is in some trouble. She has had this issue with a wound on her face for a while and it is healing well, but there is a problem. There is a ton of pus. What do I do if I can't afford a vet?

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apply gun

if you cant afford a vet, you probably shouldnt have a fucking dog

>What do I do if I can't afford a vet?

Why do you have a dog if you can'f afford a vet?
Do you really can't afford a vet or are you just being cheap?

Lance it. Squeeze out pus. Apply bacitracin or another antibiotic cream. Bandage. Change bandage twice daily with additional doses of antibiotic.

You have the internet at your disposal and the first place you think to get answers for this is on Yea Forums?
Your dog deserves to die because of your retardation.

You cant afford a

This. If it dies its your fault more than anyones

Stomp dog

OP here. I've had this dog for 12 years. I'm sorry that circumstances are gonna be bad for about a month while I don't have money to help the dog. I had money before but right now I'm in a rough spot. I've taken care of this dog for her whole life and loved her no matter what. She's been by my side for all these years and I'm trying my hardest.

Do this
I've done this plenty of times. Probably just an abscess. Easy to fix, keep it clean.

Lol I had a Guinea Pig with a cock abscess that took like 4 weeks to fix, stanky fucking putrid fluid in that shit. Dude took it like a trooper. Fucking miss you Coconut.


Sorry about your animal.

Ahh thanks mate, he lived a long life and bathed in Guinea pig pussy, went peacefully.

nope, most people don't get an animal by choice it's either love withing limits of poverty or mass killing of puppies
your choice

Wash the wound carefully but thoroughly and if you have it, try to use some wound cleanser. The very presence of pus means that its immune system is fighting against an infection of some kind. So just do your best to keep the wound clean until it has healed completely. Hope your dog feels better soon.

Thanks a lot. :)

Get a job retard


Vets are surprisingly very affordable. 300$ at most for this kind of thing, maybe a 100$ for a biopsy and some antibiotics

If you can't afford Vets bills you have no business owning an animal that relies on you to stay alive.

This is probably close to accurate.

Unless it's a cyst, you can probably just drain the pus and wash the wound.

+1 to the good advice

also get a bottle of daily lens cleaning solution, one with a nice narrow squirty-neck thing so you can get in there (carefully ofc) and clean the gunk out on the reg.

use hydrogen peroxide only in the first cleaning (if at all). dogs gonna hate it and it opens the wound back up, but kills everything in there

change the dressing once or twice a day and while the wound is out clean it with the squirter. see if it gets any better over a few days. redness going down, skin around the sore no longer warm and tender to the touch, are signs of the infection going down

antibiotics may be overkill if the wound isnt deep and necrotising

12 years is an old fella but as long as the infection isnt deep it should heal in a month (which is enough time for you to sell a few unnecessaries and schedule a checkup at a pro)


This is now a name OPs new dog thread

Lick it clean.

If it was you she wouldn't hesitate a second.

Wash it with salt water. After removed the pus. Or use a 3% O2H2 in a 1:10

Take out the pus and give him human antiviotics. Beware of doses.

source: I did the same with my dog years ago, he's still alive and hasn't shown any sequels.

>most people don't get an animal by choice

you get a puppy forcefully handed to you?

if you cant afford a dog dont buy/adopt one, fucking idiot

Name him Cletis.

Get some amoxicillin, give her 1/4 every 8hs, clean the wound it should be ok

My cat got something similar when he dragged an equal sized possum over to me one night... throw some fucking triple antibiotic ointment on it and you're gtg. What would you do if YOU had it, dummy? You think they didnt test all that shit on animals in the first place? Yknow how old that shit is? This was before people started whining about animal testing and we switched to clinical trials testing on ACTUAL HUMANS. Fucking morons.

So many idiots that would actually take their dog to the vet for some shit they can take care of themselves in a week. Ya'll the real faggots here.

so give it to the pound so they can kill it? At least we're giving dogs a few more years of life