How do we fix the violent white incel problem?

How do we fix the violent white incel problem?

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By sucking their dicks, obviously.

Goddamn incels are so fucking pathetic

Shoot them

Why wouldn’t he just pay for it?

government provided gf's

It'll be ok. They aren't reproducing.

Let men be men. Stop pussifying them in grade school. Give the strong male role models. Teach them confidence and assertiveness from a young age. If a young boy appears quiet, shy, removed, teachers and parents need to recognize it and get that shit fixed asap.

Feminism and this girl power shit is another problem. No women SHOULD NOT BE TREATED LIKE PROPERTY AND SEXUAL OBJECTS. However, so many young men are terrified to engage women right now because they could literally become social pariahs and criminals for what amounts to clumsy inexperienced flirting.

Robochicks. It wouldn't take particularly strong AI to do the trick for these autists & schizos.

This attitude will not help, but thanks for using all 3 of your brain cells to piece together your comments.


Quit teaching guys to be pussies until they crack and lash out this way.

Nice concern trolling.
Dead incels can't shoot people nor commit van attacks.

It’s not about the sex it’s about the chase, if you can’t even get a woman to sleep with you without money then that’s pretty depressing.

There should be a draft for women that forces them to mate with incels

>all I wanted was _____
>not money
what a loser.

seriously this

Good luck identifying and rounding up all the incels, retard. Actually, why not just kill all murder all males who haven't had sex by the age of 19? Sound good? Idiot.

Luckily prostitution in my country is legal and cheap

>triggered incel doing damage control because he's afraid of getting shot for being mentally ill and dangerous

Don't defend incels you fucking faggot

take women's rights away


wow found the virgin lol go back to your vidya you unfuckable loser

It's a problem with a cultural cause, so, "not easily."

It's guys thinking they have a right to a relationship, while also having unreasonably high standards. Look at that guy. You're telling me NO woman would date him? Bullshit.

Who told him he deserved to get a date with a 9/10 girl? Who told him that if he didn't, it was unfair? Who told him that if you don't get your way, use violence? Answer: a sexist culture echo chamber. Young idiots go in lonely and come out angry. How do you stop such echo chambers from forming without making it impossible to have free discourse? Beats me. Shit, I have no answer. But we'd better figure out a way, or get used to worrying that our female relatives might cross paths with one of these loser cringe-lords.

FYI Incels don't want prostitutes. They drank the Disney kool-aid and want a waifu like in that Up movie.
They could easily trace the incels in sites like /pol/ /r9k/ and many other incels forums. It worked for pedophiles.

Legalize prostitution.

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>someone who gets called out for having moronic ideas and can't defend them when challenged, so resorts to character assassination as a way of feeling superior

Wasn't defending anyone. OP asked for solutions to a problem. I gave a logical, thought out solution. user gave a low IQ answer, which I disputed.

If they could get a hooker, then they wouldn't be as sexually frustrated and wouldn't think about mass shootings. Legalizing prostitution in US wouldn't do you any harm guys

He lives in Utah. Dumb faggot could easily take a daytrip to a brothel in Nevada.

Let's hear your epic idea, smart guy.

Incel retards don't think logically

It is about sex. Incels need to just save up and fuck a prostitute to realize that having sex really isn't that big a deal.

I posted it above already.

Also, the point was, "murdering all the X" has NEVER in history worked to solve anything, EVER.

>"murdering all the X" has NEVER in history worked to solve anything, EVER.

I agree, you would think governments would stop doing it, are they legitimately retarded or what?

Hard in the US, hookers will either rob you (or their BFs/pimps will show up and do it) or you get in trouble some way and go to jail for getting one. But I think that's why they are illegal, if you could blow $100 a week and get sex or a bj, you'd never get married and western society would fall apart.

Round of all the NEETS and conscript them into some kind of national service.

Not military service, fuck no. I don't want those freaks anywhere near a firearm. I'm talking about taking part in public works projects, medical testing, hazardous waste cleanup, etc.

Tell them that they are working to redeem themselves for their failures in the eyes of society. Refusers, malingerers, and agitators will be publicly hanged to serve as an example to the others.

After five years of service, they'll be released, given back pay equivalent to 1/3 the minimum wage for their work, and given six months to find gainful employment, education, or job training. Those who fail to do so will be pressed into national service again.

smh why don't he just be gay. Lotsa guys would suck his dick then cuddle him

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This is a good idea but at the same time I'm glad it will never be implemented

How long have you had your mental handicap? Must be tough there little guy. Don't worry, it'll get better one day.

cuz thats shit gay

same thing with prostitutes, hobos and people who live on welfare, AMEN

use that cooter to stop a shooter
calling all whores, thots, sluts, and bimbos

Legalize weed. I'm an incel but at least weed keeps me calm (and gives me something to blame when I'm awkward. "Oh, it's not me who fucked up, I was just stoned.")

Two things, it was from January so I'm not sure if you've been saving this for half a year or scouring the internet for it but that is maybe as sad as this guy. Another point is this dude could get laid a lot. Bbw type bitches would be all about it.

Listen girls. Just post your ass spread in this thread right here and maybe the mood will improve. Have you tried that?

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That's bullshit, dude. Sexual frustration isn't it. Do you think these people don't jack off? This is about mental illness. And prositution is one of those things like hard drugs. Every area where it's free open use turns into a goddamned medieval tier gang/warlord/dictator ravaged shithole, because addicts to base desires have no sense.

And this is pedantic as fuck, but in case you didn't know it already, prostitution is alive and well, they just changed the name "Escort". Literally a hooker, except not legally since you pay for "time", and the courts ruled that buying companionship is not equal to buying sex.

It's bad enough as it is.

Incels are natural born rejects, there needs to be a way to screen for them well before they are able to cause harm

Yeah, that's it, it's entirely feasible to have a national genetic database of all newborns, and with that data it is also possible to cull all genetic jews and nig- I mean - unwanted elements from society. Soooo progressive

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incels want gorgeous girls, if they asked out ugly girls they would get a gf easily, they are too fussy

How many times is "so many"?

And what did he think qualifies as being "rejected"?

Dude just needed to get out more, live a little, stop liking trash women and learn that there is more to life than girls.

Came here to say this.
>you'd never get married and western society would fall apart
More like we'd have a bunch of Newtons and DaVincis doing great things for society without being tied down to a childish money pit.

the hilarious thing is that this would work. still though, not really ideal.
just let the bitches cry in the corner

its because of the nigger culture and lack of balance in the socio-sexual hierarchy
also, for the wannabe chads here: getting a random whore to 'sleep with u' isnt an achievement, you insecure cunts


Lol fuck you smartass, do you really think the world is fine and dandy the way it is? Eugenics is absolutely necessary at this point

the mutt mentality perfectly described

It's not up to us. It's up to their Parents.

>Thus the only way to fix the Incel is to encourage proper parenting.


haha, you sound like a tranny.
That is a
larping as a woman.
Which is way lower than a regular one.


But the whole problem stems from these kids' upbringing. Men have to start teaching their boys to be men again. Kids have to start being hit again. Kids need to be given structure.

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why should quietness and shyness be ''fixed''?
im pretty quiet myself in general but in other environments it changes
some call it having a personality, not being a shallow wannabe chad mutt

I say legalize prostitution, and let them have their own place of business

If you dont look good, girls will treat you like youre a bad person because in their minds, you are

>How do we fix the violent white incel problem?

Something like this "event"..

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It's not for everyone. But masculinity needs to STOP being punished and retarded. Masculine men and boys need to be encouraged to express those natural traits.

>Quit teaching guys to be pussies until they crack and lash out this way.

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I'm pretty sure you'll never fuck any women without some expenditure of money. Taking her out to dinner, buying her a drink at a bar?

That's what we used to do, but it wasn't so... consenting. At least not all the time.

Ever wonder why group sex and bukkake fetishes are so popular? Ever wonder why Penis barbs/spikes were a thing in humans?

Ahhh... There's something that's not brought up very often. Humans had Penis spikes. Although they weren't used like a cat's. They were used to scrape out competing men's ejaculate.

>Men have to start teaching their boys to be men again.

And what defines being "a man"?

You can't even anther that question in a coherent way.

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We don't.
Let it happen. Nature self corrects.

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Honest answer: Devalue pussy while creating more avenues for men in modern society to socialize

Step 1: Legalize prostitution

Step 2: Stop saying its "homo" to hang out with other guys. How many times have we heard an incel say it's gay to hang out with a bunch of guys at the gym? In reality it's gay not to be part of a strong manly squad and he's just projecting his insecurities instead of building his confidence.

Step 3: Create avenues for young men who come from single mother homes to have male role models. But don't make it cringy like some big brother crap. Just make it natural, like everyone at 13 is paired up with a strong male role model (military, police, business owner, firefighter, wood worker, etc etc) as part of their duty as a man to give back to society. Even boys with active fathers can benefit from learning a new skill and having a mentor outside the home.

Step 4: Mother's responsibility - this might be unpopular, but if your kid is showing signs of shooting up a women's event you might want to fuck him to prevent a mass shooting. In other countries it's been standard practice for years for moms to offer their pussy to their sons so they can focus on school and shit. I don't think this is a great solution in general, only in extreme circumstances like... your kid is gonna shoot up a school.

Step 5: Stop making women so important in society. Sorry not sorry. In the USA women are treated like princesses, they're held on such a high fucking pedestal that insecure incel men like this guy drive themselves nuts because women are seen as the ultimate goal in life. If you can't get a woman, you failed at life. Which is simply just not true, and ironically, the guys who don't put women on this pedestal and see through the bullshit are the ones who get the women.

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incels being violent because they dont have a gf will be violent when or if they get a gf
the violent behavior isnt from being lonely its from them thinking they are owed a gf just because theyre doing the bare minimum of whats expected of a grown adult
most of the time these incels have a false view of what having a gf is, and if they dont get the ideal situation that they think itll be, theyll complain and bitch even more because their gf isnt good enough for them while they sit on the couch all day playing videogames and havent showered in 3 days

this isnt just insulting incels out of nothing, ive known 2 people who fit this exactly
>"boohoo i dont have a gf im so lonely"
>"now that i have a gf i will put no effort into the relationship and brag about the shitty sex we have thinking itll make me popular"
>"why would my gf break up with me all i did is sit at home and play videogames and the only affection i gave them was sex but that was only to overshare with my friends"

Эти cкины зaбывaют пpo pyccких.

Said the side who's so desperate the panmder to people with a mental illness called Gender Disphoria in the hopes of getting some soul to give them the slightest attention.. you will look back on your youth and regret it.

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Topkek... your entire post is to try soften the stupidity that is step 4. This is not a common practice at all you fuckmook.

Incels just need a hobby that doesn't involve them talking on a fucking forum with like-minded wankers who are only there to legitimize your woes.

Go play a sport. Play a game for an hour and learn to walk away. Cook some real fucking food for once in your life. Stop asking for pussy handouts, it'a not a fucking requirement for women to offer pussy to whomever wants it.

what in the fuck are you talking about

Sooooo... how did them come about in the first place?

Make it mandatory to teach at grade school a realistic approach to life and simply be frank that real love or wealth will probably outside of reach for 70-80% of people.

How is this a bad thing? Here in the west we make women like kardashian billionaires for fucking niggers.

>incels being violent because they dont have a gf will be violent when or if they get a gf
Truth. Mostly because they don't want a girlfriend, what they want is a mommy surrogate they get to fuck. Someone who will cook and clean up after them, pay (at least) half their rent and bills, and then ride their dick at the end of the day. Which of course isn't going to happen so they have a pissy baby tantrum.

That's the point. You cannot easily define what "man" is. However, what you CAN do is let nature be free, and let men, in whichever way they choose, develop their own version of what a "man" is.

For the past 20 years or so, we have a feminized culture in the west. Everything is the man's responsibility and everything is the man's fault. Women can complain and belittle men all day, but as soon a man says something back, nope, he's a misogynist wife-beater. No play fighting kids, use your words. Women have a such a hard time with body image issues so we need to make Barbie more "realistic", but don't worry boys, you go watch the new Dwayne Johnson movie, you'll be fine.

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I wouldnt pander to those groups either. While I am not against people feeling they are the wrong gender, I believe they need to have realistic conversations with professionals about their feelings, rather than Tumblr talks.

Incels are just the other face of the same fucking coin. Have a real talk about your life and get the fuck off leddit, pol and your XBox for more than 30 minutes.

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while i agree with this for the most part i believe that most people have the "opportunity" to succeed financially and emotionally
rather teach them that you "can" be anything you want to be but also teach them that its really hard fucking work and some of them wont be able to handle it

>getting upset about sexless losers being called sexless losers.

probably by thinking not showering daily, not shaving when you need to, not looking presentable/wearing something other than gray sweatpants and stained white t shirts is what attractive women want
incels put 0 effort into their appearance yet will only shoot for women 10x out of their league, its cute.

He wanted a girlfriend not just sex

>dat pic

That one guy, that ONE fucking guy is really all the alt-right neckbeard army got to call out as ANTIFA.

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Nice projection, ya see ignoring would work except now there are laws where misspronouning people in California can get you charged with a hate crime, so now we're forced to conform to someones mental illness.. it would be like them threatening you with the law for not cluttering the streets for hoarders

God damn zoomer incels think they're entitled to everything. Only cure is a bullet

Here is your oh so heroic Antifa calling a black cop a nigger.

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They killed her for being naked?

This is not what I have been referring too.

user above says that incels not procreating will cause no more incels to exist... but incels are born from ***NORMAL*** parents.

>How many times is "so many"?
275 but all by the same three girls

>And what did he think qualifies as being "rejected"?
getting fb blocked

>Dude just needed to get out more, live a little, stop liking trash women and learn that there is more to life than girls.
or just beat his dick like a normal slob and move on with his life

>women beaten
>female slavery
>acid attacks
>child marriage

That could be any trailer park in the South or Mid-West.

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If Muslims are there.

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You can't.

You have to remember that human beings, such as yourself and everybody reading this thread, are stupid creatures. Some of us go to school and graduate high school. Some of us even go on to do more schooling. Some of us have 20 to 30 years of education under our belt. Yet it's those same people who still believe dumb s*** like global warming is a hoax, or the Earth is flat, or the angels exist.

The only way to remove losers like this from our society is to educate the population as much as possible so that people like this are weeded out

>meanwhile in utah the boomers literally have 3 wives each

god damn it must be hard living in mormon country

There are more serious problems, m8

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that white nigger gon die

Gays for Islam is like Jews for Nazis makes no fucking sense.

he was just trying to bring that last column up nigga

Mormon is a religion not a race. Any race can be mormon your arguement is mute, Besides ISIS follows the Qu'ran in context that is what Islam is.. they believe you're born Muslim and if you deny you're an infidel and being born jewish automatically qualifies you as an inifidel

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Why are incels such pussies? Half of them don't even look that bad.

Education helps, but it doesn't actually solve the loneliness and lack of purpose issues, issues which evolve into lack of intimate partners. These are socialization problems.

He will be loved... by this guy kek

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I know, this kid looks better than a lot of dudes I know with gfs. I can't imagine the cringe personality he'd had to have had to never have a gf.

In what sense is masculinity "punished"?

Most of the developed world has legal prostitution and their are still incels in those countries, Elliot Rodger would of never got the gratification he needed from a whore, these men are so painfully socially lacking they fail to see the self loathing and rage at themselves and instead of trying to improve themselves they direct their rage outwards.

95% of the developed worlds ills stem from 3 things IMO:
>Participation Awards
We have weakened people by awarding people a prize for 8th place, people now feel entitled and we spend to much focus on not hurting peoples feelings, this is why we continue to allow potential dangerous threats like Muslims that can go from a beer swilling teenager to a Jihadi from a few videos or give Caitlyn Jenner a pat on the back for mutilating himself.
>Sexual Revolution (the pill more so)
We all have biological urges, woman now have the ability to pick and choose as many sexual partners as they like, men are now able to sleep with any number of woman because the consequences are lower, if you look at it from animal kingdom, the 'Alpha' gorilla or lion gets all the spoils of war, 'beta' males that generally wouldn't have a chance in this system are naturally weeded out. There is no need to settle for second best especially when even if you do settle, it's just for the night and you dont have to see that person again. This is also why marriage is now a joke, cheating is more rampant amoungst woman and the crime rate only continues to grow due to breakdown of the family.
>No Manners (not really part of this argument but something I feel pretty strongly about)
Manners arn't just saying thank you and please, they are more importantly about making others around you comfortable, this is why you have slut walks, faggots parading around with the dicks out and forcing others ((((TOLERATE)))) ones bizarre idea of themselves, i.e. I am a woman even though I have a penis at the cost of someone like myself being made uncomfortable.

how do we solve the violent black incel problem?

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niggers are sissy bitch boi

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>women reject me
>lets kill babies
fucking niggers man

"Don't compliment girls on their looks or body. That's assault"
"Don't express emotions like anger. Use your words"
"It's okay for women to call men creeps, weirdos, disgusting, etc. but not okay for men to call girls whores, ugly, fat, bitches, etc."

Some examples.

>that filename tho

Niggers are cucking too many white boys making them incels.

Looks like we've reached an impasse.

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Make it illegal for women to object to sex. Make it illegal to talk to other kids while in an educational setting. Rape stats drop to 0 and bullying is down 90%

>"Don't compliment girls on their looks or body. That's assault"
oh no some rando radfem said something stupid, i am being oppressed, help me, why is freedom of speech something where people say stupid things, i am being oppressed by people saying dumb shit, oh god help me, i'm retarded hurr durrfff derpa herp
>"Don't express emotions like anger. Use your words"
made up bullshit, nobody tells you to suppress emotions, it's about expressing them in a healthy way, dipshit
>"It's okay for women to call men creeps, weirdos, disgusting, etc. but not okay for men to call girls whores, ugly, fat, bitches, etc."
fyi "weirdo" is ableist and attacks neurodivergent people, so get your retarded strawman right you stupid ass faggot

niggers are inferior to white men in every single way. slavery is proof

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says the violent black incel

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You had to go back 6 months to find one example...

Most of these incels (and the "conservative" dickheads who defend them) are incredibly stupid.

Thinking of relevant responses is too difficult for them, so they just go on an unrelated, unhinged rant, as though they're proving something

Are you sure you used enough cursing there to get your hollow rebuttal across?

Public places with free access to group activies and clubs, i. e. socialist pioneer organisations
Free access to sports
Free public transportation in towns and from city to town
Regular public events for clubs to participate in and present themselves

fair and understandable

Why do people like you insist on living in a fantasy world?

"The measure, known as the LGBT Senior Bill of Rights, or Senate Bill 219, would ban the facilities from denying admission, transferring or evicting a resident on the basis of their sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression or HIV status"

woah tiger watch out, you might hurt someone with those gums

>Mostly white people
>Still calls them niggers
Whelp, guess nigger just means stupid people then.

nigger virginia beach shooter killed 11 people 2 weeks ago

>"It's okay for women to call men creeps, weirdos, disgusting, etc. but not okay for men to call girls whores, ugly, fat, bitches, etc."
Did you notice that you're using completely different words there for things to call men and women? Last I knew, it wasn't okay to call /anyone/ those words, or the male equivalents. Meanwhile, it's okay to call ANYONE a creep, weirdo, or disgusting- if they deserve it. And "weirdo"- really? Is that offensive to you? Me and pretty much all my friends would admit to being weirdos.
>"Don't express emotions like anger. Use your words"
That's really an oversimplification of otherwise good advice. It's okay to get angry. Not expressing your anger through violence should be a basic requirement for living in a civilized society. Lashing out by raising your voice and acting intimidating is sometimes hard to control, but it can be done.
>"Don't compliment girls on their looks or body. That's assault"
There's a difference between a significant other, close friend, or partner complimenting a woman for their looks, and a complete stranger doing it. If you don't understand the difference, I don't know how to help you.

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ill call a woman a whore or a bitch if i want. freedom of speech

The first has little to do with masculinity and is more about understanding how certain compliments might be construed as objectification, rather than a blanked "You're not allowed to compliment any woman on her looks, ever."

As for the second, I work in an elementary school and we're trying to teach kids (boys and girls) to express anger and frustration in a way that's constructive (ie. explain what's bothering you and try to work out a solution, rather than lashing out). No one is telling boys and men that they can't express themselves emotionally. In fact, we're trying to help kids be MORE expressive in that regard.

The third, again, has little to do with gender roles and is more about how it's more acceptable to call out certain behaviors than others. It's considered okay to call out someone who is being creepy because their behavior can make other people feel uncomfortable or unsafe. It's not considered okay to call out someone for being promiscuous or for having poor dietary habits because those are personal choices that don't really affect anyone else. And before you say that promiscuous women are harmful because they contribute to the spread of STDs or unwanted pregnancies, take note that every act of casual sex requires the participation of at least two people, both of whom are capable of taking measures to prevent such negative outcomes.

>freedom of speech

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Incels want a 11/10 woman even tho they are mostly unemployed and undesirable. Poster childs of the millennial generation.

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So how else would one go about flirting with a women if he can't compliment on looks (something that women spend enormous amounts of time and money on enhancing and becoming aesthetically desirable)? Yes he could certainly connect with her on other things like hobbies, interests, experiences, etc. but that can't happen until AFTER they actually start talking. Should guys just walk up and say "tell me 3 interests of yours"

>And before you say that promiscuous women are harmful because they contribute to the spread of STDs or unwanted pregnancies, take note that every act of casual sex requires the participation of at least two people, both of whom are capable of taking measures to prevent such negative outcomes.

Why would you assume I was going to say that? See this is the problem. Whenever a guy talks anything bad about women, he's a misogynist women-hater.

The number of people who seem to think "freedom of speech" means "I get to say whatever I want without any consequences" is insane. It's like an entire generation of parents utterly failed to teach their kids basic etiquette and left a bunch of entitled, socially stunted keyboard warriors who screech about SJWs because they can't go out and scream "niggerniggernigger" in public without getting the shit kicked out of them.

We go back to letting men beat the shit out of guys who make their female family members uncomfortable. The problem with incels is that they think they have some kind of right to something. They have too much self esteem, too much ability to motivate and plan. I blame getting tough on bullying. These children need to know their place.

incels dont want a gf they want an 8 year old daughter that they fuck

lol i have beaten the shit out of 6 niggers

vs reality

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I think its more like they want a 15 year old mommy to take care of them.

thank you two

You have trouble talking to girls, don't you?
For one thing, don't try going up to girls with the intent of flirting with them to hopefully eventually bang them! That shit's awkward and transparent as fuck. Let it fucking happen naturally.
inb4 "n-no! I do the sex every night!"

even if a nigger did beat up a white guy for calling him a nigger that's still assault and if a white guy beat up a nigger for harrassing him you'd call it harrassment. and why does being called nigger entitle blacks to assault people? why are they so mentally weak that a word provokes them to violence?

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If dubs somebody not in rekt dies today on the threads.

freedom of speech means freedom from legal consequences from said speech

Android prostitution will cure the incels, significantly disrupt human trafficking, allow for truly clean prostitutes, and still leave room for human sex workers who choose the life.

Or guillotine.

Flirting is more than just compliments. It can only happen when the other person is attracted to you.

Flirting is when you have chemistry with a person and can proceed to comfortably be fun with them and ultimatly ask them out at the end of your interaction.

damn you right, im a fool

>look at me I can fight better reee
that's absolutely not the subject here, wtf?
If it's bait, it's a retarded bait. If it's not bait, then you are retarded.

Niggers shoot more people in a weekend in Chicago, than Whites do in a month across the entire country

Look at this try-hard.

They will shoot you before you do user, unless you are also mentally ill

yet you were bragging about how a nigger should beat up a white male if he calls him a nigger. niggers talk shit about whites in public all the time and you dont even care. niggers preach on the streets about whites being inbred mutant albinos and nobody assaults them AND YOU DONT EVEN CARE cause youre nothing but a filthy Jew brainwashed traitorous whore

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Cool. Here you go.

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Ezpz. Fat chicks grow up to be feminist butch lesbians, self conscious nerds become incels. They could and should be sorting themselves out on their own.

Maybe alternatively knock down the beauty industry promoting unhealthy body image? How the fuck is a horker going to demand they only get Chad's, how the fuck is a Randy going to hook up with a Stacy? Settle for less 101

The great reproducer of Yea Forums speaks. His many children so well adjusted. Visiting threads in Yea Forums because so massively well adjusted. The most well adjusted beings in the world really, those who come here.


>ITT mad incels

Attached: incelinaction.jpg (1080x1080, 128K)

Yeah, no shit. Nobody's gonna arrest you for calling a woman a whore, they're just gonna think you're a socially retarded... WEIRDO! :-O

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Science has proven that the only thing kids need is their mother's love

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Your stupidity suggests you are a bigger problem than the incels. You should be dealt with first.

You’re fucking pathetic man

Story time. I'm french and white.
I beat 2 guys up once at a bus stop because they were making fun of my girlfriend clothes. I'm in my late 20 and did 7 years of boxing and those guys were like 18.
Never had any problem with the police or anything.
What I want to say is that sometimes life is more like a western than a family show, you can beat up/kill or get killed easily, everydays, quite possibly anywhere. So if for ONE thing, you nobody should insult anybody for no reason to start with.

lol bullshit more like she will cry and be hurt like the sensitive inferior specimen she is

Thanks for your outstanding legal insight, professor. Of course it's assault. That's not the point. The point is when you say shit in a public setting, there are consequences that can include, but are not limited to, getting your ass kicked.

This may actually blow your mind, but given the choice between:

A. Talking shit and suffering a real world consequence as a result.


B. Keeping your fucking mouth shut

B is often the better choice. That's not an infringement on your freedom of speech, it's basic social decorum.

In many other countries, just saying "I'm a pro nazi" can get you to jail you know ? 1st amendement is one of the only good thing ameritards have.

Yer mom's whoring as fast as she can, OP.

you french are cuck scum. just look at the Haitian revolution. you are failures. i have won every fight i have provoked. i insult them. they attack me. i beat their ass

have sex with them

>you french
>Haitian revolution
what ? Go to bed mate

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Haiti was a French colony and you got wrecked by niggers. French lose every war and now you're a sandniggered shithole.

>30yo neckbeard
>insults 13yo bois
>beats their ass
>think he is cool
>17yo dweeb
>lying online
>does that because he wants to forget about daddy dicky dicky every nighty in his mouthy while he is sleepy sleepy hihi

Are women not vastly physically inferior to men?

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Brazilian poster here Yea Forums.
This guy could travel to any third world country and make an harem of latinas or asians. Only one oportunity to fuck and it would change his point of view forever. He would notice how to engage with a woman easily, things to improve his profile etc...
But no, they want top tier native women because yes. Fuck that, you idiots, just use your fucking brains. If the genetics goes bad with you, then use your country status as an advantage to make easy your fleshy thirst.

im 22 and all of the niggers i beat up were old than me

Ban makeup

Yes you can you’re just too much of a faggot to understadnd

Turn them into eunuchs.

>be stupid whore
>be obese
>brainwashed by Jew porn
>suck nigger cock cause Jews told you to
>live on welfare in a bed bug infested rooming house smoking crack and shooting heroin
>get killed by a nigger

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>ameritard being dumb, what a shock

French actually has the world's best military record having won 132 of the 185 battles they fought in the last 800 years, you should try to learn something instead of shooting in your schools kek

>were old than me
nigger spotted

who? niggers?

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oh so that's your story ? Sorry then, I was far from the truth.
I sincerely appreciate your honesty tho, thank you poor user.

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argument over your life ? On a anymous board ?

Can someone get any dumber than this tard ? KEK

Enjoy your ethnicity dying out and being replaced by sandniggers.

oh no black men are stealing our women

Attached: stealingourbestwomen.jpg (1079x1079, 294K)

Good point. They may have to start out with less desirable girls and work their way up. Handicapped, ugly, fresh-off-the-boat immigrant, etc.

>French lose every war
no it's quite the opposite
>Oh shit, let me think
>huh in the near future, you will replaced
>I sure showed him haha
You have so little, while the America is just an huge mess of a bad joke kek

You just don't respect their culture. Stoning helps reinforce shared values.

By teaching them to post those things after doing the shooting.

America has 3 times as many whites as France and we aren't even Native to this country. Your homeland is getting conquered. Pathetic.

This. Then parade them around and laugh at them. Suicide inevitable.

damn what a fucking retard I can see why no one wanted him

still doesnt erase the mounting pain of being wanted by no one

why dont you try to castrate me so i can legally kill you in self defense?

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We legally limit the ammount of time people can spend alone using electronic devices.

This is literally the only reason why people become incels.

i mean, jesus, i'm almost 30 and i'm still a virgin. you don't see me getting all upset. fuck these weak men.


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>30 year old virgin
>calling someone else weak



Honhonhon the america mais oui baguette fromage je suce honhonhon
Fucking frenchie, du bist nichts als der Erbfeind

If you haven't had a girlfriend by 19 you're probably too fucked up to belong to society
>round em' up and gas em'

It will be ruled by a judge. Then you will be detained, locked in a hospital room, restrained, drugged and prepped for surgery. You will wake up with no more sexual interest. No anger or aggression. Just docile and passive. Your interest in women will be substituted by an interest in crafts and other interests that old ladies have.

You are 5 times mor than us, but only 3 times more white ??? KEK so america IS the niggercountry, thanks for the laugh.

so you hate gays and women too?

more likely i would kill you in one punch you weak slut. i will give you my address and let you come try to do that shit to me.

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>everybody doing the effort of talking in english
>start speaking in every shitty language he knows
kys german fag

im at 4244 harlem road amherst new york. im waiting for you to come try castrate me, whore.

that could be a good thing mate. Like if you're a spotted incel or if you have 20yo without any gf, castration !

say this shit in real life you weak little bitch

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As a result of your castration, your testosterone will drop to nothing and your already small nub will shrink even more to nothing. You will likely have to sit to pee like a woman.

I'm waiting whore. I'm 4244 harlem road Amherst New York. Where you at bitch?

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My french is better than your english, faggot. Subhuman piece of shit, each and everyone in your pathetic little shithole of a country should off themselves.
Everything there sucks. Your women, especially your men, your food, your wine, your countryside.. fucking everything and yet you‘re so proud about it. Honestly, kys.

Jesus fucking Christ, he doesn't have a teleporter, retard. Give him at least a day to prepare.

You‘re right with the shitty language part though; french really is fucking shitty.

yeah right he's a faggot bitch larper who will get his ass knocked out if he comes near me

based German. Mein name icht Felgemacher.

Brick house? Black truck?

congrats on using google earth.

>touched genitals with a consenting person legally

are you coming bitch?

Too bad you don’t have the nicer one on the corner with the white fence.

Bait bro. Chill.

Nigger you what

What’s with the flags in back?

our lawn is nicer and we have more trees

my mom wanted to block off my neighbors view of the house

icht ein deutcher.

Lmao if that's your address I wish I could see you crying and sniveling hoping no one would show. Either fat neckbeard or alien twig incel and you won't show a picture timestamped either way.
>b-b-but user ill get doxed.
What's stopping anyone from taking a picture of you now that they have your address. You are a retarded freak and that's probably a big factor in you being an incel. I'm glad my kids won't have to beat up your non existant ones

It’s nice. Keep the tree limbs trimmed with those utility lines.

The guy who is fucking your crush lives there and now you want him doxxed, incel?

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do something faggot im waiting

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lmfao bitch youve never been in a fight in your life


Lmao no timestamp and if you did no wonder you're an incel fucking gross

>It's guys thinking they have a right to a relationship

It has nothing to do with how guys think.

It has everything to do with women treating men as disposable objects, where they can essentially "shop for" the exact type of man they want since the internet was created. Women feel entitled to take men for granted since the internet gave them an unlimited supply of fresh men every day. Before the internet, women actually valued every man they met because they didn't know how long it would be again until they met another one, or if the next man would be better than the one they just met.

The internet gave women a chance to feel entitled and self-absorbed, and women have taken full advantage of it to an extreme degree. Women have not been able to control themselves and act disciplined with the new power that the internet gave them, and this trend is only going to get worse as history goes forward, because the internet is not going away.

Look at those yellow teeth and comb those pubes around your mouth. Can't wait to see you on the news

still waiting for you to show up bitch and i get mad pussy bitch

oh you said you were gonna come and castrate me pussy. where are you at?

It's like your admitting how pathetic you are. We need to send you and all the other incel retards to a nice farm upstate.

post your ugly ass self. im 6 foot and bigger than 90% of scrawny faggots. waiting for you to show up pussy

oh he fags can talk shit but they can't actually do anything LMFAO so much for castrating me

>mad pussy

Because only a literal insane retard would get near you

Can't take what was never there

you little bitch i would beat the shit out of you and my cock is probably bigger than yours as well. you would never talk shit to me to my face cause you're a weak bitch. i have beaten up niggers in the inner city. you are nothing

Where is your pic with time stamp, incel?

Was bait goober. But now, maybe you need to be.

what you got? i get nothing but compliments on my dick from women and they tell me as far as white guys go that im big

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>*chortles* and I roll a 16 so my wizard mage casts virginity

Fucking larper go to the gym groom yourself clean your room work on that degree your parents disappointingly ask you about all the time. And then maybe then you won't shoot up a school.

maybe you should be since you're a sick piece of shit with degenerate fantasoes

post your picture bitch. bet you are a scrawny faggot

Relax brah. At least no niggers up there near Buffalo right?

>no niggers in Buffalo
youve never been to Buffalo

Nope. Not as bad as Chicago, Detroit or Baltimore though.

actually i just looked it up and our violent crime rate is higher than Chicago

his charges in CO says he had a sexual relationship with a chick who pressed some of the charges

Winters suck ass I bet.

you get used to it

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Vewwy, vewwy bad :(

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Genocide all jews and nonwhites and restore the white ethnostate

The simplest and easiest solution.


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Niggers being killed isn't a problem, it's literally a godsend

>It's not considered okay to call out someone for being promiscuous or for having poor dietary habits because those are personal choices that don't really affect anyone else.
if they have any kind of health insurance, that's wrong

The answer is twofold, but neither is likely to happen anytime soon:

1. Recreate the FCC Fairness Doctrine to police and take down propaganda, white supremacist and other extremist sites, shows and blogs. They are specially crafted to incite hatred and violence to further their agendas.

2. Require that government positions be filled with Subject Matter Experts ONLY. White supremacy thrives on using criminal and subversive tactics to install planted stooges in government positions of authority and police stations. They thrive on unqualified "yes men" and unthinking morons being instilled and vicariously through ignorance being exemplified and education being downgraded. These things need to be halted and white supremacist plants need to be terminated from any and all positions.

>fuck all introverts

That's not how it works, retard.