Got blackmailed into eating shit by a 13 year old. Ask me anything

Got blackmailed into eating shit by a 13 year old. Ask me anything.

Attached: proof.webm (266x148, 470K)

Are you into eating maggots?


What’d he have over you?

He was flirting with me and I asked for some nudes because I forgot how old he is. He started blackmailing me. I had no other option, but to eat shit because everyone would think I'm a pedophile.

Hmmm, last time it was a 12 year old

He gets blackmailed often

seems like it

On multiple threads too

Did you stop to think that you'd eat shit and still be revealed as pedo so now your a shit eating pedo?

Enough with this shit. Sage

I do like how you can morph your appearance between the three videos of "you" that you post on Yea Forums with monotonous regularity

Stop posting this thread with the video of you eating chocolate, no one is falling for this, dumb fuck.

Stop. Just stop. OP is a LARPing, lying faggot and you've taken his bait

>with the video of you eating chocolate
It's not him, you moron. OP has three of these he posts, two of which are called "Proof"

How does this keep happening to you?

Sorry I don't sit on Yea Forums all day to know everything there is about these posts/videos.

Those who complain OP being a nolife virgin are nolifers themselves.

You don't have to be on here all the time - just open the catalog at any time and you'll see them

Why are you gay

So let me get this straight, you, a pedophile asked for the nudes of an internet stranger who you admitted you didn't know the age of but they just happened to be underage, so now you are criminally liable for being a child predator? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

Obviously I know it's bullshit that OP's spouting but you gotta cover all of your bases, even if it's made up bullshit

Why dont you take your fake ass thread shove it down your throat and blow it out your ass?

You don't need that logic; just look in the catalog and see that he does this multiple times

Just to let you know I will spoilt these threads as often as I can

this thread again atleast its an other video this time


No - he has three webms he uses, one called "Shit" and the other two called "Proof". None are of him and he's probably stolen them from a coprophilia site. I can only assume it's a ruse to fool the mods so he can talk about pedophilia as he always says he was "blackmailed"

Just to let you know I will pray for your premature death. Or mine, so I wont have to wittness this fucking shit. Degenerate.

I'm not OP, you fuckwit. I'm the user pointing out to others that this is a LARP and he has two others running. I'm trying to prevent responses to piss him off so he leaves

Hurr durr, well you are fighting against windmills I tell you. Probably it is the same guy posting ray pist or logposts. The only way to handle it is to just let it be and wait until that faggot hopefully dies

To late the hook has got my cheek and I'm flappin on the deck.

Well at the moment, if you spoil his threads, he stops. In that he's different to logposters or Ray Pist. So it's a public service.

Well, then I say keep doing gods work.
I appreciate it.

How can you tell that he stops? This thread has been getting bumped for an hour. If it died, it would probably get posted again.

>How can you tell that he stops?
Because all attempts to discuss how he got fictitiously blackmailed cease. This one's only going because we're discussing what a cretin he is.

Check out the other two. See links here

Guys guys guys... guess what... I got tricked by a 10 year old. I had to suck spaghetti out of a gorillas ass, ask me why!

He's already posting new threads
And it looks like he's stolen a fourth webm

Stop posting videos of you eating shit calling them "proof". It doesn't prove shit. I could get a camera and eat my own feces right now without ever being blackmailed.

It isn't even him. He has at least three other videos he's stolen to use in these threads