Would you fuck 12 year old me?

Would you fuck 12 year old me?

Attached: censored.jpg (720x1230, 537K)

No I’d kill you

I'd like that too

Be happy to help nigger

No, I’d take care of him. Tell him that he mattered and to not ever let anyone tell him otherwise.

You would have been the first. Thank you

Bullet in your head

If you wanted me to? Sure.
What's bugging you today?

More pics!

I turn 21 in two days. When I was about that age I told myself that if I'm still unhappy by now I'll kill myself
I have loads on my pc but I'm on my phone. If I find any more I'll send them

About 8 here

Attached: about 8 here.jpg (720x1252, 450K)

Happiness is a fleeting thing.
You can seek it in small spurts.
Few are truly happy a significant portion of the time. Keep seeking it that is all you can do.

Attached: Bird-Clipart-Parrot-in-Flight.png (400x256, 111K)

You were a handsome kid.
Sorry about your chronic depression.
But it does show you are intelligent.
No one who is paying attention is happy.

Maybe if you looked like this

Attached: 90BF4F4F-CE50-4A0F-A5A5-CB947B065DF8.jpg (463x485, 69K)


I think I'm 6 in this one. Can't find any more on my phone
Thanks I'm doing what I can but it all feels worthless
Thanks, that does make me feel better

Attached: 6.jpg (720x1238, 449K)

damn look at that hot leg

I don't know who that is tbh

Wish you did not have to deface the images.
But I understand why you are.
What color are your eyes?
Just be glad you are not a pedophile or being touched by one. It could be worse.

*hugs* Depression sucks.

Were you abused?

My dad molested me when I was 4, but I wish I was actually raped tbh

Yeah. Quite a lot

Makes me sad.

I once missed the opportunity to rescue a young boy like you and now he is a trans girl.

I just want to be comfortably rich so I can travel the World and rescue Children in need.

>keep seeking it

Fucking lfaggot ,

Sorry to hear that :(

My dad was abusive. I finally cut contact with him last week actually.

If you wanna talk on discord or something you can mail my throwaway email, [email protected]

Thanks. I want to do that one day too

You mean fuck kids, you pedo scum

Heartless maggot.

Heartless maggot

Kicking someone with good intentions makes YOU evil.

What do you look like now?
Also, yeah. I'd probably diddle if you were into it and initiated

I don't know. I'm not exactly a very social person. Thanks though

Pretty similar. My hair turned brown as I got older though

I'll bet you're cute af then. So, are you happy enough to live past 21?