How bad is it to take 100mg of molly this weekend if i took 200 last weekend?

How bad is it to take 100mg of molly this weekend if i took 200 last weekend?
I know the effect wont be the same and its a relatively small dose, but how bad is it for my brain recovery?

Attached: molly.jpg (469x408, 58K)


You will be smashed less and the afterburner is longer. End.

Why, though? You have a problem?

Probs not worth it, just get drunk instead

but its not gonna like... really fuck me up?

I hope this is a troll

If not, you’ll be fine retard, how is this a real post

why do you care dope head junky

friend is taking it and i want at least some enjoyment too

well then, here goes nothing

I mean I go to raves a lot and I know people that do a gram or more in a night so I wouldnt be too worried, just stay highdrated, watch your body temperature but dont drink too much. Ideally you should give 2-3 month recovery in between use but if you dont its not gonna kill ya or mess up ur brain unless you do it every 2 weeks or week. You probably wont notice the effects as much as ur seriotonin wont be restored yet

>muh brain
You're a degenerate druggie anyway, so no big loss. 840blazit faggot.

200mg is a small dose, so I wouldn't worry too much. Just stay hydrated and have fun op

Those are roooie numbers, come back when your nose is bleeding from doing a quarter on the weekend

Bros where do I find this shit? I have't had any in 2+ years and don't know any drug dealers these days.

Go to your nearest rave and ask around

if you live in norway ill hook you up, rofl

Don't worry, with only 200mg last time your serotonin levels are far from depleted. Just don't do it to often.

PS 200mg is not that much. An adult man can easily do 500mg to 1 gram in 24 hours.

You gotta know a guy who knows a guy.
I have several dealers for several drugs. Took me 3years to build up a good contact list. Best bet is to go to clubs, bars, raves and hope someone offers you something

yeah, ill be all out of molly after this roll anyways, i have like 100mg+ left
soo wont be doing it too often :p

Start on the K, doesnt drain ur brain like md does

Or move to the Netherlands. Where MDMA is our biggest export product.

Sounds good Yea Forums...I'm from Wales, UK and apart from coke and weed, drugs are hard to come by

You litterally live in the land of illegal raves, they arnt that hard to find your probably just looking in the wrong places

the only rave documentary i saw was about raves in the UK lol

I'm the guy that knows a guy, imSo I have all my contacts for anything from weed to morphine to kett, but I know plenty of people who find it difficult to find mdma so they come to me to get it for em

I am also that guy to a lot of people I know haha, gets a bit annoying after a while because I just end up sorting everyone for free. Used to deal a fair few things but stopped and just use now

We love a good rave...nothing better when the drugs kick in and the hook from Faithless's insomnia drops

I done it too often in a row. Now the magic is lost. It's not even the health I would worry about the most here.

Agree bro, there always one dick head dropping a text 2:30 in the morning looking for coke.

yeah but like 2 weekends in a row then im planning to stay of everything even weed to get in shape

haha litterally man, always the same cunt too