Why is islam so sick?

why is islam so sick?

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islam isn't sick. it's the people. it's designed for low class dick sucks.

Because they know how to get sillay.

Yeah those islamists are so sick. Fuck off.

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Because its the religion of 12 yos who post in the comment section of ultimate guitar

Most aren't

as with most religions, the problems and extremeist arise out of the plotholes and vagaries in their holy books. can't leave too much up to the interpreter.

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child fucking afghani moslems literally following the example of mohammed. Most people would agree that this disgusting mutt is nothing like jesus.

No vaccinations
Proof of autism vaccine caused foil hat 9/11 album butt probes

>oy vey I came prepared

>muh no true scotsman

All religions are fucking retarded.

That's not how that works...
The point you tried making, or greentexting

The tenets of christianity are clearly defined in the bible much like the acceptability of Child fucking and the moral compulsion for terrorism is explicit in the koran.

Been working with an educated man from afghanistan. His reasoning behind it all is that so few go to school and actually learn to use their fucking brains.

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>pic related

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Guess it turns out that on a people level they're really not all that different, huh? 8^)

cause they're other kind of jew people.

>Biologie der Juden: Jüdische Wissenschaftler
>Das Leben und die Lehre des Mohammad

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Good.. good... now put 5 bucks in the collection plate or you are going to hell.

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Christians like to crush rape victims heads with rocks bugboy

The largest source of charitable giving in the world is the catholic church.

And where do you think they get the money from? They aren't particularly a Business. Oh wait, are they?

Found the atheist

Giving young boys a dick in their ass isn't charitable, it's criminal.

Why do all these hasbarist kikes brigade Yea Forums on friday before shabbos?

Less of a business than the susan komen foundation and all the other administratively bloated 80% of donations go to administrative costs shitlib celebrity pushed charities out there

Found the Bible thumper.
Oh, btw have you even read the Bible? I can you haven't...

>pic related

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serious amounts of inbreeding.

>the pic
Applies to you guys as well

9n the contrary, they are a breed of rape babies

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Islam is fucked up from the beginning. Muhammad just fucking kill everyone that doesn't agreed with his new religion. Black stone is pagan and whole Quran is copied Bible with Noah and fucking Abraham in it.

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doesnt matter what religion they have
they are genetically barbarians

judaism chistianity and islam are the same shit but in different versions

its not like crusaders / inquisitors whatevers didnt kill everyone who didnt agree with them , all that heretic hunting

And almost all major religion goes back to the Sumerian religion.

Haha yeah islam has some rape and murder permits in the bank left over from 1500 because they didnt use them and they rolled over

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Depends on how Good the dick is

Why are all religions shit? Would be a better question.

and how bad the boy is ;)

i started my own religion. you have no free will and therefore can not sin. your only purpose in life is to run through a course of experience.

can you argue with that? i called it "actuality". i had a site for a while called "actualitynow" as a parody of "serenity now" on "seinfeld" but i really did come up with an awesome logo that evokes freemason and anarchy imagery. i'll be fixing it up soon on my own site. i promise, it will have proper philosophy and PROOF. i am also an ordained minister with the universal life church so i can legally marry people.

i know you think i'm stupid but i'm not kidding. i wanted to add that as the "lord" of this new religion, i still struggle to remind myself. the problem is that once you accept the whole situation of being born to exist in a recording, you can't blame "god"... you have to wonder why you are here. i see god as a warden and then i wonder why we're here in some form of rehabilitation. i wonder what the fuck we really look like out there.


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You see that black cube they worship? There's a daedra inside

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I'm sure its your perception of it which is fueled by neonazi propaganda and shit. Also i'm sure a lot of narrow minded muslimes who haven't seen much of the world might think that christianity is pretty damn sick. They are just like you, op.

Why didn't the Ottoman conquer America? I want to see Muslims vs Aztecs