How's it make you feel knowing your earliest ancestors were black? You know, evolving from chimps and all.
How's it make you feel knowing your earliest ancestors were black? You know, evolving from chimps and all
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I don't care since I am evolved. Humans evolved from primite species to slightly less primitive species (niggers) and then they evolved into blonde and blue eyed humans. The peak of human evolution.
glad I'm past that.
I know that's not true, but even if it were, i'm optimistic that we are at least aware of the lower forms that we evolved from and will never go back to.
Was that even English?
there were more than one branch of human evolution. the ones from africa came from apes. asians and europeans evolved from another. LOL.
no, they weren't. there weren't any nigger cavemen. niggers came from cavemen interbreeding with a different species that shared a small trace of dna with humanoids. it's been scientifically proven
If we evolved from chimps why are there still chimps present on the planet?
Also you do realize skin color is mostly based on what part of the planet your ancestors lived right?
Theres a BIG difference between the species that we evolved from which existed on the mega continent in the area that would become Africa and having "black ancestors."
It's as bad as the ignorant statement that humans evolved from apes... we share a common ancestor which diverged into multiple lines, including what became humans and what became the great apes.
Enjoy your race baiting, though... then go back to /pol/.
I am OK because they were not, no white person have black ancestors, except those who for miscegenation do of course.
Humans weren't even humans at that point, they would have had as much relations to niggers as a housecat
yeah sorry kids
evolution has long since been debunked
sorry your teachers never told you
You are ignorant about the complex issue that is human evolution and races. I am not saying I know all the answers but I can discern what scientists have taught us. The single origin theory go against everything we know even against basic common cense. And is just a theory they have found oldest primal species in Europe, Asia and in the Mediterranean, check that out.
My first ancestors were actually single cellular organisms
Do some research that isn't based on 1960-70's black nationalist rhetoric. There is excellent mainstream research backing the belief that human life arose in multiple areas consecutively.
It puts some of the un reconciled issues regarding how a mass migration across the land bridge was unlikely into a new light.
glad that i have evolved
Godamnit that bottom one, kek
This is just wrong. Original humans didn't look like modern day blacks. They looked more like southeast asians. Humans in Africa continued to change physically after other tribes migrated northeast.
You are really stupid. Any trace of phenotype from a different "race" vanishes in like 3 or 4 generations. My great grandfather was black and I'm pasty white, and several of my cousins on the samne familial side have red hair.
Its funny because it's true
If your grandfather was black you have African ancestry niggerfaggot your DNA will always show it, if you pass it on. You may not be structurally a nigger but your DNA will carry that nigger heredity there for generations.
You’re a retard. Evolution isn’t linear like you’re describing it.
This is Yea Forums nigger keep your autism to yourself
gonna need more adderall before i can tackle that one
>What is science
I beg you to go get a DNA test. You will find some suprises in there that might disturn your safe little hateful fantasy.
*has no gf, income, hyperobese, lives in mother's basement*
"Well, I'm white, that means I'm superior!!"
I couldn't possibly give an less of a fuck about it.
it's a good read, i highly suggest it
Not who you were replying to but what is a DNA test supposed to show?
Mine shows no African DNA at all, same for my wife. 2% eskimo tho
It will show that everyone has genetic diversity in their DNA. And highlight to retards how genetics actually work, and maybe curb their stupid, childish outbursts.
Lol, nice
gotcha. I was pretty surprised with mine honestly
That's been disproven. Earliest known human like species was recently found in Asia
White people started out as mutants and albinos who lived in caves
Common ancestors,you dumb fuck
There are multiple species of monekys and if you came from your parents why are there still parents?
That misunderstood theory must die. It has never been said that the ancestors were all black or from Africa. What were important parts of the population there? Yes it is true, but not all of them.
The theory of the black ancestors supposes that the first whites arise from blacks with cases of albinism. Excluded in some way they created their own people. It is false.
1- Albinos have a total lack of melanin. While white/caucasian people do not.
2- Totally different hose structures. Do Asians also come from black Africa? Obviously not.
3- Darwinism doesn't say human beings come from the monkey. It is like saying that cats come from lions. In fact the "human comes from the monkey" is the phrase that pseudo scientists used to despise Darwin's theory.
DNA tests only show basic forensic genealogy and mediocre interpretation of your DNA. Any forensic biologist can tell the race of a person by DNA and bone structure, meaning there are indeed various human races, having DNA of another race in small amounts do not make you a member of that race but it does shows that you have indeed some ancestry of that race. Also most for profit DNA companies are highly mediocre and those tests re just mundane interpretations.
Shitty corrector on "point 2":
Bone structures not "hose structures"
Literaly everything on earth started out as a mutant, retard. And also, humans lived in caves all across the world, retard. And also, white people only have lower melanin, not a complete deficiency and so are not albinos, retard.
Chimps aren't even black.
Under their fur they're white.
Dark skin evolved to deal with the sunlight after we lost our fur.
You posted the most sketchy and untrustworthy un sourced site possible
I didn't realise you were an expert on DNA tests. It sounds more like you are evading it because you are scared of what it might tell you. Also, "races" are actually just groups with statistically different gene expression. Genome is still the same. We are still the same species. If you got a million chinese people to have babies with a million indians, then got them to interbreed for a generation or two, you would make a new "race". You are placing far too much importance on what is really just minor differences in gene expression (phenotyoe).
But they are not "minor differences" you niggerfaggot. Evolution is the single most important thing that happened to human beings, in that train of ideas intelligence --the ability to form complex societies, the ability to exploit natural resources, sciences and arts-- all those things are related to evolution, evolution = DNA, DNA not only determine our looks, it just happen that White People are beautiful.
You refuted your own stupid statement I did not said different species, no one ever had said different species, but there are clearly visible to the naked eye different human races, and the differences between them is a big deep hole, kilometers far away from each other.
Early humans fucked monkeys. Thats how the nigger race came about.
Correct your English you moron. You have a cheek to talk about anyone's intelligence, when you can't take an afternoon on the internet to find out how genetics work.
> Evolution is the single most important thing that happened to human beings
It is the only thing that happened to us biologically, and they way you're talking about it implies that you don't actually understand the process.
>the ability to form complex societies, the ability to exploit natural resources, sciences and arts
African societies (like aboriginal and native american) were more isolated from the cross-fertilisation of cultures in eurasia, so they developed slower from lack of exposure to new technology and ideas. Education is the factor here, not intelligence.
> evolution = DNA
>clearly visible to the naked eye
There's your problem. You can't look past surface differences, because you don't understand genetics.
> differences between them is a big deep hole
It's really not. Genetic variation between "races" is a fraction of a percent. But different groups of humans express different alleles in statistically distinct ways. But their actual genome (you can think of it like "genetic potential") is the same up to the aforementioned fraction of a percent.
I feel nothing. We are borg.
>African societies (like aboriginal and native american) were more isolated from the cross-fertilisation of cultures in eurasia, so they developed slower from lack of exposure to new technology and ideas. Education is the factor here, not intelligence
Ans then calls people retard in the interwebs
I am not genetic biologist but i am 100% sure you are not white
>Get a DNA test
but race is just a social construct
Technically wouldn't our earliest ancestors in that case be considered to be the noble comb jelly?
Taken into comparison with that, having our earliest human ancestors be black doesn't seem like that big of a deal.
so what? you want me to get upset or something? lol couldn't care less
Noble Comb Jelly was our black earliest ancestor
We wuz jelly kangs
Pfft. Hahahahaha! Nigger please!
Go to any wal-mart or any other place ordinary whites gather at. "Peak". Whites became trash a long time ago.