Take a guess Yea Forums I wanna win this thing

Take a guess Yea Forums I wanna win this thing.

Attached: 61454703_10156414167597877_9018448950910255104_n.jpg (720x960, 216K)


there is at least like 4 or 5 in there


We don't have to count the dice, right?

ask them if you can see what other people have guessed. then take the average and guess that

Trips of truth


Trips of false security.

>I would never take the average. The average person is an idiot

Just be a nigger and steal it.. nigger

agree those figures looks pretty cool





what my last 3 digests are

i think these are pretty close

How much is it worth to you? I can give you a great guess, which will most likely get you the win, so how much are you willing to pay for my assistance?

53. Die don't count as figures

Pick it up and give it a jiggle. Close you eyes so your weight guessing sense is heightened.


Attached: 1540489942426.jpg (388x313, 94K)


I happen to know that there are 75 figures in the jar. I'm stupid good at these kind of things.

You are correct, good sir, only one off.

Over 9000