Why are Trump Supporters such incels?

Why are Trump Supporters such incels?

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Fake news, move on newfags.

Man, you’re just going to throw the whole fishing pole right in?

They're uneducated, angry, poor, and disenfranchised. Being incels is just another problem on their "poor life" checklist.

>image instead of a link

Yeah you dont know who rules the world dont you?

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Because it's the same with their politics. They all repeat each other's garbage to make each further self indoctrinated. They do the same thing when talking about women

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I think you are mixed up with the leftists

Believable, but here's the thing:

GTFO you mental cripple

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Found the virgin

Libtard: “Well I think it's bad that companies are getting away with using children basically as slaves, almost all the clothes in America have a huge chance of have being made by a child in slavery, and I don't think that that's okay."
Ben:"yeah libtard? Well you wear clothes, you hypocrite, so shut up"
The croud goes wild, libtards everywhere simultaneously die, Ben reaches divine apotheosis, owning all future, present, and past libtards.
Some edgy 15 year old who is not even close to being smart enough to form a political opinion, and has a MAGA hat wearing anime girl for a profile pic then uploads it to see YouTube compilation titled something like
"Ben SHAPIRO absolutely DESTROYS liberal SNOWFLAKES with his FAT cock made of LOGIC, and he RAVAGES the assholes of LIBTARDS with it, shooting a THICK CREAMY LOAD of FACTS NOT CARING about their LIBTARD FEELINGS into their tight LIBTARD ass.

They are waiting until marriage like god intended
instead of swinging their dick into every loose

The voterbase for thd Right Wing is proven to be more impoverished than those that vote for the Left. You just think otherwise because MUH COLLEGE LIBTARDS ARE BROKE

Because they are socially awkward and need to find something to cope. Even other alt-right babes find them repulsive

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I nae naed on a libtard. My teacher was talking about “Quantam Fisics” and she said she is mad because the board of education is cutting budgets for science. I said “facts dont care ab ur feelings LIBTARD!” Like my epic style self did! And i fortnite danced on my teacher epic infinite dab style (if u dont know the infinite dab style, get bent gamer and learn ur SHIZZLE!) then I got called to the office and got a call home from mom and I said “mom she was a flippin libtard I nae naed on her” and now she says shes taking me some place called “euthanization camp”

I'm not a Trump supporter, but
Vice is fake and just wants everyone to use ketamine

Statistics show otherwise
Inb4 "the stats are fake REE FAKE NEWS"

Ben is a controlled jew oppsiton, he is not the best person to assume represents all conservatives.

LOL they are incels not volcels. they cant get laid because women do not want to fuck pasty racist crackers.

cope more cumskin

Actually, studies have shown that people with right-wing political views are more attractive on average than liberals.

I can't stand lefties, but people who take pride in their race for something that they are not are pretty pathetic

>Trump supporters

You're dumb

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They're actually self hating homosexuals

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LOL its time to stop watching Faux News, sweetie

Provide a single example of openly proclaimed alt right niggas supporting democrats.

Found the male feminist rapist.

LOL. who the fuck would admit theyre virgins on a national poll?

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That's not even from Fox News. Look at your average feminist woman. They're fat, ugly cows who don't shave their armpits. Right-wingers are more attractive. Deal with it.

>Everyone who doesn't vote democrat is an alt right Trump supporter

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Because they are giant crybabies just like their big role model. Degenerates, neckbeards and /pol/-pioneers. This article (if it's even true) dosn't supprise me at all.

Nice photo shop nigger

hillary won the popular vote. Please incel turn the Fox News off and live in the real world for once. Your literally brainwashed

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People who think they're anonymous.

Awkward moment when you use the word whopping in your headline and still hope for credibility

Reddit or facebook. Choose one to go back to, abortion flunky

>Calls Trump supporters incels
>when the vast majority of feminist women look like pic related

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This but unironically

G8 B8 M8

Ignoring the shitty bait, why does everybody on this board give a shit about what other people do, or don't do, in their bedrooms? Have sex or don't, who cares.

>vast majority

Can I get a source?

I'm not talking about GOP leadership, which are all billionaires. I'm talking about the alt-right majority, the stooges that vote for them.

you just described liberals.

>coming from the side that started destroying everything they didn't own while hiding in groups behind masks

>source? Hah, we dont do that here

Well apparently you incels care because you lash out at others over it.

You really think the right looks like that?

Damn, foiled again by the witty Alt-Righters. I heard funnier and more clever insults in middleschool

They are LARPing as insecure redditors.

>inb4 cnn jew

When i said "libtards are broke" just saying that most of the people who run the world are right-hand
And even if you are a leftfag you can tell, thats why the left wing have so much support for normal people.... anyways i'am not on the usa and yes i'am a minority but guess what the right wing its actually less hypocrite that the left wing
And seeing how the media its always trying to make the right-wing look bad with false facts like calling White extremist people on the news because they were carrying USA flags on a riot against antifas yes the same antifas who call the cops "niggers" or making police officers always look as "the bad guy" when they put their handcuffs on any black male, watch some Donut Operator and you'll see how the media never gives you the big picture or how chicago is "the worst state to be black" when on 2019 there has been less that 10 human beings injuried by police officers ...... you dont even have to look on that kind of shit look at the news rn this gayass futboll player who is being accused of "rape" when there is a video of his "ex" hitting him the same "ex" who stabed her ex (thing that never have been mencioned on the media) or the fact that the lawyers firm rejected to defend her because she changed her history and now ronalfag lost a contract with a CC company and was called "rapist" by the same company (and wont be able to play on the Copa America for lessions) , yes as a minory i prefer the right-wing because even if they lie they are smart enough to hide their lies and those lies actually have a reason to be and aint "cops are bad kill em all" shit ... thats it sorry for the broken ass english see you later virgin

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>Fox News

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Oh right here we just spew out whatever talking points sound the coolest and pretend that the political party with morals is the Right-Wing.

Thanks mum

National average is 16. So they had sex in their early 20s when most people get married. So your saying basically MAGA supporters
are religious and waited for marriage....

You mad? Yeah, you mad

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>yes, you are correct

GOOD source


>national avarage is 16
God now you give me more reasons to hate on Americans

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>Get instantly butthurt
>"I'm winning I'm winning!"


Also i dont upport trump because he is a shitshow, but hilary its on some dirty shit and its really mental ill (just google hillary having an autism atack on camara and you'll see)

Can someone sum up what this longpost-one paragraph faggot says?

>not american
Wht are you in this thread?

>I dislike the left because they inaccurately portray the right-wing in media as always being the bad guy

>also seems to only get his news from mainstream media

If you do your own research then you'll see that the right wing is more often the ones that violate the most human rights. Of course Fox News will never talk about that but you very clearly have no information on this topic that hasnt been forced into your mind by this massive fucking echochamber

>If you do your own research then you'll see that the right wing is more often the ones that violate the most human rights.

Liberals are usually educated. The majority of college graduates, engineers, and scientists are liberals with a strong tendency towards atheism.

Does this look like a president to you?m.youtube.com/watch?v=jtU5nMbEsQ4

It seems like it should be a bipartisan push to want news sources to do better. We need to all hold eachother to higher standards, especially in your own political party. If you right-wingers see another right-winger spreading false information or shitty sources then help them by giving them stronger talking points rather than letting a bunch of retards lead more retards

Why are you in non-American threads?

Seething lol


I'm not butthurt I was just hoping there would be more to offer than the reply I got lmao the dude that replied to me was the one that was butthurt


I got tons of pictures. Pretty much any time you turn on the news and see a feminist speaking, it's someone who's fat and ugly. Now where's your source that antifeminists are all incels? Feminists are always virgin-shaming men while claiming that virgin shaming is part of toxic masculinity. You're hypocrites. You created virgin-shaming and then blamed men for it. It's really just a tu quoque though, because all the original feminists in each wave have been fat, ugly women who hated men because no man would fuck them.

No successful person has ever drank an energy drink. It's ironically only drank by people with pre-diabetus who want full-on diabetus and don't understand how their body works.

>Wake up
>Thank the Lord I'm not a lib
>Eat breakfast consisting only of bacon to own the Muslims
>watch Fox News at full volume with my windows open to own libtard neighbors
>Head to bank in my lifted truck, rolling coal, to own the snowflakes
>Wear my ICE hat to own any illegal wetbacks who might be waiting in line at the bank
>Get my paycheck in 20s to take home
>Spend rest of day marking "Donald Trump lives here" on all my money
>Eat more pork for dinner
>Jack off while imagining our stunning first lady and our ruggedly handsome new president.
>I'm so happy and proud to be an American

No it's just comical to sit back and watch you crybabies spew "faux news" and "fox news sucks" and in the same breath, explain how every liberal media outlet is non-biased. You people have mental health problems. At least I can admit that fox leans right with a conservative bias.

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You're mistaking schooling for education. I've met plenty of college graduates who are pigshit stupid.

Funny shit i dont watch CNN or Fox news
Also hard to believe that right wong os more often to violate human rights when our last democrat president was coluded with the NSA to create an Spyware to control the population without their permitions, or sending soldies to fight a war because Keks... yeah you are the brainwashed

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Why do redditors care so much about sex?

What kind of autism is this post?

Lets just talk about repoductive rights for this. The legislation (albeit more created to appeal Roe V. Wade than to actually pass) that GA and AL have proposed would essentially remove the choice to have an abortion at a safe clinic. Now this is a violation of human rights because the state is deciding how an individual can act and is forcing women to give birth to children they dont want. Now you can cite religious bullshit to claim that the act of getting an abortion is a violation of human rights bc "its murder." But fact really dont care about your feelings lol. The people who are actually educated in the medical field agree that at the first stages an embryo is just a sac of cells.

Here we have someone addicted to fox news propaganda that is accusing every other legitimate news source of being propaganda because he is delusional and projecting big time. Enjoy the last few moments of your Orange Hitler before Kamala Harris opens a can of whoop ass on all you facist losers.

>the news

Fox doesnt count as a news source. Neither do any mainstream tv news channels

Here's your rubles, comrade

>Kamala Harris
I was ready to debate you until I read this.

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26 virgin
Not alt right though.

>m'popular vote
Explain why anyone should care

This guy gets all his information from his granpa's racist facebook memes and thinks he somehow outsmarted the entire world of journalism.

Being on this website means youre in the echochamber, dumbass. Hate-mongering is this sites MO

This, anyone can go to the school and learn but being educated its a different
Also if shit works in that way then nazis are right about nigger being a sub race and for the fact that a tonshit of them dont go to school they are uneducated and stupid.... so in if you have that in mind leftwing is calling blackpeople uneducated stupid and violent... so yeah leftwing its racist as fuck
Also hillary have an historial calling black males niggers

>posts picture of a retard

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>lefty "news" site complaining about people on the opposite side of the political spectrum
surely there's no bias there at all

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I'm one of the people here fighting on the side of the left. You must not be following very closely but I appreciate your energy

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Trump. His politics are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of things you don't know about, most of the 12d chess will go over a typical voter’s head. There’s also Trump’s 80's style outlook, which is deftly woven into his personality- his personal philosophy draws heavily from self help literature and fox news, for instance. His supporters understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these views, to realise that they’re not just great - they say something deep about stuff. As a consequence people who dislike Donald Trump truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the brilliance in Tump’s favorite catchphrase “I guarantee you,” which itself is a clever reference to Trump’s Art of the Deal. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated communists scratching their heads in confusion as Donald Trump’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a MAGApede tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid..

Youll be upset too when a dem gets voted in and a rep. wins the popular vote. The only difference is the democrats want it gone regardless of whether its helping us or them

You know Yea Forums was and its left wing as fuck right?

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Definetly not the ones who voted for trump.

have sex, incel

I agree you can have an abortion after 8 weeks.
But, can you explain why the child growing after 8 weeks and pass that is not human rights violations?

It was libretarian.

To be fair. There is no such thing as I.Q.

No scientist, mathematician, astronaut, pilot, nobody has every had to take an "i.q. test" ever for any reason in the history of this country.

The "I.Q. Test" was a parlor game no different than a facebook quiz that gets talked about in movies and TV so idiots like Trump and his supporters think I.Q. is a real thing.

Ironically everyone who's ever taken a science class knows how fucking stupid you all look when you talk about "I.Q."

Let's see, lost it at 15, was with the girl until I was 22, I really loved her but she dumped me for reasons I understand now that I'm older. However now that we're both older she's getting married to another man, a sort of niceguy nerd, half black, physics teacher, she had to have a 30 minute conversation as to why he couldn't go TA for his grad school with a Hannah Montana backpack, he's fucking precious you know?

But here's the catch, she's decided she's a man too. He was a virgin before he dated her and she announced the change in gender AFTER they had gotten married. So in every way possible he is trapped watching a beautiful if very insecure woman poison herself and grow a mustache. He's such a soft touch you know he just caved, he doesn't want it or think it's hot, he's just got nobody else and is too weak to leave her over it.

So really, fuck you people, the girl I lost my virginity to is not a trans freak now, but is forcing that down the throat of someone who's straight but too nice to do anything about it. Thanks leftist ideology! You're in no way trying to personally destroy white people and their relationships one at a time. No, wait, yes you are, that's literally all you do. Kill yourselves, change gender first if you feel like it, but kill yourselves.

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So from that we can assume this person is definitely still a virgin.

And that girl doesn't exist.

>To be fair. There is no such thing as I.Q.
lmao okay retard

Most girls, like 90% of them actually, are only will have sex with you in the teenage days if you look like a gym sports fag or a "cute" hipster fag. They just don't sleep with a regular ordinary guys. Actually when they grow up they sleep only with specific people too. Rich, successful, all that. Back in the days everybody's got the chance to get pussy, nowadays get pussy is almost impossible if you're not fit, rich and successful.

In order to laugh at you in a comfy way not risking to take a bullet because of your micro-penis complex.

Gay sex doesn't count as real sex

>vast majority
No not the vast majority only the loud majority. Just like the loud majority on trumps side are incels.

The wheels are turning but he can't make sense of the facts I just laid on him. Must have a high "I.Q."

Tell that to /pol/

That's just stupid as shit. Lower your standards and bang a fatty. They're crazy for dick.

it's a pasta you fucking faggot

I could hire a antifa fag to punch your mother in the mouth. they stand for nothing and are easily persuaded

conservatives are inbred faggot niggers
change my mind

Holy fucking shit. I want to bang Ben Shapiro so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to Turning Point USA I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of him online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Ben Shapiro. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Ben's tight conservative boi pussy. I want him to have my mutant human/conservative babies.

Fuck, my fucking libtard mom caught me with Ben Shapiro. I'd dressed him in my sister's skirt and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my Fox News subscription. I might not ever get to see Ben Shapiro again.

No, this guy is right in a way. The alt-right is funded by rich people who are afraid that the society that they've destroyed will end up taking away their power. The purpose of fascism is to protect capitalism during economic crisis. These "redpills" are just unwitting goons serving the same people who are responsible for impoverishing their families.

An alt-righter is an attack dog with a scared rich man at the other end of his leash.

Hahah, really? You think what, if bitch is fat and ugly af, then she will lower her standards? All women want fit, rich and successful fucker, no mater of weight or looks.

First of all I want to start off saying this kid is a fucking retard and has no brain. What an illegal immigrant . I think Trump should deport him and his family. Second of all police are not pigs if anyone is the pig is him, his parents and, his ancestors. Not liking officers is like cats not liking cat nip. If there is a cat that doesn't like cat nip then it's deformed just like that kid. Third of all, police officers are supposed to protect and serve. WHICH THEY ARE. Not all officers are corrupt. It's rare to find an officer corrupt in the USA. Now if this kid is in Mexico or Cuba, I understand. But if you notice how your towns are safe and last night was a regular peaceful night, then the officers are doing their jobs. You see, the liberals on CNN, FOX not as much, message me more news channels I will guarantee they are liberalized. Libs are like locusts they trash the recourses in one place and move to the next. All they want is more money. They want the government controlling us, which is not good one bit. That basically makes a Tyranny country like North Korea. I know you butt hurt low life living pigs also known as democratics and liberals will be triggered at what I'm saying . Well guess what, fuck you and when you meet Jesus Christ at the pearly Gates of Heaven you will confess to him all the stupid crap you've done. What's the difference between liberals and parasites? Nothing they are the same thing except they suck up our rights instead of blood. Thank you for your time reading this I hope you see that you're in sin and it's sad.

Kek, never seen this copypasta be about trump before.

Vice is reliable source

lol stfu you animal. I'm no communist, but I'm not a blind fucking idiot parrotting back everything I hear on Fox News. A century ago America's super wealthy corporatists, who were also Nazi sympathizers, discovered the insane amounts of wealth they could make manufacturing conflict around the globe and they've been doing it ever since. When the revolution happened in Russia they felt at the time that Communism was a direct threat to their wealth. They didn't give a shit about the common man then just as they don't give a shit about the common man now. Everything about America today is designed to brainwash you into loving capitalism and never questioning the unbalanced and unethical business practices of the corporate elite that keep untold millions in poverty while lining the of shore accounts of these wealthy people with our hard earned money. You need to wake up to this. All of America needs wake up to this. Because if we don't in 50 years we're just going to be sending our kids back into the workforce and in a century the 99 % of us will be as impoverished as the indentured serfs c V medieval Europe. Mark my god damned words.

So you're saying you're an ugly, fat, unattractive, seething toxic fuck then? Because that's what you have to be living with that kind of mentality

I've got tons of examples that aren't from the news too. And you have yet to answer my point about feminists blaming male virgin-shaming on toxic masculinity while shaming male virgins themselves.


Most of these people are out of shape and under educated. No woman that I’ve ever met would go for that.

Doesn’t mean they’d jump on equality warrior sjw dick either, but in a social setting, politics out the window setting, it’s the better looking, non angry guys that girls tend to go for.

My grandpa's dead, so shut up.

And it's the better looking, non angry girls that guys tend to go for. Hence why feminist women can't get laid.

Capitalism has no country.

Capitalism sent all the jobs to China.

Capitalism has been lowering wages the past 100 years.

Democratic socialism is the only reasonable option for our future.

We cannot trust the corporations to regulate themselves.

So in fact women are to blame for all this alt-right bullshit. WHY AM I NOT FUCKING SURPRISED.

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Old leftists were libertarian though, we had no idea you'd try to pull this nazi bullshit. Fuck off to resetera or something if you think it's okay to still be a donkeyflag waving fucking asshole loser while they increasingly try to pressure Yea Forums and anything like it out of existence. You're on the side that wants to wipe out the site your on and you think maybe the site culture hasn't changed? Fuck you, you don't even believe that.

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Probably because you are a virgin who blames women for all your other problems?

everyone in this thread better be baiting otherwise you're all morons.

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1. Do you think toxic masculinity is responsible for male virgin-shaming?
2. If so, why are you engaging in male virgin-shaming yourself?

Calling people morons isn't something smart people do. It's something morons do.

I'm going to go with moron

lol moron

You just subtly called that user a moron there fore calling yourself a moron. Nice job.

Squeaky wheels get the grease, so to speak.

Annoying feminists making noise about thin privilege and shaming people for being white, and pathetic incels saying gross shit about women and blaming Jews.

Extreme feminists and incels should get together and fuck every now and then. Maybe then they’d STFU.

So don't, just have white collar criminals executed. Fascism is the only way and you know it. You just want it to be your fascism so you can still be gay or whatever scum-sucking identity you belong to, I mean, we know it's an identity issue with you by definition because that's all the leftists have: identities they've promised to empower over other identities. You just want to be the gay oppressor instead of the gay oppressed.

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What's wrong with being a virgin? I regret being coerced out of my virginity by a manipulative kike bitch in high school. There's more important things in life than pussy, and one of them is tradition. If you fuck before marriage, I will not marry you, as the odds of you getting a divorce are astronomical. And if I'm not trying to marry you one day, I'm not giving you the time of day. Therefore, whores get ignored for being whores, and this upsets them, so they have to cry "INCEL, YOU COULDN'T HANDLE MY BLOWN OUT PUSSY!"

>implying any of it exists in the first place
this shit doesn't exist outside of journalism and tv.
i havent encountered anything they rave about in daily life. everyone knows anyone who thinks about that shit is retarded.

I'm just a regular guy, ordinary job, not rich, not fat but not fit either, I don't look like a hollywood star, but I'm not that ugly, just a regular guy. And you know what? I'm 30 years old and I only had sex ONCE in my life. And I tried a lot actually, they just don't want to have sex with me, because I have no money to buy them shit, I don't wear a fancy fag hip clothes, my car is not a fucking ferrari or something, etc. So when people told me to JUST GO AND GET a women, I just laugh at their faces.

I dunno. Dick is the easiest thing in the world to get, as long as you’re not a land whale, skank, or cross section thereof.

what are you doing lol
hit a club
look nice
bang a drunk chick
start dating
its not hard.
hell use tinder.


it's basically because you're a fucking creep or have zero personality. You should probably kill thyself

holy cope

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Are you fucking kidding? I see feminists shaming men who don't have sex all the time.

>or have zero personality
You see? That's what I'm talking about. You always have to be SOMEBODY to get a pussy. That's just pathetic.

>If you fuck before marriage, I will not marry you

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What on twitter?
Where the hell do you live? I'm in VA right now and nobody ever even talks about that shit and if you do you get laughed at. It's such a non-issue.

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That's a shame. I'm 33 and had sex countless times. There must be something wrong with you.

So because you're a horny animal who can't keep it in his pants, you assume everyone else wants the same thing you want.

>dude I was totally raped in highschool

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Don't be a whiney bitch and just talk to women. Don't be a creep about it. It's not hard.

> implying buying them things, and flashing cash is what women want

Bruh you’re describing what an insecure simp/future chuck does. Women like gifts when it’s traditionally appropriate, yeah.

But you don’t take a bitch on a shopping spree to get them into you. I’ve gotten laid by great looking women by being handy with dad jokes, and I could definitely be in better shape.

Your view about women is fuuuuuuucked up.

Congratulations on accomplishing something even a dumb animal is capable of. Some of us have other priorities besides sticking our dicks in things.

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Nah, you just don't want to admit changing gender in the middle of marriage is marital abuse of the highest degree. Super glad I'm not with "him" or whatever she thinks she is now. It happened after she moved to New York so you just know she made some leftyfascist friends and has to play along now. Just super glad I am not that dude she's married to, watching your wife turn into a man is a level of punishment I don't think even Stalin would have even contemplated.

Face it, you people are evil and gross. The oppressed don't want freedom, they want to become the oppressor. You operate entirely in the mode of revenge rather than justice and everyone, everywhere can see it. You are not an activist, you're a terrorist and eventually we'll see you treated like one.

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Project much
Sex is awesome man. It is one of the most liberating things in the world. Experiencing that connect while you look her in the eyes is the best. You keep it in your pants because you don't have a choice. Nobody wants you.
That's a you problem and nobody wants to be like you.

Don't be a bitch. That attitude right there is probably why women avoid you.

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And even on Twitter it’s alt-right bots with nothing better to do.

Dude come on. Just admit you want to fuck.
Stop playing mental gymnastics.

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Women don't avoid me though.

So 17-18, opposed to the 10-11 you fags do when you're raped by older fags? And now you're pushing to get kids on hormone blockers to create adults with childlike features... You're all a bunch of sick fucks.

Why have you only been laid once then? I had at least 2 girlfriends where I was broke, and didn't have a job.

Sad redditors thinking their chad beacuse they managed to touch one avarage looking woman.

Yeah again all of that shit is stupid and anyone who worries about it is delusional. Life is a lot bigger than annoying pests with nothing better to do than bitch about totally non-apparent political shit all day.
It's actually really sad to see people pay attention to it so much. Move on and live life is what I say. All you can do is bitch while the capitalistic machine keeps chugging

You mean like you have to have a personality? Is that not kinda basic stuff? Come on dude, you're sounding like a fucking socialist. Give me shit because I don't have it...

>Sex is awesome man. It is one of the most liberating things in the world.
For you maybe. But there are other ways to be happy besides sticking your dick in things. You're codependent and your life revolves around women. Don't assume everyone else wants what you want.

still projecting

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Well, considering that I don't masturbate, why would I want to fuck?

i agree with this, im not sure when the line was crossed where being a tranny was (and still is to anyone but the 0.01% that includes that overly vocal minory) no longer classified as a mental illness. I dont care how you spin it or whatever leftwing liberal cuck bullshit that u spin up there is no reason for a sane human being to want to change their gender.

Better than you can do.

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You keep assuming so many things about me. Sex is one piece of the puzzle. I do enjoy other hobbies but if I had to to pick between them I'd certainly pick sex.
2nd to the and fucking Mount & Blade god damn that game is ultra sex.

the Trump supporter is a latent homosexual, full of their own subconscious self loathing, the tepid anger they display is a sublimated urge to wallow in homosex depravity.

found the eunich

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Not that user but my life doesn't revolve around women. It just happens if you try. You need to quit projecting your loser attitude on everyone just because you can't get laid.

Bro you nofap?
I mean by all means live life like you want to. I say though that you're missing out. Sex is a vital part of mental health. You feel really confident and happy after it.

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>wat is google

u think trannies fucking each other in the ass feel good after sex? LMFAO

>"Arachnophobic huh? You must secretly must want to fuck spiders."

Trannies aren't real people

This is bait, get saged


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Oh you speaking from experience? What the fuck do you know lol.
Sex in of itself isn't what make you confident. It's the other person completely accepting you in the most intimate way possible.
So yeah trannies prolly feel that too.

ya tell that to the libtards

getting the magnus

I disregard their opinions

couldn't even be bothered to make a bar graph, eh?

Posting a picture with your sage makes it null and void.


have some music

Since youre clearly an underdeveloped manlet, lemme lay it out here for you. Sex, is an act by which a man takes what he wants from a woman and is done with it. Theres none of this "the other person accepting you intimately"

Because your toddler in chief cried about it on Twitter when Obama lost popular vote

Yeah you're such a faggot.
I'm surprised you would say something that makes you seem so out of touch with sex. Are you trying to invalidate your own opinion?
You're really coming across as someone with literally no sexual experience.

bait accepted

>59% self-described 'Alt-Right'
>picture of antifa democrat
>nothing more needs to be said

>hur dur why do you care about democracy, democrats?

No, I just think they're dumb as fuck.

talk to women more.

>You know who rules the world don't you?
A bunch of ultra wealthy corporate Democrats.

yup 0 sexual experience whatsoever, youre right. keep fucking your 3's and having "intimate experiences" you fuckin cuckold

I'm not a virgin at all.

So why as a complete virgin are you trying to argue lol.
You are seriously being insecure. You gotta find someone who loves you bro. Trust me it gets better.

ahh you're autistic as well. cheers

Women are pretty slower. It's not due to them being less intelligent it probably has to do with them being more emotional and logical.

lol mad

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I think you mean illogical there bro.

>Thinking the Government does better

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emotional than logical*
mb i just woke up

i agree
cardi b makes music for single moms

>women are pretty slower

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Pick one

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We will once we relentlessly make fun of you first

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The capitalistic machine thrives on this. As revenue from exposure, comments, shares.

It’s why google/Twitter/FB are so slow to do anything about it. Nothing to do with free speech, everything to do with revenue.

virgin loser lmao

"Anyone who says something I don't like is fake news"

go get laid faggot

Lmao vice? Maby you should go to vox they just fucked up jewtube even worse fuck your billionaire corporations

Yes, and you're assuming a lot about me. I literally have no sex drive. I don't masturbate. If I wanted sex, I would be masturbating. Why is this so hard for you to comprehend?

so you sayin' that democrats are the aristocrats?

I know this is hard for you to comprehend, but some of us don't actually care about sticking our penises everywhere. I don't have sex because sex doesn't interest me. I have no problem getting people (including women) to like me. I just have no interest in fucking them. Why is this so hard for you people to understand?

Neither do I you dumb ass. Quit projecting your dumbass thoughts

You were just bitching about how you can't find a woman even though you try, and only got laid once. You're fucking seething and stupid.

I have comprehended it. I just think you should reconsider lol.

Oh, and by the way, this is what I look like. Yeah, I'm a literal chad, and you're telling me I can't get laid. Dumbass.

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That wasn't me. You're talking to multiple people.

yeah not bad.
Solid 7-8/10

Because it’s not true? Lmao


um, it's as if this whole story/meme was written by a virgin. losing your virginity is always disappointing. it's embarrassing, gross, and never fulfills expectations. the person you lose it with will never care about you the way you want them to and it will always be a lame memory.

it WILL teach you, however, that it wasn't worth caring about, and if you had anything more important--like being alt-right or whatever--to just keep doing that because bitches are never worth it.

if anything, this is a highly advanced virgin making fun of virgin meme.

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Alt leftists take it up the ass or get pity laid by confused bisexuals with daddy issues in a high school bathroom or back of their moms car so no surprise here.

Hey bro, I am 22, kind of fit, and have a steady job so far and will go into a pretty high paying job. I am still a virgin. I'm in the Marines, and you know how that is k own to be a great way to get laid? Guess what, I'm still a virgin. It ain't women's, its mine and mine alone. Women are people, meaning they want someone they can have fun with and vibe with, if you lack social skills and anything related to that (slowly learning this morr and more, late starter) you would be in mine and your situation.

Piece of advice, Know yourself and seek self improvement, the beauty of something being all your fault is the fact that you can change it

Unholy fucks. It's not a race to lose it.


Waiting until marriage

This. Libtards place way too much emphasis on losing their virginity. It's like they're permanently stuck in adolescence.

They generally just have better morals.

Oh well I was just saying I was pretty much in the same boat as him, but I have no problem finding women to bang.

Haha yeah ok geek.


>You will get laid if you just try.
>You can't get laid.
Choose one.

Okay, well, you can drop the whole "You're an incel loser if you don't have sex." schtick. That's what I've been objecting to this whole time.

That's cause niggers lose their virginity around 12-13 in the school bathroom, or by their uncle, bringing the average way down.

Truth is most people don't fuck political extremists whether it be on the left or the right.

Riding your "girlfriend's" strapon while Tyrone assfucked her doesnt count as losing your virginity.

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Get a haircut and fix your posture

Nothing wrong with being a geek.

>being this upset

We both know your dick has never been in anything but your hand.

Man this is some fresh pasta.

It was deep in your mom last night. You must have noticed her walking funny.

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This. Fat chicks give the best blow jobs. Fight me.

Yang gang you fucking faggot

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They do because they're hungry

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Sounds like you have zero confidence. Chicks love that shit. A guy who's so down on himself and has no self confidence is repellent to women. Have you tried to stop being a faggot?

Unironically this.

This is true. You don't even have to go pork galaxy fat either. If a woman is a little big she will have lower self esteem. Low self esteem means more likely to be an easy fuck.
Maybe they just aren't into you. I'm not good looking, or rich, and I've fucked a handful of women. The better looking women were relationships. The one nighters were anything from thick to kinda fat. Maybe you just suck.

See there's the problem - these guys are frsutrated and are being told what they want to hear by politicians who don't actually give a fuck about them. It's similar to the neo-lib Democrats who are jamming up the progressives. Hell the Tea Party movement got hijacked by the Kochs within what, like a few months?

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Ok faggot

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