Ask a Pepsi merchandiser anything. I work in the South LA/Central LA area, I drive my car all over the area, and I work 50+ hrs a week
Ask a Pepsi merchandiser anything. I work in the South LA/Central LA area, I drive my car all over the area...
Why is Pepsi such a good drink?
Are you related to Andy Ruiz?
Are you undocumented? Have you ever killed anyone?
Sorry, is Pepsi ok instead?
How much product do you steal usually?
what does your job involve?
How many liters of pepsi the company give you?
Merchandisers don't touch product owned by their plant. They touch products owned by stores, so they're stealing from stores
How does that answer his question you ficking retard
Learn to read, summer
Do you have to deal with lots of organized crime?
dear god the retard still doesnt understand
For a guy who works 50+ hrs a week this thread is posted an awful lot
i still dont understand this meme
have you even tried to reread it? how fucking stupid are pepsi faggits lmao
He asked you how much do you steal, he didn't specifically asked you what kind of product or from whom you're stealing.
Go fuck yourself. Coke so much better.