I just realized this site uses ai with the filter system to identify objects in OP image to sort in the catalog...

i just realized this site uses ai with the filter system to identify objects in OP image to sort in the catalog. im thinking this is abandon ship for me. good luck anons, i hope you will join me in abandoning this honeypot.
pic not related

Attached: akira bluray.jpg (1100x1562, 455K)

Attached: 20190607_032945.jpg (720x1280, 381K)

What do you mean? I’m retarded


Thread sorting is based on bumps retard. When you make a post, it puts that thread at the top of the board, then it starts to slide down as other things get bumped. The AI you're thinking of is just the hivemind of thousands of anons bumping threads they like, and a flashy image will help get people interested.
lrn2 Yea Forums summerfags

You're wrong


Attached: 1555847905785.jpg (350x550, 49K)

feels real ghost in the shell. phoneposter cos poorfag cry about it.
this site is merely a captcha farm

Attached: Screenshot_20190607-033810_Ghostery.jpg (720x1280, 321K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190607-033905_Ghostery.jpg (720x1280, 422K)

>being this much of a newfag

lrn2 use your fucking eyes, retards

where does it say any of the filter words in the first thread

you are either a seriously misguided user or a bot

You're actually retarded. You'd fit right in on /x/ or /g/ with your lack of understanding basic concepts, yet able to make references our age group would get.

It's probably in the filename. Filtering is done client-side because it would cost too much in terms server resources for you to send a query and return a special list of threads just for you.

holy shit thanks user im a fuckin retard

Quad checked

>our age group
who the fuck are you talking about
i will admit this is /x/ tier


Jesus, okay I know. Summer's just a meme. Now put that spaghetti back in your fanny pack before the girl behind the counter sees you

>fanny pack
I’m actually impressed that some ppl still remember the fanny pack meme but you misused it in this context which led me to believe you try hard to prove that you’re an oldfag

Wait, you can hide posts with pro-trap pro-log pro-bbc pro-jew content?

Yea Forums just became great again! :D

It always has been there

>has been viewing all the content instead of some of the content


You said
>Yea Forums just became great again! :D
As if it was a newly added feature
Suck a dick

Talking shit is fun, nobody cares what you think, you'll die long before some government agency finds the time and resources to personally show up and give you a slap on the wrist for all the stupid shit you've said and posted on this site dedicated to stupid shit and awful posts. Leave if you want, but don't pretend you're doing for any clever reason. Faggot.

you are even dumber than i am. however, i pity you

This, before Yea Forums became entirely porn you'd use titty pics in the OP to get attention to your thread

How the fuck do you only have 20 tabs open? I'm at like 150 right now, and I just got done purging.


Moot isn't here to cover for you anymore, summerfag.

checked. op is gay confirmed.

Jesus fuck that stresses me out. I have 2-3 open at any time at most.