Anyone else wish their cock was smaller?

Anyone else wish their cock was smaller?

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is that picture real?

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No but I wish I had 2 penises instead of one.

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some of beta whitebois for sure
having a real vagina is their greatest desire tho

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Yes when I'm fucking a girl and my dick rams into the end of her, that shit hurts. Plus you can never get the whole dick sucked.

Yes. 7 inches and it's a nice feeling that I'm the biggest for most girls I get with, but half of them find it painful.

I was actually scared as it came out, had no clue what ot was

I wish for smaller girth. No blowjobs sucks.

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8 inches. and my bitch is training with throat jobs. I'm not really a fan, her regular blowjobs are just fine. but she insists. *shrugs*

while i do hit her cervix. she actually likes it. tells me to bruise it up and talks dirty. shits hot.

she is a true slut for my cock and cum.

other girls i have been with have complained though. they dont let me go balls deep and tell me to pull back. while its novel knowing you are too big for someone it just ruins the mood.

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I am 4 inches and I'm good at sex
I wouldn't wish for a smaller or bigger peen

Only if it means more chicks would take it in the ass.

how big are you? 7 incher from above and all chicks I've been with took an ass blasting

Only when anal is refused.

i wish i was smoller so i can be a qt3.14 faggy waggy uwu

Also 7. I'd say out of every five chicks, one craves anal, one will do it because I like it, and the other three hate it.

what a unit

If I could temporarily have it smaller I would. The larger the penis the less sensitive it is because the nerve endings are spread out over a larger area. The smaller the penis the more they're concentrated because it's still the same number of endings. Guys with micropenises feel sex more intensely.would be kinda neat to experience that. Suck for the girl though.

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Why are there not more of these? Fuck, we could have a race of super chickens

nah im pretty content with my big white cock. but if you want to shrink yours, you can always drink some soilet

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wife complains about it even after two kids
