Where do you think you're going kid?

Where do you think you're going kid?

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To the bathroom. I gotta take a shit.

To the bathroom. I gotta take a shit.

To the bathroom. I gotta take two shits.

To the bathroom. I gotta take a shit.

To the bathroom. I gotta take three shits.

To the bathroom. I gotta take four shits.

To the bathroom. I gotta take five shits.

To the teachers lounge. I gotta take a shit.

You two, come with me you gotta see this! Someone put laxatives in the school lunch and everyone is stocking up the bathrooms!

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Did you whores forget about the pictures I took?

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To my bong. I gotta take a hit.

Witnessed checked and handing toilet paper

pls let me through i forgot my pencil in class

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To the bathroom. I gotta take a shit.

This Cootie catcher is gonna become a booty catcher.

I'm looking for Archie.

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Oh god It's like india in there!!!

trips checked
He's in the bathroom taking a shit

They said bathroom, not designated shitting street.

I'm the Janitor. I gotta restock the toilet paper in the bathroom.

To the shit. I gotta take a bathroom.

Thanks. I found him.

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To find the bathroom! I gotta take a shit but someone stole it!

To the bathroom. I gotta take a shit.