Getting all 4 wisdom teeth removed tomorrow

Getting all 4 wisdom teeth removed tomorrow.
>anything i should know? tips/ experiences/recovery time

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Dentists are doctors, if you ask nicely you can score a free prostate exam while you're under, won't feel a thing.

Nothing special to tell really. I had to have mine removed along with a 5th molar because the root was wrapping around my sinus cavity so I was about 2 months away from choking on blood. For me I guess the surgeon had to break my teeth in half and remove them that way so it was like getting 10 teeth pulled but no biggie, I was under the whole time. Woke up in a wheelchair with a mouth full of bloody gauze and a bottle of Percocets. Recovery is about a day, no pain from what I remember. Honestly the worst part is just switching out the gauze and waiting for the stitches to dissolve, kind of annoying. Other than that, just try not to make any long suction movements with your mouth like smoking, drinking from a straw, anything that requires you to make a kissy face. You don't want dry socket or you WILL feel pain. It's all over before you know it. Plus you'll have two little crevasses in the back of your mouth to suck on ice cubes and store nuts in a few days time!

It's pretty much like pic related.
That's how my procedure went.

alright awesome thanks for sharing user

Be really careful cleaning the holes and not letting food get in. Most of my friends had no issues at all and we over the pain and bleeding in a day and a half or so, but it took me several days to stop bleeding. Something to try it you're still bleeding on day 3 or so is placing tea bags in the sides of your mouth and biting down for an hour making sure there's contact between the bags and the holes. Acid in the tea is supposed to stem the bleeding, but God is it one of the worst tastes you'll ever experience. If you're gonna watch movies to pass the time, avoid comedies because laughing hurts. I stuck to documentaries, 2000's superhero movies, and Bob Ross. If you notice white fluid in the holes go straight back to the doctor and get antibiotics or you'll get infected and need further surgery (happened to my mom; I got help before mine got really infected). Like I said though, for most people it goes well. Keep in mind your jaw won't completely heal up for a long time, but if you're not doing anything extreme this shouldn't affect you. Godspeed.

The pain meds they give you are great, also watch some good anime while recovering it makes the time go by faster

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thanks user. those are really great tips

All four at once? I question your judgment. Better to have one side of working molars to chew with than none.

Just had three of mine removed last week. Honestly was over before I knew it and I feel better than ever now.

My best tip would be to sleep sitting up, in a chair or something similar. Do not sleep laying down because it causes a lot more swelling, a crazy amount more swelling.

You will look at your doctor and imagine your cock being sucked by him. While reading this you will think about this and laugh.

>speaking from experience.

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Doc should give you aftercare instructions, do what they say and you should be fine. You're going to be spitting blood for a while right after but it should stop within a few hours. Take meds, pass out, try not to bleed on your pillow case.

Do as you're told, especially with after care. Have the self-control not to poke around with your tongue, and don't move back to solids until you're sure. One quick "fuck it" moment is all it takes for infection, and pain like you wouldn't believe.
t. I've had about 10 extractions

Don't go crazy on any pain meds they give you. Some of them are HARD to come off of. If you can stand it don't take anything more than ibuprofen.

don't fucking smoke or suck or straws

I lived off of stuffing, easy to eat with minimal chewing

Make sure you put a cuck lock on your dick to protect it.

Dentists like to do penis inspections when you are unconscious.

It's not that big a deal, just some swelling after.
I had all my teeth pulled out and was the same, just some swelling and minor aching.
Oh and a few bone shards working their way out which can happen and feel like when you get the novocaine shots but you can brush them out pretty quickly.

Dont be a pussy
I ate an entire bag of pretzel rods literally hours after getting two of those little bastards yanked out of my skull.

Suck down that laughing gas like you're a depressed asian trying to end it all with an exit bag and thank your dentist before and after.

OH and learn the art of baring your teeth and sucking in air like a hatian because you are going to need to stop yourself from drooling and ANY suction at all in your mouth will rupture your still tender and bleeding gums.

i got all 4 of mine out. had a VERY good doctor and experience. pain was 1/10. didn't even feel "high" afterwards, lol @ the user who needed a wheelchair. but the first day or 2 you'll bleed a lot so keep gauze in and change it if necessary. honestly, the worst part for me was the rotting food that gets stuck in the sockets that you have to clear out with a syringe and water.

only advice i can give you is do not smoke, or use straws.

when i got mine taken out, i was put asleep and woke up not realizing what had happened.

same here and I woke up with my pants unbuttoned.

i apparently revealed my love of furry porn right before i fell asleep

As others have said, no straws, no smoking. Gauze will be bloody. Change out accordingly. Do brush and mouthwash while healing but don't swish around or you'll fuck up the wounds.

Dentistry has come a long way. I had my wisdom teeth removed while awake. Did not hurt at all during. Afterwards was 3-4/10 first day. Less painful afterwards. I had little to no swelling. I made protein shakes with bananas and peanut butter, or yogurt & berries.

Be proactive with the pain medication. If it says to take every 4 hours, take it every fucking four hours. It is way easier on you to maintain pain relief than to wait for it to hurt and then wait some more for medicine to take effect.

dentists and oral surgeons are abusing their position to get people to stop smoking and making plastic waste
go ahead and smoke and use straws immediately after the operation

also, fuck that shit about using ibuprofen as painkiller
jew ass dentists are paid by bayer to push a less effective pain killer

Just get the freezing and save some money. No pain. You'll just feel your head moving around as they try to yank the teeth out.

Get some beef bones and make bone broth to eat until you can take whole food again.

When I woke up I told them they only took two of my wisdom teeth out. Also be sure to get a water pick so that you can flush out excess food from what is stuck in your mouth. I'm serious about the water pick. My fucking mouth tastes like ass after 4 days of not ever using a water pick.

Also I pretty much ate chef boyarde ravioli cut up into a million pieces for the first few days after sugery.

Plus I only took the opiods they prescribed me before going to bed. Playing monster Hunter is not a good idea when you're on opiods.

>it’s going to suck

Do not drink from a straw for awhile.
Dry socket is bad

Funny, that's what happens when I drink whiskey. And sometimes my ass hurts too. Maybe I should switch to vodka.

If youre lucky like i was its gonna be fast and easy. If not then the dentist will cut your teeth into small pieces and take them out.

The risk of death is substantial and not to be ignored

what about root canals? the dentist is saying a root canal is required and I get that, insurance covers it, but they also say it requires a crown, which is about $1k usd and definitely not covered by insurance (I'm 26), what do?

Most importantly you need to buy a very soft toothbrush and will have to carefully clean the areas with the stiches. If you don't, thats when it can get infected and you get fucked. I only had 2 of mine removed at the same time, but I was able to eat the next day almost w/o any problems.

Don't get addicted to opioids. Doctors will prescribe some real heavy shit for some moderate pain

lol I had a 2 hr oral surgery that left my gums looking like a turkish road map and they told me to take two ibuprofen twice a day

When was this? Before the opioid epidemic, they were handing that shit out like candy.

Novocaine > gas

>fast and easy

just like when i fuck your mother

have fun bleeding for days

I'm a smoker, I got mine out when I was in the army and a girl I knew got hers out at the same time.
We both are smokers but I took the warnings seriously and didn't smoke for three days. I was fully, 100% recovered by that third day and had a bottle of percocets left for partying. I happily started smoking again and it was all good.

The girl did not, she said it was bullshit and just trying to trick us into smoking, she was very weak willed. She got dry socket which fucked her up good. Took her almost a month to get over it all (to be fair she probably still snuck smokes while trying to heal the dry socket) but yeah.

The advice I have is to take their instructions seriously, you'll have enough opioids to deal with not smoking for a couple days.

smoking is for retards

Get some sweet flavored tea bags like peach or raspberry.
Celestail Seasonings razz-ma-tazz was my go to.
Anyway you use it in place of gauze when your wounds start bleeding again.
Put a bag in between each side of your mouth were the teeth use to be and bite down gently and hold pressure.
Should help to stop the bleeding faster and cover up the taste of blood.

If you're a smoker its a bad idea to smoke often while the mouth is healing.
It leads to dry socket and is very painful.
Either reduce smoking or if you really need the nicotine use a patch.

Do nOt use straws

I did all mine at once.
You do have to drink a couple of meals for a bit, but the pain med made it easy to eat some chewed stuff after a full day of healing.

retards are for retards

Two faggot retards right here in this shitty thread.

And OP, fuck the fuck off faggot nigger.
Also you're the 4th fag I've told to fuck right off in the span of 10 minutes
Eat a fat nigger dick nigger lover.

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Probably just listen to your doctor rather than seek medical advice on Yea Forums.

Take them all out at once, the discomfort is only for a couple of days. Napkins are your friends. Avoid swallowing the blood, that shit is naaty

Had 2 taken out, hurt a lot the next day, took about a week to heal

Do not use straws to drink after the operation for a week or so otherwise you'll get dry socket

You gonna tell all your secrets and your deepest thoughts because the gas

Every time you eat, there is food left in the wound. Rinse with salt water. About 1% salt with water

It doesn't hurt as bad as people think. I got mine out without being put under, I just had my doc give me shots for local anesthetic, so you don't need to go under or get gassed if you're nervous about saying some stupid shit or reacting badly to it. You'll be sore that day, maybe the next day. Be prepared to sleep in a recliner for a couple nights, you'll probably be told to ice your face for a while too to prevent swelling. That's the worst part of the whole experience. I popped only one pain pill the whole time I was healing, and it was just the first day after I got home, just in case I started hurting after the local wore off. The hole in your gums will last a while, be careful about getting food in it even after the first week. Brush and use mouthwash normally and you should be fine, but follow whatever directions your dentist gives. You might be fucked up or have some special circumstances.

Bring head phones and have some chill music on your phone ready to go.

Hey, just got mine out yesterday.
The procedure isn’t nearly as bad as you think it’s gonna be. They are most likely put an IV in your arm and put you under, you won’t feel a thing, and it will be over in 10 seconds.
Buy soft foods, and protein shakes, I’ve just barely begun to eat shit like Mac n Cheese. As others have said, be proactive with cleaning, as dry sockets are a bitch. The gauze will be bloody, but I stopped bleeding today, just make sure you keep constant pressure on the area where the gauze is to help the blood clots form faster. Don’t skip the pain meds, as it’s pretty easy for the pain to get ahead of you.

Take a picture and put it up here tomorrow with an ama.

its not really that bad
the worst part is accidentally chewing on your own cheek after because of the local anesthetic they give you

You won't be able to eat for like 3-4 days. Don't worry, you won't even feel hungry. Also soup will be your best friend