I hate my fucking life. My wife has an incurable disease and is so bitter and evil to me...

I hate my fucking life. My wife has an incurable disease and is so bitter and evil to me. The only reason I won’t leave is the guilt of abandoning her and ruining my kids life

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you ruined your own life by getting married and having children sir

I love my kid and she’s noticed the change of attitude and the abuse my wife is inflicting. Should we both leave? My cousin is a divorce lawyer.

idk bro im still in college fuck do i know

...and this is why you dont get married and have kids.
1st world women are horrible creatures, and breeding them only gives them more ammo to use against you.


you have only yourself to blame fag

I hope you life just continues to get worse.

I got her pregnant when I was 14 I ended up marrying her after raising our kid together for several years. Things were great. Ever since she got sick all she does is control everything I do and freak out all the time.

Yes, fucking leave, dude. This is an open and shut case. You made a mistake; that doesn't mean you need to punish yourself forever. Think of how much better off your kid will be away from that toxic shit. Just go, man.

I’ll figure this out soon. Thank you for the suggestion.

whats the disease?

and damn lol you mustve had your development altered pretty severely to have a kid at 15 bwaha. oh well

Unless the incurable disease is fatal you need to bail.

no, fuck that guy. she is probably just desperate for some form of control over life since she got fucked by randomness with the sickness. You need to help her out, give her hope.

Otherwise just leave like a pussy.

OP we need more info

>What is the disease? this makes a difference
>Was she cool before getting sick, and is only now acting out? or was she always cunty?

Need more info on how to advise you

It sounds like you need to stand up for yourself. Win the argument. Call her an irrational bitch. That's literally what I do when my wife crosses the line into crazy town. You have to maintain control of yourself though. You can be angry, hell you can even yell at her, but don't say anything you don't mean. Eventually she will come back from her own bullshit and snap back to the gal you married. If she won't THEN you can think about leaving.

I feel u bro... not rly. Well I have a family member who has a disability, and she is a fucking bitch about it. Tbh idk what to do

I get being scared and wanting to regain control after something like that but that doesn't excuse acting like a cunt and treating the one person supporting her like shit.

My wife is on a gluten free diet and forces me to wash my hands whenever I eat wheat. We fight about me touching the remote after eating a bagel. If you're wife is crazier than mine do me a favor and come put a bullet in my head before you do yourself.

holy fuck man my condolences

Is it a diet or is she celiac?

She tested negative for celiac but she's a loony who reads webmd and thinks the test was flawed. She's healthy in every other way. Sometimes I fantasize about putting flour in her food to see if she would have a reaction. If I did though, she would go all revisionist history on me and tell me "that's why I've been feeling like crap lately!"

she probably doesn't see it that way. I doubt she wakes up going "ok, how do i fuck over user today?"

Stop being a pussy, and DO for your SICK wife.

She has the bad kind of lupus that’s basically reverse aids and she was fine before she got sick. The love of my life.

If she's having symptoms from wheat it might be worth getting an allergy test for wheat even if she's negative for celiac.

It'll be good for you both: If she's negative, then you know she's just being crazy. If it's positive, the doctor will explain that wheat touching the remote is fine, being around wheat is fine as long as she doesn't eat it.

Source: I'm a guy with food allergies my entire life, some which can literally kill me (and almost have a couple times). It's unlikely hers are anywhere near that severe if she hasn't had an anaphylaxis reaction to wheat - but you can get diarrhea, upset stomach, acne, headaches, and about a million other symptoms from a mild or low level allergy.

No offense user but it sounds like it's time to man up and hold your oath to "in sickness and in health".

If she was a bitch before, I'd say leave - but if she was cool, now's the time to step up and do your duty as a husband. It's not easy but thats the commitment you made.

How long has she been diagnosed for? I got an incurable disease, and I was an emotional wreck for a while, but I eventually adjusted.

I didn't say that she did. What I'm saying is that regardless of your situation, you are responsible for the way you act/handle it. No one else. If you don't have enough awareness or respect for the people around you to appreciate them, then don't be fucking surprised if you find yourself alone.

Yeah man, just take your kid and get the fuck out of dodge. Divorce her if you have to. Do whatevers good for you and your kid man.

You're a faggot with a made up disease

That's bullshit. She made a commitment too, and it sounds like she isn't upholding it. No one ever promised to stick around through emotional abuse. If this was a woman complaining about a man, I have a feeling your tune would be a different one. Fucking snowflake.

When I first met her she ate wheat all the time. Then we took some bunk x and it hurt her stomach bad. The GI did a check and found ulcers and blunted villi. He kept saying it looks like celiac, but we knew this had to do with the x rather than the wheat. She went ahead and stopped eating wheat while taking prilosec for the ulcer. What happened?!? Her stomach healed!!! It must have been the wheat all along right!!!!! It couldn't have been her taking prilosec and letting her stomach ulcer heal noooo!!!!!!!

Huh. Thanks for curing me user, I no longer have anaphylaxis where my throat closes itself and I aspirate on my own vomit within 3 minutes because of your comment.

Shit if I knew that's all it took I would have came here years ago. Bravo.

Lupus? That is a total bs disease

Real as fuck. Stop treating marriage like a joke. Not you, OP. Just people in general.

TBH it wouldn't matter to me if it was a woman complaining about a man. I'd tell her to stick it out and hold her commitment she made.

People can develop allergies at any point in their life, just get the test. It's cheap and quick and easy. At least when she tests negative you can tell her she's fine and she can stop worrying about wheat.

But yeah, maybe dont take shitty drugs and stuff. It's also entirely possible her system got fucked up and can't process things (or even developed an allergy to it) if the X fucked her gut bacteria and villi up that badly.

I wish OP luck hope you can get away from all the pain man

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You're a retard. Auto-immune diseases are all too real. I have one, and nobody can deny my symptoms. I feel awful for the people with chronic pain, because they constantly get accused of making it up. It's not imaginary, trust me. I've spent too many nights in the ER getting my bleeding stopped for it to be in my head.

No it’s a legit disease. Her white blood cell count is extremely low and it’s obvious that it’s out her into some sort of psychotic state.

Dude, do what you said. Slip flour into her food. Then ask her, "How have your symptoms been lately?"

Wait until she says, "they've actually been really good recently" and then BAM hit her with the truth.

There's no reason for two unhappy people to stay together in the 21st century. I agree that comittment is important, but people make mistakes and it doesn't help anyone when they just force something that isn't working. The kids are the ones that suffer most. I can't imagine what my childhood would have been like if my parents had stayed together, and it was bad enough with them separated.

I have Lupus, diagnosed last year and have had symptoms for many years. The best way to describe it is agonizing and draining, physically and mentally. It drains your hope and motivation.

I've always been mentally resilient and able to deal with anything, and never thought about suicide...and although I would never do it, I often fantasize about going to sleep and not waking up, being free from this disease.

The absolute best thing she can do, aside from take her plaquenil daily, is stay distracted. Work a social job, have a hobby that keeps your mind focused. Staying distracted from the myriad of symptoms is all you can do.

What kind of symptoms does she have?

This is the problem our society (inb4 we live in a society) has: People are too disconnected from nature to even realize what they're doing wrong, then they feel sick and fall for charlatans selling diets. I'm so sad I fell for that shit once as well.

We're all gonna make it. More or less. At least when you're not too shy to walk around town barefoot, at least once in your life. Don't have to become all hippie.

But when I read shit like "gluten free diet" or "auto immune disease" and what the people then start doing, I get so mad but also confused. Why is this society better connected than ever (internet, smartphones, heck, even TV), but more disconnected from health than ever before? All just the money. This can't work out forever. Fuck.

Fuck your imaginary diseases. Smoke some.

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She can’t work or do anything she sits at home and watches tv and takes care of our kid. She has to use a cane when we are outside.

My parents divorced and I came from a house with abuse and trouble. I know all about that - their divorce made me happy to be perfectly honest. Everyone was like "oh no, divorce, are you OK?" and I was like... yeah I'm fucking great actually. So I understand this first hand.

With that said, if OP's wife was cool before she got sick, you don't just divorce your wife because she got sick and is cranky. OP hasn't given us any details about the supposed "abuse" other than "her attitude changed". For all we know he's just being a little bitch who can't handle the ups and downs of life. If she's hitting you or the kids, manipulating, doing drugs, crazy shit, threatening suicide, etc then yeah fucking leave. But if she just has a bad attitude he needs to help her overcome that because by his own words, it's caused by her recent diagnosis since she was fine before.

Imagine being so retarded you think divorcing a woman in the 21st century is as easy as "I dont like this anymore, I'm gonna leave" - yeah ok, OP should divorce his wife and give her half his shit and pay child support because she has a bad attitude sometimes. Good fucking plan.

It probably wouldn't have been as bad as you think. Honestly, it probably would have been better than them being separated.

>there's no reason for two unhappy people to stay together

But that's the entire point of being married. Two incompatible people shouldn't stay together, sure. They also shouldn't get married and have kids in the first place. There are consequences to making mistakes, and that's one mistake you shouldn't be able to just walk away from. People expect the overt romance and passion to last forever, but NOBODY has that forever. The couples who last into old age just accept that, and embrace the committed love they feel, because that's what really matters.

Your body attacking itself is anything but imaginary and I can't for the life of me understand how you can acquire such an ignorant opinion.

thanks for sharing now fuck off cancer

This guy doesn't understand anatomy or biology even remotely


Story time. tl;dr Get rid of her it's not about you when you have kids that are being damaged
>Dad is best man I've ever met when I'm young
>Taught me baseball, woodworking, car repair, talked philosophy, volunteered for my boy scout troop
>Has some sort of mental break
>Goes full bipolar
>screaming, breaking shit, beating me up
>all his friends break contact, many of mine refuse to come over
>Mom's still so in love with him she refuses to give up
>grow up with that shit
>violent teenagerhood
>problems with authority
>PTSD everywhere
>still can't spend time with my mom without it devolving into childhood shit
If it was just you and her, I wouldn't have even replied because retards in shitty relationships get what they deserve. With kids in the picture, your romantic fantasy about her being the love of your life and she can change and Dr. Phil told me to mirror her feelings or some faggot shit does not matter in the least.

>auto-immune means imaginary

Explain where my platelets were going then. Explain why petechiae appeared on my legs randomly. Explain why my bleeding became so severe that I have to go to the ER. And most importantly, explain how it's all imaginary. I attacked it from every possible angle. I quit smoking weed, quit drinking, started eating all natural foods. Only meat and vegetables, no processed anything. Didn't help.

What did help? Medicine. From a real doctor.

The worst thing you can do with Lupus is be inactive. The chronic pain is hard to deal with, but she has to stay active and distracted.

I know it's hard for you to deal with, but she's human, and she's your wife.

She's probably constantly irritable due to the symptoms, and that makes her a pain in the ass. All you can do is your best, but don't abandon her if you truly love her. I would hate for someone to give up on me because I'd already given up on myself.

Lupus tears you down physically and mentally. It destroys motivation and hope. Try to restore those to her.

I've heard really good things about CBD oil with Lupus, maybe have her try the drops of 1500mg under her tongue for a few weeks.

They were really young. They were both good-looking and loved music. Trust me when I say they were definitely incompatible. But I'm glad they got together bc me and my brother are very happy to exist.


Perhaps you'd still exist with slightly different genetics if they'd been with other people. That's a debate on the nature of consciousness and metaphysics, which we really don't need to get into. lol

I see your point, but I still think as a general rule, kids are better off if their parents take marriage more seriously.

I have MS myself. I actually lost part of my vision from a brain lesion, but my brain rewired Now I have to take a drug that costs $70000 per year. But you won't hear me whining about it. The way I see it, everybody has to die from something. But I'd rather have MS than lupus.

>I can't for the life of me understand how you can acquire such an ignorant opinion.
Because I overcame allergies myself by believing in myself. It's myself curing me after all, not my doctor.

Oh the contrary, as a matter of fact I studied it quite good. I'm more fluent in biology than e.g. chemistry. Immunotherapy, is that the correct english term? I only know it in german (hypersensibilisierung), ever tried that? Or tried changing your washing detergent? Hmm? Ever tried drinking only bottled water as you're 80% water after all? Ever thought about drinking some other water to become a 80% different person, including the immune system? I bet you didn't. Most peasants don't.

People crying so loud usually don't believe in themselves and think only their doc can help them, not their own actions and thought processes.

I'm not hating on you, I wish you the best and I hope you both can become healthy again. OP as well, as well as his wife etc. blah.
You just need to know that there are people out there that don't give a fuck (or not too many fucks) about doctors opinions.
You must heal yourself. Your doctor can't do that.
I possibly can't fit all I know or learned into a post here. I'm also far too lazy for that. But I'm certain that there is a way out for you, you simply didn't notice it yet.

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Fuck other women behind her back, silly faggot. Just be smart enough not to get caught.

Lupus isn't allergies...….

Screw CBD oil! She needs some good medical grade weed or edibles. If you don't live in a medical weed state, move to one.

My condolences then.

Do you get enough sunlight?

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Lupus erythematodes?

I think vitamin D3 really helps with the MS. I take 10000 iu per day, but that's so much you need to have regular blood tests to make sure you are not overdosing.

OP here. Thank you all for the suggestions. I’m going to threaten to leave the next time she acts out and I’ll post on here and say how it goes

>threaten to leave
jfc kill yourself

I spent 4 years eating nothing but plain white rice and plain chicken breast for every single meal, with water- bottled. Tried literally everything you listed. Tried different water, different sources, different rice, chicken ,etc. Organic, non-organic, cut it out completely, etc.

I've tried more than you can imagine. Guess what I'm not being treated by a doctor and you're fucking retarded for assuming that. I hate doctors and think western medicine is flawed as a system.

That still has zero to do with the fact that allergies are real - you literally cannot deny anaphylaxis reaction and literally nothing can change that in a person if they have it. There is not a single scientist, doctor, professional, etc in the ENTIRE WORLD who has the answers to that. Including you.

But hey, I guess it's as simple as drinking new water - I guess I won't die if I eat dairy now. Cool story bro.

I suppose that depends on what you'd define as enough. Typically, roughly 4 hours of direct sunlight a week. I work indoors, so my only time outside is tending the garden for about 30 minutes each evening, plus the time spent walking to my car. But there are also times where I get more than that in one day. Like when I do my nature photography. Surprisingly, I never get sunburned, even though I don't use sunblock.

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I'm not saying that nobody is sick, but it appears that it is unknown where lupus comes from. Massive red flag. If it's unknown why some illness appears, it's not a real illness you can't heal or at least make the symptons vanish, HIV excluded because it really fucks us humans over and yet we don't know why or how to really overcome it.

So with lupus the immune system starts attacking healthy cells. That's fucking weird, man, because you have more control over your own bodies immune system than you imagine. (after all you're on Yea Forums what other kind of answers did you expect)

Get well soon! I believe in you.

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I second

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Make her start eating a carnivore (meat+water only) diet. It's amazing for auto-immune issues.

Well that sucks. I apologize for being so ignorant, but I believe in you so much that I still have the audacity to say that you can heal yourself, you just haven't figured out why yet.
Have you checked your house/attic for mold? Mold is a sly bastard, overlooked my many.
And I shit you not, Jordan B Peterson (lmfao) is on a meat only diet currently, because apparently he gets sick otherwise. Maybe look into that? I've only heard it from one of Joe Rogans podcast I've watched a while ago. I think it's what means, but I'm not sure, I've never actually went through with my keto attempts beacuse I think it really hard to pull off.

Cool pic. As I said, get well soon.

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Rereading my post, it's obvious to me. If my body would think my cells are evil intruders, I'd try to make my cells look different so that my body wouldn't recognize them as evil anymore. Yeah. That's what I'd try to accomplish.

Interpret that as you want, go ahead, call me a lunatic. But I'm healthy.

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Sorry to hear that user. Quite frankly, it’s a tough choice to make. But whatever choice it is, do it for your kid. Personally, you should probably go away with the child if things are as bad as you say. Do it for the kid and for your well-being. Don’t be so hard on yourself user. Don’t let yourself get manipulated...

I think you're missing the point. I agree people can heal themselves if the ailment allows - for instance, I have IBD (crohns) and instead of taking medication I take really strong CBD oil, exercise a lot, and eat a strict diet. This gets me to like 95% of "normal" without using harsh medications. For now.

Anaphylaxis allergies? That's not something you can supplement or eat your way out of. That's something for life homie. You literally cannot get rid of it, nothing on earth will take it away. Nothing medical, nothing natural. There are conditions that exist on this planet that you cannot cure or even treat - plain and simple. I'm lucky mine is just to avoid dairy - which is easy, and people should be doing that anyway because it makes you fat and has tons of shitty aspects.

I don't eat it, no problems. If I eat it, I will literally die. Theres no pill, tincture, shot, diet, or anything that will cure that. Your body attacks the protein as if it's poison, essentially. People much smarter than you and I have studied this for decades and no one has figured out why.

>get well soon

Thanks, but it's unlikely. Only something like 5% of people get it in permanent remission, and they can't seem to figure out why.

Then again, only 20% of people achieve any kind of remission, and I've had stretches as long as 9 years. So, that's something.

Flat earther detected.

Not that user, but I notice you didn't answer the question about immunotherapy. It's where they pre-treat you with medications to prevent your allergic response, and then inject massive amounts of the allergen into your system.

Over time, it's been shown to reduce your sensitivity to the substance in life-changing ways. Have you ever looked into it, or discussed it with doctors? Just curious.

Well at least you know what to do then. I heard most asians aren't able to process dairy as well, so you're not alone after all!

As long as you live you must enjoy life! Enjoy what you still have and can enjoy is all I can say then. Keep your head up, everybody dies eventually.

pic related

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My wife has dementia and constantly complains about the one time I had sex with another girl when we were dating, 15 years ago! I get it

Thank you man.

That's something this disease taught me actually. I'm grateful for every day I get.

Of course, then I spend too much of them on here. But I like you's guys.

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That sucks bud. Hope it gets better

she's dying

>this is why you dont get married and have kids.

>I hope you life just continues to get worse.
you sound bitter

lupus LUL got baited until here

I do to. Me and this woman have been through so much together and I feel like she’s gone.

You married her spoke vows to each other man the fuck up

This isnt about a man bitching about a woman or a woman bitching about a man. Its about vows made "for better or worse, in health AND IN SICKNESS" if she croaks she croaks op can get him a new bitch until then

I know and I take those vows very seriously but it’s killing me inside. I love having a family but sometimes I just want to drive off of a bridge.

Hindsights a bitch aint it. Everyone wants to be married when its going good, but the moment shit gets tough people wanna bail because "oh they changed" "they dont love me like they used too" "they dont spend as much time with me" dude shes dying. LITTERALLY dying and youre thinking about bailing. Im not saying shes 100 percent in the clear but what does it say about your character?

No shame in leaving a sinking ship. Not your fault if she has shitty genes.

You're wore down in a beyond super shitty situation. That happens.

She's in pain, she's suffering and I promise you, she's scared. Sound like she really loves you before the illness.
I got a thought: What if she still loves you as much and is acting like this to drive you away so that when she dies, you won't care and in fact, be happy about it?

Maybe it's time you two seriously talked about where things are. And instead of preempting future loss, you two make the most of what's left.

I'm sensitive enough to dairy that its a parts-per-million thing, so immunotherapy isn't really an option. They would have to literally start on a microscopic scale and even then it might kill me - basically it's not worth the risk. Much easier to avoid dairy.

Also that therapy is lucky if it works 75% of the time, not really a cure.

first off, women aren't cruel (usually without provocation), so consider this, what have you done that maybe would have made her feel/act that way towards you? I was and still am an Alchy, i like drinking. When the weekend came around I would sit around drinking beer after work and she wanted to be taken out for a great time. we stayed home instead. she made food and went to sleep, i would stay up drinking at all hours of the fucking night. this went on for years before she broke. there is a lot i am not mentioning. my shame made me weak, so much so because we both knew what I was doing and how I was behaving. it was unsustainable. i grew shameful and even acts of kindness that we shared leading up the the relationship became awkward. it was over years ago. she looked at me with anger and disgust, i looked at her like a person who was sorry for what I had done. i wish i could jump back 2 years and start correcting things with her as she is the most beautiful woman I had ever met, I still love her. but she's gone now, and I know why.

if your wife is mean and cruel to you then she doesn't respect you, she is fucking other people. know that with certainty. leave. dont be a faggot and hide behind your kids. leave. it'll be hard. they'll be fine. you'll be fine too if you grow a fucking pair and leave, rebuild yourself, start on a new life as your own man.

but, every relationship is different. do what you need to, just don't be afraid to leave because of uncertainty. quality of life drops off tremendously without a woman who loves and cares about you. you are already in that fucking boat, so just leave and start new. you might end up in a better place with someone who loves you. she knows she has you by the balls. she knows child support is going to fucking wreck you. fuck it . jump in. learn to be frugal.

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If only your parents would have known this...