Toe walkers get in here to discuss our condition

Toe walkers get in here to discuss our condition

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No fellow quatists on Yea Forums

I walked on my toes for years because I believe my arches fell but my parents never let me go to a doctor because they were these anti medication weirdos so walking normally hurt for years. Am I valid for this haha


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holy fuck i used to walk weird like that. explains a lot.

right its what made me realize im autistic

I used to walk using the side of my right foot instead of the bottom.

I think thats clubfoot

Can someone explain the link between this and autism?

Nah it was by choice. I don't remember why I did it but I remember adults would always ask me if I was hurt lol. I'm diagnosed with the autism disease btw.

I did it so i can get those calf bulky.gains bro./fit/.you feel me?

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i do this when the floor in my kitchen is cold, am i autismo?

having mega calfs really helped when I was in the army getting made fun of for being an autsimo that cant march did not help

I walk on my toes when it’s cold and I’m barefoot therefore not autistic B)

I have ADHD and walk on my toes. i dont think its related though. My fam has a history of having fucked up knees and i got the worst of it so at some point i just started walking on me toes to unfuck my knees. Also i make gym fags look like pussies with my phat ass legs and noice ass. downside is my achilles tendon is tight as fuck. like i am unreasonably stiff on the back side of my legs as well i have wide ass feet which sucks for buying shoes.

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I have notice that most autistic people have great calf.I have a friend that can kind of be classified as that and man does he have the most gorgeous calf,Arnold Schwarzenegger level of calfs, and he doesn't really work out at all,In fact hes kind of chuppy but not obese but you can tell he doesn't work out.Hes naturally bulky and big.Like 6'3 but he has a butter face,with acne,bulky eyebrows,asian looking,big lips and a weird shape face like a ninja turtle and like I say he acts autistic.

Do you have small feet lenght wise like size 8 or 10.

interesting I wonder what autists roles were in the past that made us like that

no, more like 11.5 Nike actually just started making 4E sneakers so thats sum good shit.

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Yeah,most special ed kids in my school were big and could propaply be linemen in the footbal field which doesn't require any skills.

I developed this habit from growing up with crazy/abusive people in a house with creaky floor boards. Even if the board didn't creak it'd still make a thud if I used my heel bone, unless I went at a snail's pace which was arguably more dangerous.

I was training my non-dominant hand to write when I got the idea to go ahead and train my feet while I was at it. Typing too. I didn't reach a level of competency beyond "it looks like a little kid wrote this"/pecking keys with the big toes one at a time, and it's not something I actively practice. I also use em to pick stuff up off the ground because I don't want to bend over/squat down, and I don't mean just a piece of clothing either. I can pick up 2 carpenter's hammers without really thinking about it, and I can fold a pizza box with a considerable amount of effort, though I wouldn't be in a hurry to put a pizza in it. I don't get foot cramps and I don't get foot fetishism.

I thought that not walking flat in your feet might have made you have small feet.

Video proof.

...and then there's that time I got rhabdo just from calf raises.

weird thought but good creativeness.

I saw a documentary one time on this tribe of bush bros in africa who never discovered shoes. It was saying they basically all run on their toes and that's why they can run these retardedly long distances of 100s of miles, because the toes act like a spring

I only walk on my toes barefoot and only barefoot and I dont know why

I think theres also a american tripe that can run long distances for days.Don't know if its related to toes but the more you know

I mean to say mexican.

>Ballet dancer stumbles upon this thread
>"Fucking casuals..."

bout so say, what fat ass american clan is good at walking let alone running

exactly, ballet dancers are super autists not just regular autists

People during medieval times also commonly walked on their toes. I do it when I'm not wearing shoes because my dad told me I was stomping around and doing that would be quieter.

Same. I'm guessing it's a holdover from days of yore similar to hair standing up.

Used to do this while walking around the house to make myself not feel like a Manlet then got too a habit

Condition? Said like it's a bad thing.

>Creates stronger foot muscles.
>Less surface area touches the ground; less likely to step on something nasty or sharp.
>Extra joint creates enhanced shock absorption from landings; reducing strain on knees.
>Extra joint creates more fine adjustment options for motion.

>Looks odd. Who gives a fuck.

I adapted to walking this way around the house because my mom is a fucking slob that is just completely incapable of not spilling water all over the floor at all times.

Toe walkers master race?

post your disgusting mangled ballet feet

im sure someone could get off to them

Lots of animals are also digitigrade. The dewclaw is basically the equivalent of the human heel.

Toe walkers master race!

i walk more like that when i'm in the house, it's quieter. my friend who supposedly brought a gun to school but the kid he supposedly was going to shoot wasn't there and his mom found it in his bag after school (i sat between him and the kid he was supposedly gonna shoot in first hour), he walked like that ll the time. no one else i can remember, though.

well, i don't walk with my heels up so high, but they're off the ground.

Funny how one period could change the whole feeling of a sentence.