Leftyfash assemble

leftyfash assemble
thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=_tZcrQ3pHQ0&t=

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how is this different from right wing communism?

there is no right wing communism. National Bolshevism combines the economic stances of Marxism with nationalist values

>there is no right wing communism
maybe you're onto something here, so.. lemme ask again
>National Bolshevism combines the economic stances of Marxism with nationalist values
how is this different from right wing communism?

because nationalism isn't inherently "right wing" you retarded contemporarist

oh look, another made up term describing what inherently doesn't exist.

Leftist just associate everything they don't like with the right. It makes the doublethink really easy.

it would be nice if things were this simple

well someone has never heard of contemporary politics
you can be a leftist without being a social liberal

>contemporary politics
>things that exist
you may choose both
>national bolshevism
>things that exist

>t. retard who's entire political outlook consists of democwats vs repubwicans

this is how I know your entire political education is courtesy of /pol/

go watch some cultured thug and learn something

left and right is a bourgeois concept anyways. there are socially liberal socialists like left anarchists and reformists and there are socially liberal right wingers like radical libertarians (aka """Anarcho"""-capitalists) etc

>you can be a leftist without being a social liberal
Sure. Look at the alt-right. They are pretty much leftists without white-guilt.
Increased welfare state? Yup.
Increased authoritarianism? Yup.
Based much of their ideas on identity? Yup.
The only thing that makes them 'right' is the fact that they are white and dislike multi-culturalism.

>implying that the PragerU definition of leftism is real

an increased welfare state and an authoritarian government arent automatically leftist. Liberals arent leftist, they are socially liberal rightwingers who simply try to regulate a free market with moderate reforms

lmao they got zogged by the Liberalists™, that and they're hardline capitalists you fucking idiot

All fascism is left wing.

I consider myself to be a National Socialist and I have respect for Strasser but he’s a little too far left for me.

As for Nazbol. It’s just a meme.

>Nazbol is a meme
it's a legitimate party in Russia, NutSac is literally a meme

I'm not actually implying that. I don't watch pragerU. I'm simply implying that the alt-right is closer to the policy prescriptions of the left than the right. I still identify them as right on the European model of left vs. right.

It was a meme party, like "beer lovers party"



Attached: strasserquote.jpg (1200x522, 140K)

Strauserism better
It names the jew
which was the primary problem with bolshivism to begin with
it allowed the jews in power.

Attached: jewsincommunism.jpg (1040x2640, 1.27M)

And yet every attempt at replacing that capitalist system has had the arms and legs of an aborted fetus. Keep trying, one day it may go full term.

for the thread.

Attached: marx and rothschild.jpg (1628x962, 750K)

Yeah, that's not at all like what leftists do to make up new and super special genders and sexualities. Nope, none of their terms are made up at all, they've all been around forever. Why, some of my favorite Roman history stories are the ones about non-binary demisexual panorgasmic poptartkin genderfluids in the senate!