I have finally found the link for the whole daisy's destruction video

I have finally found the link for the whole daisy's destruction video.
Watch at your own risk.
Im outta here.


Attached: 1559843443787-2049074797.jpg (1200x1600, 577K)

it's literally not even good, there is better stuff
peak normie level

what is that

Its a baby getting raped tortured and killed.
How in the fuck is this normal?
You faggot edgelord.

Google is your friend

i think i'll pass on this one after your summary


>Its a baby getting raped



you clearly never saw it, it's weak, there is worse, stop pretending, boy

Torture of a baby is weak? Yeah no, you're not a waste of skin at all

is it safe?

What on earth are you on about.?
Maybe you've seen some kind of soft knock off version,but the one i just saw was not what you're describing.
Go to the link , I'll be waiting.

Try i2p with several vpns and a public WiFi using a wiped laptop.

it is weak, i'm saying there is worse and there is.
you're assuming i think it's good or justify it, i don't, you're the waste of skin since your body holds not a single ounce of intelligence

then whatever is in the file is not "daisy's destruction" and was clearly mislabelled

Mmmm mega milk.

Has anyone clicked on the link?

lol ,,the madman actually clicked it.


What if it was for real? Are you not worried about the van?

the van doesn't actually care what you do on this shitty site unless it's "racism"

what is it about?

Big giant milkers

Like if i said ,," NIGGER" ???

do you want us all to go to jail?!

Attached: enough.jpg (599x510, 53K)

Oh shit man!!!!! What are you doing???!!!!!?????