Populationreductionby2035/10 in depth stats- Milk - Cow industry Cereal - sugar and palm oil industries Gatorade - plastic pollution Bacon - Pork industry, vegetables a la oil pesticide industry unless organic Marshmellow cookies - Palm oil+ Sugar Baconator - Beef - Methane - wouldn't be an issue if humanity reduced c02 emissions by now - dissipates in 12 years but we only have 5-7 years to fix c02 warming. Fries- Palm oil Water bottles- plastic pollution that likely goes into the ocean popsicles - unhealthy as nigh hell but better for the environment than everything else on here. Chicken rice - okay for an American tea = okay unless its bottled if bottled---> plastic pollution
Angel Carter
oh all cheese is significantly methane causing too*
Matthew Thompson
and i feel great in fact >bacon pesticide WTF? i quit smoking THC CARTRIDGES because laced with pesticides but all for not because BACON HAS PESTICIDES too??? CLARIFYCATION water bottles was ONE i kept refilling NO POLLUTION IN FACT on the water filler upper it KEEPS TRACK of how many times u fill up and say HELPED STOPED POLLUTION 11,000 BOTTLES. u refill bottle 11,001 BOTTLES
Luis Diaz
apple nut raisin banan water rice with beans water tea coffe toast with jelly noodles cheese milk
Chase Hill
what about vegtables a la oil pesticide industry don't u get on purpose?
I mean, should I just keep living or should I kill myself now
Blake Howard
ok bro i'll stop usin plastic straws ;////
Andrew Sullivan
good boy
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Luke Clark
kill all ningen
Noah Nelson
I had - organic brown rice organic pasta organic tomato sauce 2 slices of Genesis 1:29 food for life organic bread 1 tablespoon of organic peanut butter with no vegetable oils 1 venti iced caramel macchiato in a reusable cup - however I will be making my own espresso soon so that will be a non-issue going into the future 2 green teas - cold brewed homemade 1 organic apple 1 organic kiwi 1 organic orange I thought about making some black beans and lentils to go with the rice but I was too lazy today.
Ryan Ortiz
ok i just did the first result on GOOGLE shopping .didn't purposely cherry pick lundberg farms organic brown rice 32 oz - $4.60 / great value brown rice 32 oz $1.37
cucina & amore organic pasta 16 oz - $3.99 / barilla spaghetti pasta 16oz $1.39
thrive market organic tomato basil pasta sauce 25 oz $4.99 / regu old style trad sauce 25oz $1.69
food for life genesis sprouted grain seed brd 24oz $6.49 / sunbeam bread 24oz $2.89
santa cruz organic peanut butter 16oz $5.89 / market pantry 16oz pntbtr $1.29 er stopped there bcs time . however so the conclusion i came to is that if u are high iq enough to be /save the planet/ .rproblbly also high iq enough to have job to afford all these foods? what's the endgame then just destroy all low iq individuals ?gotta feed them soomehow
Hudson Sanders
not them but the endgame is personal health wish healthy food were cheaper, everyone deserves real food
If your OP Calc up how much the food you bought cost at Wendy’s alone. Also consider that I actually follow serving sizes so a lot of the costs will be divided up significantly per day it’ll still be pretty cheap. In reality many young people eat out a lot when they shouldn’t. Again referring to the DailyDozen app is incredibly useful to some degree Also I got my organic spaghetti for .99 cents. Santa Cruz peanut butter uses palm oil, it would be better just to buy soybean oil peanut butter at that rate. The point is the masses will be starved out soon because we refused to change anything about our processes in the name of the short term economy. Organic would be a lot cheaper if it received the proper subsidies and our chemical usage were to be outright banned. There’s pesticide resistant weeds at this point that are mopping farmers up already outside of climate change getting em. Everything is heading into a dead end. Once food prices start significantly going up, whole countries will have starving populations that can’t afford food and can’t find water. That’s another thing I didn’t include in the links. Drinkable Water is increasingly rare in the third world.
Cool, I probably already have cancer in my asshole anyway
Adrian Gonzalez
Most foods do. Animal protein causes cancer because some of it gets stuck in your digestive system and rots away thus causing inflammation.
Matthew Taylor
2day i consume;d: * oats with frozen fruit and agave stirred in * that's it
Jordan Gray
I like that. Organic oats and some berries+kiwi
Christopher Russell
Me too user
James Howard
>Drinkable Water is increasingly rare in the third world. Lol how can water be rare it falls out of the sky
Oliver Myers
Not Water, I said drinkable water. In other nations the water is polluted. There are also mass populations who will be running out of water very soon. It’s literally going mad max.
Zachary Ross
lol there's like an endless water cycle you can't run out of it lol just get dirty water and clean it lol there's watre everywhere man lol
Easton Morales
>clean it Oh naive u thinking it’s that easy
Colton Wood
Salt water doesn’t count because the desalination process is inefficient.
they should boil the oceans and catch the steam that's how they do it in the army
Lincoln Torres
bottle of juice (600 kcal) half a bottle of water that i didnt finish yesterday energy drink (80 kcal) half a carton of unsweetened ice tea (>20 kcal) half a slice of pizza that tasted like shit chicken and rice
You tempt me user, I have a full head of hair and no beard. Soylent is stupidly expensive and unsustainable. It’s literally palm oil(vegetable oil) in a bottle.
Carson Long
There goes all marine life and food for the starving populations.
>omg all the sea levels rising because all de ice is meltin >omg we runnin outa water!!
Juan Hall
not true the fish will adapt to their new environment and become able to breathe air
Isaiah Sullivan
Looks like a “some supreme technology will save us” level of denialism you have going on there. Facts do not care about your feelings. You’re playing potemkin village on water when in reality water is a scarce resource.
Jordan Myers
Lole, maybe so
Christian Howard
>water is scarce >on earth >literally what nigga just turn on the tap fuckin cleean water comin out all day every day lol
Connor Sanders
Luke Brooks
Only In the first world does that privilege exist dumbie.
Jaxon Baker
Get a chinese buffet, beef burrito, or a huge hamburger.
Ryder Smith
>Only In the first world does that privilege exist dumbie.
Stop rudeposting ;-;
Ryder Hill
I do like the hambuger...
William Jones
Why don't they just make taps in the thrid world then lol dumbass, what the fuck are they doing all day lol just make some taps haha what
Robert Price
It’s not rudeposting, it’s a nice thread on consumption. Besides he used the N-word. >denialist