Wtf mods

[s4s] - Yea Forums waifushit generals???

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Your fortune: Bad Luck

wtf why

gee mister
why are you uncomfortable when see my feces?
sniff it :)

g mr
g mr
g mr
g mr
g mr

i was eating fuck you

Your fortune: Average Luck

le dub's

poop tastes like earthy coffee, if anyone is wondering

how do you tolerate the extremely foul odor

dont listen to this user
pop tastes like thick mud muster seeds and ketchup

but loli poop is kinda different, because they drink some milk

it's just me, but I both enjoy the smell on a personal and sexual level

this is the lettuce you eat from burger king

depends on your diet

milk makes your poops very smelly
back when i was on the gomad meme i couldn't shid at work because the thought of somebody walking into my powerful protein powder-perfumed post-poop milk miasma was too embarrassing

wtf is this conversation

better than anything going on in the Yea Forums waifushit generals lemme tell ya

toco kid you are the worst poster on this gosh darn board.
grow up.

You down bottom

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bumping this thread solely for my good friend Doremi Poster whom I've been told enjoys these types of threads very much :)

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swimsuits are very hot, specially bikinis

stop following me dumb creep

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mods have been trying to force this board to become /trashwithoutfurries/ since 2017 and there are probably just going to be more and more imported generals from /vco/ until nothing else is left tbh

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Nicecucks destroyed

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page 2 save rave

page 2 save rave

page 2 save rave

page 2 sage rage (get it because it's on page 2 and i saged it because it made me mad?? lole)

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Help the loll ii wipe her poo pee butt

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Good save

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Gee mister!

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that is not shitgirl only post the shitgirl

g mr g mr

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page 2 save rave

trips! wooh!
rare dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!

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is anyone surprised at this point

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cute griller poop in your pic *eats*

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page 3 save rave

shitgirl page 1

why do you figs keep making me see that disgusting girl?
stop bumping!
I'm trying to eat here

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why u hate le shitgirl