The marines have flamethrowers and fuel to last 900 octillion years, after that its handguns and boots.
The fight takes place on an infinite flat field, obviously not in this universe so no black holes and shit. The marines start in 1 group and the ants come from all directions (by foot) untill 1 team is 100% dead.
No death by hunger, dehydration, old age or disease but the marines still need sleep. No reproduction either.

Which team would win and why?

Attached: ants.png (913x477, 414K)

What kind of ants? I'm no ant expert, but aren't there some chad predatory ants and some weakass faggy "farmer" ants?

Yes, there are
Need more info OP

just normal ants that you can see in the picture.

i find it amusing that you actually think it fucking matters.

There wouldn't be enough pheremones to control all the ants.. the would all eat eachother.

There are little black ants that cant even bite trough your skin
And on the other hand you have bullet ants that fucking bite so fucking hard.

Let's just assume some specie that can hurt a human.

no they dont, as said in the rules "the ants come from all directions (by foot) untill 1 team is 100% dead."
its a battle between marines and ants, think of it as a super-realistic simulation if your brain cant handle a hypothetical.

All the marines need a 25 killstreak then they should be fine

Is a *

That's the U.S. Army in the pic.

Myrmecia pyriformis a.k.a. bull ant

>Marines die paintfully
>if pic related

Attached: Myrmecia_pyriformis_-_journal.pone.0058801.g001.png (1267x682, 671K)

I think the mass of the ants would kill everyone immediately

Let me fix this quick

Ants tend to also shoot acid at enemies, so if skin will get damaged enough even smallest ants can be dangerous.

the ants dont just rain from the sky or form any blackholes, read the rules idiot.

Ants coming from all directions would still eat eachother in those numbers.

except in this situation THEY DONT.

I know.. im just fuckin with yah a little ;)

If ants are same specie and have one queen they wont attack eachother.


I normally like to play this game but OP is being a butthurt bitch every time someone asks something
Fuck off OP

>im just going to assume someone is butthurt on the internet because i would find that amusing.
>while admitting that i am SO butthurt that i refuse to take part in the thread but still felt the need to reply in said thread to make myself feel a bit better.

Clearly the ants just have the numbers

Attached: 1559529285876.jpg (190x251, 18K)

>oh no i was shown to be wrong
>better play it off as a troll to not look stupid in the eyes of these anonymous guys

Ants are probably the most observed species of insect by all children who know ants don't just attack themselves.. but ok, if that makes you feel better. You can believe anything you want to on the internet.

The Marines would think of a way to win; the Ants are thoughtless.
>Intelligence beats stupidity.

Ants win.

The number of ants is so incomprehensibly large that the amount of fuel and number of marines is effectively negligible.

Even if the ants can't harm the marines in any way.

>be marine
>be stuck in ant jello for eternity unable to move
>remainder of ants live on doing regular ant things

Attached: youdensemotherfucker.jpg (903x960, 52K)

thats like saying the marines would invent timetravel and kill the ants before they were born.

you are going to have to explain how they could win and not just assume they will.

the marines still need to breath and the battle doesnt end before 1 side is 100% dead.
its not looking good for the marines.

I think in some species multi queen colonies can be possible.

So it's 10^82 ants vs 10^(10^100) Marines? Assuming no fucky physics things start taking place, Marines win handily.

>its not looking good for the marines.

That is an understatement...

Attached: welcometoamerica.jpg (1700x1186, 1.34M)

Ants. They are not retarded

This nigga can't maths.

Attached: 1324324054659.jpg (3045x2300, 776K)

>The fight takes place on an infinite flat field
> ants come from all directions (by foot)
If it's an infinite field, then the ants and the marines never interact.

Grahams number is so unbelievably large, its well beyond and order of magnitude of a magnitude of a magnitude of a magnitude of a magnitude (this goes on for a looong time) greater than the amount of soldiers. Grahams number is like filling the universe with ants and then having like a couple soldiers in the middle of it, they stand no chance.

If my any knowledge is correct that is a common red fire an t found in North America, Marines win handily because of the fuel, The marine sleep schedule and handguns. Ants can get a quick win, but only if the marines are disoriented. But that doesn't happen, also the random chance that their queen dies is high. Hence marines clap the ants.

Literally once you start the fire most ants die because they just catch fire from their buddies

>10^82 ants

Retard alert! But seriously, check your reading comprehension user.

Attached: onlypretending.jpg (640x360, 30K)

not all of the field is used you retard.
also the ants know where the marines are, they only walk towards them and attack, so no matter how far away they were, they would eventually meet.

1. the "queen" is irrelevant as the ants only walk towards the marines and attack, they have no other purpose.
2. what happens when they run out of fuel?

ants burn with an endrothermic reaction, meaning they ABSORB heat instead of releasing it.
nice try but you fail to invalidate the fight yet again, why not just try and actually figure out what would happen?

I'm gonna estimate that you can fit about 750 ants in a square foot if they were laid flat, but with this number of ants, I'm going to guess that they're actually crawling all over each other and that there'd be closer to 2,000 in a square foot. That's about as much time as I'm going to waste on this bullshit question, so the marines win because flame throwers aren't a fucking joke and even one marine would be killing millions of ants per minute.

they might walk on eachother, but they dont start like that, they are evenly spread across the field around the marines.

Also, what happens when the fuel runs out?

>What even is an order of magnitude anyways?

Attached: this is not my beautiful house.jpg (548x395, 41K)

> US marines
> posts army picture
Kys faggot

Given a span of 900 octillian years, they may invent a way to time travel. Hell they may even invent a way to prevent that universe from ever existing. Or they could even create a simulation that is relatively peaceful to their ant permeated reality, in which the inhabitants have enough free time and will to think up ridiculous hypothetical scenarios that have no real purpose.

Marines need sleep. Fatigue is a bitch.

You dumb fucking potato

Cant ants you know...go into the earth

you are about the 30th faggot to point this out without doing anything about it.
if you fix it i'll use your picture in the future.

After 900 Octillion years? The ants would be dead. FUCK THE ANTS. #MARINEGANG
Bitch, one marine could clear a square mile of ants per day, easily. That's 55 billion ants per marine per day. Multiply that by a googoplex of marines by 900 octillion years and the marines win every time. Grahm's number can suck my dick.

Attached: 593d05ba09d74541997d8c9edd70022e_d141dc80c7f136250ff0ced1307f79af_1_social_large.jpg (661x360, 21K)

I think it's easily underestimated just how incomprehensibly big GN is. the ants would win handily

You have no grasp of how large grahams number is lol

>they may invent a way to time travel.
go ahead and prove that its possible and after you do that go ahead and prove that its possible without any kind of rare materials like gold or uranium.
>Hell they may even invent a way to prevent that universe from ever existing.
making the battle not happen at all, well done, you didnt answer the question, we are talking what would happen IF this battle took place.
>ridiculous hypothetical scenarios that have no real purpose.
why are you even here? to look smart? nothing i havent seen before, just gtfo.

The marines wouldn't even beat 1% of the ants lol

multiply 55 billion by a googlplex, then multiply that by how many days 900 octillion years has.
now compare that number to graham's number and go fuck yourself.

or 0.000000...(insert a googolplex of zeroes here)...0001% of the ants.

lol ghram's number of ants with one queen

fucking slut

Wolfram alpha says the marines win.

>Grahm's number can suck my dick.

>That's 55 billion ants per marine per day.
5.5 x 10^10 ants per day

>900 octillion years
9.00 x 10^29 Years

>googleplex of marines

Can you please write Grahams number for me?

Attached: butthurt.jpg (238x211, 10K)

I'm waiting user.

Attached: THESYSTEMWEHAVE.jpg (479x640, 75K)

graham's number.

Grahams number for me?

Attached: brainlet.jpg (800x450, 44K)

Attached: 85e.jpg (764x551, 263K)

Attached: 1470736962482.jpg (480x480, 30K)

After a few thousand years the marines will all go gay and buttfuck each other instead of fighting.

Few thousand? That’s like.. the first weekend

Graham’s number might as well be infinity compared to a googolplex

Graham's number is so superior to a googolplex, it's impossible the marines would win, even with infinite fuel and flamethrowers

The field is infinite, the Marines finite. No further math is needed.


Attached: Encladeus.jpg (4147x2333, 1.01M)

the field being infinite isnt really relevant, now if the ants were infinite it would be a different story.

They could just invent ant replant...

Attached: c890f572254b514c6817d6b2b866ba7e8ff182c2.gif (600x600, 176K)

im pretty sure they were aware of it before the battle started, but where are they gonna get it?
also, replant?