You'd swipe right, wouldn't you Yea Forums ? You're not a bigot, are you?

You'd swipe right, wouldn't you Yea Forums ? You're not a bigot, are you?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-04-17-29-30-640_com.tinder.png (1080x2160, 1.28M)

Name should have been a-man-duh

I don't date dudes, and yes I'm somewhat of a bigot. Racist too.

i truly feel bad for people who are no where near passable.

I wouldn't swipe right

But not because she's trans, but because she's ugly

I'm bisexual but not pansexual. I would not.
Also not being attracted to one type doesn't make you a bigot. It just says you aren't interested in somebody.

I've legitimately accidentally matched with M2F people before and when they message me and I politely tell them I'm not interested, but good luck and well wishes, they're always hostile.

You can't change biology, and you're biologically a dude.

So not being gay and not fucking dudes makes me a bigot?

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We have to.... it’s pride month

I'd swipe my phone right into the trashcan. Right where that thing needs to be

I like fucking dudes, I don't like fucking dudes in a dress. I'm an inter sectional bigot.

I’d certainly swipe right for the lady to my left ;)

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does that mean he has a dick? or that she wishes she had one? that transgender shit is a bit confusing.

i'm all for trans rights but I'd swipe left faster than I last in bed. I'd swipe left like swiper the fucking fox.


I’m not blind either. Kinda wish I was now though.

hopefully they're m to f, because I'd want her to stay looking like that if I was gonna get with her because she's sexy as hell
also, anyone can get bottom surgery so your question doesn't matter in the end

same tbh

Nice, how's the 8th grade going?


should be a law against them saying they're women lol


This pic is fake

Have you seen man made pussy? It's fucking disgusting. I wouldn't put my dick anywhere near it at fear of getting an infection or some shit.


nice hows fantasy land going?

This queer faggot doesn’t even try to look like a dyke

Super simple. If they look like a woman, or are trying to, then they're Male to Female. If they're trying to look like a dude, female to Male. How is this so hard to understand? It's one of the simplest concepts ever. You dont have to agree with the lifestyle to understand something so simplistic.

This, or just change the gender to "biologically I am a:" Having to even consider that is absolutely pathetic though

I'm bi, but holy shit that's one ugly motherfucker.
Not even the worst of incels should be this desperate.

Modern mentally functional people haven't adapted to complete degeneracy yet.

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Still got a Y chromosome, where's your quip sensitive faggots

It would be nice if they had a little trans check box and then I don’t have to swipe on dudes pretending to be a woman. There is zero chance we are going down.

I'd swipe right

with a baseball bat.

That isn't a MTF.