I smoke pot quite often because I’m a sad excuse for a human being and I just recently went on a 7 day streak where I...

I smoke pot quite often because I’m a sad excuse for a human being and I just recently went on a 7 day streak where I was unbelievably fucked up all day everyday. It is by far the most I have ever smoked and the longest I’ve gone continuously high. On the 5th I started to hear stuff. Normal sounds like the house settling and stuff but they seemed way more noticeable. On the sixth day I started hearing more stuff and I chalked most of it up to being more generic sounds I just had never paid attention to. Well last night I was just blatantly hearing things that weren’t there. I kept hearing people talking, people walking around my house, I heard my alarm going off (but it wasn’t). I was hearing bells and cars and just a massive mishmash of sounds that didn’t belong/weren’t actually real. I’m pretty spooked and I’m not sure why I was hearing shit. I decided not to smoke today, but three or four time la throughly the day I kept hearing shot just like I was last night. I heard really loud leaves crunching like someone was running through the forest towards me during my hike (no one was there just me and a buddy) and I heard a glass fall and smash in my kitchen when I was playing some games earlier. Went and checked and there was nothing. Does weed fuck yo your brain or something? I’m pretty uncomfortable and not sure what’s going on. Any insight or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated.

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My sides

Guys please I’m legitimately concerned


Guys, please

nah thats some supernatural shit

get a job deadbeat

I have a relatively decent job

no i been getting high on the daily for like 6 months now and you don't hear weird shit lmao, what are you smoking???

>I’m a sad excuse for a human being

If it really makes you do that, you should stop smoking. I have never heard of weed doing that kind of thing to anybody, and I've grown up using weed through most of my life with my parents and friends teaching me all about it. I think it would more likely be a mental issue or irrational paranoia/anxiety than the weed doing that. I dont really know how it chemically works but some peoples bodies just cannot tolerate it

Schizophrenia onset? Either that or you're just paranoided out. Listen to Sargent Peppers and Magical Mystery Tour. Your brain is probably exhausted from over stimulation. Similar things happen after psychedelics, usually goes away after an extended period. Needless to say take a break from smoking.

I replace actual social interaction and the hobbies I actually like doing with lazily scrolling my phone while on mind-altering drugs because I’m too lazy and unmotivated to peruse the things I enjoy most in life. And it slowly gets worse over time, but I kind of just let it happen.

you're slipping hard and putting yourself in mental health category. pay attention to survival instincts

did you see beautiful mind?

See the whole “schizophrenia” thing is what I’m worried about. I can’t think of any people with it in my family but I have heard that weed and acid can make it come to fruition if you have the genes for it.


>Does weed fuck yo your brain or something? I’m pretty uncomfortable and not sure what’s going on. Any insight or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated.
sounds to me like you're hallucin-amating


tbh I had a stroke 2.5 year ago and was in similar situation my brain was literally destroyed.

does diet/exercise work for you?

How old are you OP?

go watch it

I dunno, ive been smoking heavy every day for 18 years. Where can i get this weed though?

You'll hear people say shit like "Man I smoke and I'm fine, you got some bad shit". Those people are retarded.
What you have is most likely an intolerance to the weed itself. There have been many cases where people have been fucked up in the head because their tolerance was low or they were prone to schizophrenia.

If you have underlying mental illnesses like depression, and anxiety, you have a chance of getting worse every time you smoke.
If your parents/grandparents are prone to schizophrenia, that's also a big no-no to weed since it could accelerate the mental illness.

If you want it to stop, that takes time and no smoking. It took me about 3 years to overcome my delusions.

Voices are a normal part of drug use . smoke less if u dont wanna have that happen


But weed is harmless, right guys?

>overcome my delusions.

So OP before you completely freak out and stuff because these fuckers try to mess with you, please know that the fact that you seem to know that the voices aren't real is a really good sign. Auditory Hallucination is one thing, delusion is another.

I would recommend you stop the drugs in general for a while, that potentially includes caffeine. Exercise and a generally healthy lifestyle is also recommended. Your mental health is not a thing to fuck with.

Also some ppl are partially allergic

I have a really high tolerance to drugs and alcohol. I have to do a lot more to get to the same point as the people I occasionally do shit with ever do. Same with at the dentist where I always have to get extra numbing shots.

You're in the prime age for the onset of schizophrenia. Pot and hallucinogens increase the onset if you're predisposed to it. Pot does create minor auditory hallucinations sometimes, you're probably just burnt out in all honesty. Take a break and if you still feel like this seek medical help

why smoke so much? how much daily? what benefit you get?

you have normal experience like munchies good sleep?

You could be mental OP. Or you've been blazin that spice

>7 day streak
Ah, amateur

I’ve been smoking the usual shit I buy with a pipe and I’ve also been using a electronic pen with THC oil.

Same shit as you, first everything was extremely loud, then I felt like I was screaming at the top of my lungs, then I heard people talking among other things, as well as my parents talking shit in the other room. The paranoia of whether they might have heard me was really bad.
It got worse when I tried the spiritual stuff like astral projection (do NOT do that when you're in a vulnerable mental state like that), I started down a dangerous path of delusions that I was in contact with spirits, demons, and the like. I convinced myself that they tried to kill me.

Recently, I figured out that what I was doing was just me trying to run away from reality because I didn't like it, I was more content with my fantasy land than being a normal human being and taking responsibility.

Not completely the same stuff but you get the idea

This, though weed is known to accelerate schizophrenia in people that are prone to develop it, or are in the very early stages of it when it isn't known that they have it.

Go see a doc if it persists for more than a week.

Yeah really. Ive been smoking a 1/4 every 2 days on average for years. I bring it to work with me ffs

I only started smoking a year or two ago. Also I have work so I can’t be high all day everyday usually. I’m on a week vacation thing right now.

Nah, don't worry about it op.

You're good until your emotions start controlling the weather.

Usually just normal shit. Kind of zone out and chill or laughing my ass off with buddies.

this happened to me before, just stop smoking and dont expect the delusions, the delusions will eventually stop but make sure you stay off for at least a couple months. and dont think your a schizo, you just got really fucked and need to recover but if they continue then you should talk to a professional or whatever they say

Inhance your calm, I'm just fuckin with you. It could be a simple combination of "lack" of tolerance or you may have a touch of the schizo. You don't have to smoke weed user. If it's not fun then don't do it, simple.

It's only going to get worse if you keep using cannabis OP. Smoking has absolutely strengthened my schizoid traits.

>emotions start controlling the weather.
You joke but, everytime I'm sad it rains.

I’m going to get absolutely shit faced in like an hour or two and play some video games or something. I’ll do some live updates if I start hearing or seeing shit.

That's the spirit! Get'em tiger

its your subconscious merging in w ur awake mind. its replaying sounds and noises you heard already. happens 2 me sometimes. Stop smoking and get some clear headed rest. THC fucks up ur REM sleep where your subconscious goes through all the shit u go through awake.

It’s as close to fun as I get. I have a hard time enjoying pretty much anything.

If you smoke large amount of the good shit daily and often throughout then yes, you will hallucinate hella. You should probably stop for awhile so your brain can catch up with itself.