Guns kill and killing is bad, so what are guns good for? I can't think of a reason

guns kill and killing is bad, so what are guns good for? I can't think of a reason...

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Killing niggers who are bad (in self defense)

>killing is bad

To kill yourself, give it a try.

Because they even the playing field.

Projecting metal projectiles in a parabola, now fuck off

War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner.

>killing is bad
This is easily the biggest lie perpetrated to youth today. It is wrong to murder. But taking a life to save yours or someone else's is perfectly okay and should be encouraged more often.

>killing is bad,
Says who?

>killing is bad

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>killing is bad

lol ok bud

I enjoy punching holes in paper as close to each other as possible on the weekends.

Everyone listed Is communist chinese spy perpetrating the myth that platypuses exist and aren't a chinese communist conspiracy to destroy the U.S.A and invade Australia.

killing is fucking rad

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People kill for different reasons. Offensive or defensive (no different than a cornered animal)

Why do you think police and military have guns? Because not everyone wants to shake hands across the fence. That's not paranoia, it's being realistic.

Time kills time is bad

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Why is killing bad and why is it considered the same thing as murder?


No, my penis is good, but it has done bad things. BTW, how is your mom?

It gives you soyboys a fighting chance in a violent situation.

Guns are not bad they are very good they help keep me and my family safe

You could say the same shit about knives and needles and prescription drugs

Yes, what are knives, needles and prescription drugs good for, I really wonder hu, really makes me think


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>killing is bad
lol enjoy crowds

Killing isn't bad. Killing in defence is good. Killing for food is mandatory. Guns are therefore good