Remember back in the 1940s when this was taken as a compliment (by all parties) and there weren’t pissing and moaning...

Remember back in the 1940s when this was taken as a compliment (by all parties) and there weren’t pissing and moaning liberals who take offense to literally everything under the fucking sun?

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Well what else was said? Were they trying to play it off as offensive?

>'was' instead of 'were'
What a fucking retarded old man, no wonder the only thing he's recognized for is being a veteran.

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So are we trying to do be wholesome? or What?


bitter millennnial detected

this bitter

Fuck off would you.

PC culture is retarded but right wing snowflakes sure seem to get butthurt and bothered by a lot of shit. Of course they are too uneducated or aware of their own hypocrisy to consider this being "offended". Hey fagots Hillary is running again in 2024. Hilary Hilary Hilary, immigrants, people of colour, sensible gun regulation, soda taxes, tax cuts for anybody who isn't a millionaire or billionaire, jews working in the media or entertainment industries. Now who is triggered snowflakes?

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I hate politics.

Only faggots get triggered over grammar

bitter millennial detected

oh look. cuckservative incels crying about "muh liberals". what would we do without another one of these threads?

ah here he is captian speculation.
still mad that hillary didn't win.

another captian speculation

sure fuckface that's why your butt is all rosy over "LIBERALS" because you are totally non political and hate that shit

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Would he have said the same to hillary? Checkmate libtards

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Fuck off nigger tits.

I'm in the center fuckface.

more speculation

Actually most people can't stand Hillary for being a power hungry cunt. She would be an idiot to run for anything ever again including local dog catcher. Only said she's running in 24 coz I love to see conservative Bubbas choke on their corn dogs

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sure kid

try again
act like an adult this time

>If I was 20 years younger
>It's my honor, believe me

So Trump wants to get cucked by this old war vet?

she ain't fucking him I guarantee. His mushroom dick is so syphillitic from porn stars, playboy bunnies and random skanks he has to pay off later that she would have to be nuts. Have you seen her fucking smile ONCE since she became FLOTUS?

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>member the 1940s
no nigga nobody here remembers the 1940s
fuck off with your lame bullshit


>das Sewer

kek, this.

>remember back in the 1940's

says the idiot who wasnt even born then

> thirsty guys everywhere
> people decide to stop taking their shit
> ???
> LIBRULS are to blame

nice facts and logic

nice strawman OP. who is outraged about this?

must suck to be such a faggot

still mad she lost huh kid?

this retarded

'was' is actually correct you illiterate retard.

Sorry old man, you would need to be 20 years younger and a billion richer.
Melania doesn't love old dick, just rich dick.

No one. But It was published by fox news though and from what I can see is a slight at "sleepy creepy joe biden" because he has been known to say such lines but to kids instead.

>back in the 1940s before the sexual revolution.
People have always been cunts, it has nothing to do with politics. In the 1940s sex outside of marriage was publicly frowned upon and certainly wasn't acceptable to be joked about in polite company.
This is nothing, this story is hot garbage and it doesn't really mean anything to anyone. kys for paying attention to this spectacle.

I'm a fucking LEAF. Can't stand Hillary. 2016 was a choice between a turd burger or a shit sandwich. Only give half a shit about your gun crazy shithole country full of jingoistic mouth breathers because we are neighbors and life is easier when you help out your neighbours

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