alright Yea Forums help me out here >ex girlfriend starts talking to me again >says she wants to make money on pornhub >asks me if I want to be her partner to make porn >fuckyeah.jpeg >suddenly realize i have never acted before >at least ive fucked a lot >dont know how to make good porn >we're getting together this weekend to shoot our first video
what should i do to make the video good? like what do you guys expect to see when you watch porn? what holds your interest? my ex has no hard limits other than piss and shit and she's very submissive
Honestly, right when your about to blow your load, punch your fist into her ass and punch her in the back of the head at the same time. That’s what gets me going. Also, suffocate her preferably until she dies but at least until she passes out and then just beat her body. Also, post a link when it’s posted or else you’re a faggot and should end your shit. Do it pussy.
Aiden Martinez
She always looks at/into camera when you arent doing close ups.
You need to look bored or fucking angry. You never acknowledgecamera.
Make her Rim you at some point.
Mason Wilson
you cant go wrong with some pov bj with low lighting and the infrared shining on her.
Isaac Flores
Be sure not to just lazily slap "sister" or "step-mom" in the title at the end. That shit always pisses me off. Also stuck porn (where the girl's trapped in something like a closing elevator door, a hole in the wall, etc) seems to be widely enjoyed but rarely recorded since it may require a prop door/window/wall. That could be too much for amateur porn though, so I dunno how else to stick out. Something good I see very, very rarely is tied down, pissed off girls being taken advantage of. If you had her heavily bound to a table or something and then went to town on her while she screamed through a gag and struggled against her binds, you'd certainly get my viewership. Just make sure she's angry the whole time instead of "angry for ten seconds before it just becomes regular sex" like everyone else who's tried this before.
like "you like that, you fucking retard?" this would tighten up her muscles around me, right? she says she's okay with rimming with me so long as im shaved and clean she could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch al we're already planning on pov bu noted. we arent gonna try to play into taboo fantasies. just straight up young people fucking because they want to.
Austin Scott
Try to make as little noise as possible yourself. The second I hear a guy moan in a porn video I want to smack him and tell him to shut up
David Sanders
Close up of insertion, even when you switch positions. Don't skip that shit.
Joshua Bennett
is it just the moaning that pisses you off or dialogue too? she likes to be degraded and dominated so i was thinking of going heavy on that. when we were together i trained her to address me as "Sir" whenever she answered me so i feel like that could be useful to some kinksters.
Leo Rogers
100% the moaning is the problem. I've never minded a guy speaking real words, it's when you try to be like > Huuurrrggghhh you like that you biiiitttccchh Like just speak clearly bro
Dominic Cruz
so no >huuurrrggghhh or >biitttccchh got it. but what if i want to slap her like a piece of honey ham and call her a little anal piggy?
Leo Moore
Go for it man, if you can do it without moaning halfway through your words you're golden
Also general advice, if you have low stamina (I have athsma so I do get this issue) you need to keep your lines as short as possible while you fuck, otherwise you're gonna have to take a breath mid senHHHHHHHHHHHHHHtence and that shits annoying
Ayden Flores
Extra advice, you can call her a bitch or whatever, just try not to moan
Also don't try too hard. It's your first time doing it on camera and no first video is ever perfect. You'll find your niche in time and you'll get a flow as you practice. If you get too het up on the details you won't perform as well because you'll be distracted
Andrew Murphy
should i have her show off a bit for the camera or just get right to the fucking?
Hudson Jackson
That's up to you. I personally prefer a little context with my porn but don't let one person stop you if you just wanna get down to it.
How heavy does she like her beatings? You could start with flirting and just go from there or you could just start by imposing yourself on her, maybe like "on your knees" and if she talks back just tell her to shut up
I'm just spitballing here man, it's completely up to you how you both prefer it
Eli Myers
she's okay with being slapped in the face and hit upside her head. she has hardcore rape fantasies so we're thinking of working off that, like me in a ski mask and "breaking in" and forcing her on my cock. i have a daisy pistol to pistol whip her with if she doesn't submit to sucking on me before i start playing with her asshole.
Blake Hernandez
I might save that until you've done a few videos first to get a feel of acting. That sounds like something I'd want practice at first, perhaps try the forceful BF angle or something
Aaron Roberts
well she always answers me as Sir and has no gag reflex so i know we can get some good deepthroating in. she's never done anal before though but she wants to try it because she knows that would sell.