Hey guys, welcome to my thread

Hey guys, welcome to my thread.
Umm what is your favourite umm song that has an R in the title?

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starlight by muse

I like.

cheeseburger in paradise
(three r's, thrice as good)

Your fortune: Outlook good


Birds are important.

around the world




Hmmmmmmm, I've been super into Girl O' Clock by Dismemberment Plan

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wow you're so unique and special and interesting your taste in music surely makes up for your lack of personality


I assure you it does :^))

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I assure you it does not :^)

Aww come on, at least give me chance. We could be best friends even

Attached: heya!.png (461x533, 318K)

Never, you get away from me

Thats just mean now. You know how much I love you. Please.

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Hobo penis

but ily too much, how big are ya anyways? ;^*

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9 inches long 8 inches thick

That's too much, even for me. We could still be besties though ;^)

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LOL dude you are a tiny little man!! You're only 9 inches tall!!!

Shiro Poster is a man, a big man.

Cuntcrusher by Infant Annihilator

I dont mind that, I love men myself!

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