I think I’m gonna try to fuck my sister Yea Forums. Is she’s trying to tell me something...

I think I’m gonna try to fuck my sister Yea Forums. Is she’s trying to tell me something? Not sure what ping pong style is

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Shut the fuck up faggot.

also sage

she clearly wants your dick, send her a dick pic and post her reply

It’s a joke.

How the fuck are you reading beyond that. Just because she’s female doesn’t mean she wants to fuck you.

why do you have to ruine a good thing?

ping pong is where one is on all fours while they get facefucked and ass/pussyfucked, usually from 2 two men as the paddles and one woman as the ball

Don't. She's not tryna fuck and your family will hate you. Don't be such a retard.

sweaty, I have JUST the thing. As the owner/bossbabe/CEO/BossMOM/BoyMom of this company I can give you the friends n family low low price of $98.99+ tax & s&h for my essential SnakeOil TM that will not only make you lose all that baby weight from 10 years ago but will hide that UNSIGHTLY scar just in time for little Greyson's funeral we don't want him walking into the house of the lord looking unkempt.

oh your new.

so generally we either play along with OP larping or we convince them to actually fuck their sister. we don't do like...real advice anymore.

I came back to Yea Forums after years of leaving. after seeing how retarded this faggot is i remember now why i left. bye faggots.

No. It’s one thing the threads which post pictures of sisters who people want to fuck. And say they would if their sister wanted to.

This sort of retard gets me to express an honest opinion. I know I shouldn’t it’s just so retarded. :D



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Everyone start rolling for trips. Trips and OP has to send her a dick pic and deliver the goods to his Yea Forumsros. Are we clear?

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Don’t listen to this faggots OP they jealous you can fuck your sister.
Go for it fam if you don’t she will forever think you are not interested.
Now or never

Tell her you want her pussy while the ladyboy gets her mouth

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Is there any chance you can fucking kill yourself instead of fucking up our only bit of entertainment left on this site?

I'll roll for that


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Check em and weep

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>only bit of entertainment left on this site
>implying THIS FUCKING THREAD is the only entertaining thing left on all of Yea Forums
if that's what you think then why the fuck do you even keep coming here?