If you could BAN any thread topic from Yea Forums forever, what would it be?
If you could BAN any thread topic from Yea Forums forever, what would it be?
Social media threads
currently they're some mods that ban pedophiles even if they're just discussing their pedosexuality without posting pictures
Weak bait.
Hell yeah,i will add also all the gay stoff
Hard choice. logs? traps? gay shota?
Cant I choose all of the above, or put them in the broad homosexual content category?
Blacked threads are fucking dumb
Logposting, Andy sixx, racist bullshit, commercial spam
Yea Forums seems to be obsessed with black dick. I'd put the lid on that.
traps or ponies
also nice pic unrelated, ren and stimpy is legend
The asian whore loves white dick shit. Cmon i mean seriously, everyone knows it just bullshit
I dunno man. I don't like sucking dog dicks, doesn't mean noone else has the right to.
As long as the various porn degeneracy stays in their properly labelled thread i don't mind.
I'd agree, but I go there for the hentai.
speculative threads with no bearing on reality
Ponies are already B&
Every post with a dick showing.
Guro and loli are banned everywhere but here.
You only have yourself to blame
Rolling for this
I go for the ridiculous quality of the porn.
How come Vixen and Blacked are the only people to buy awesome cameras and hire the hottest bitches?
Loli threads
for example im not attracted to aged men or women. never have been, not even once
“What happened to Yea Forums?!”
It changed, you artists. C’est la vie.
oh. well that's gay
honestly they should just fucking make an entire board purely for various types of degenerate porn, so the perverts currently infesting Yea Forums can go there instead. sorta like how /pol/ is a containment board to stop the cancer from spreading and ruining the entire site
I would ban That Fucking Cat.
YLYL threads that are just gore and suffering. Grow the fuck up already.
And that worked really well...
trap thread
Blacked porn almost always uses very petite women to make black guys look bigger. They're typically underused outside of interracial porn, possibly so they HAVE to do it. This means your "type" of woman is less likely to appear outside of it. The camera thing is just because they shoot it to emphasize colour contrast.
Pedo loli threads
Snap traps
It's funny how quickly Yea Forums changed the snap trap thing into something incels could beat their dick to.
this also celeb
For awhile when someone made a trap thread he was naming it Mental Illness which I am more okay with.
Tribute threads.
I really dont get the point.
>Yea ForumsORN
Edit: here is actually footage which backs my statements.
Threads about Israel.
Piper Perri makes *anyone* fucking her look huge. She's a freaking munchkin. I think she wears a size 0 shoe. Her head is about the size of an under-ripe mango, for chrissakes.
Lolis. Put all those pedos in fucking prison
FB/IG threads
Since it's not banned here and there isn't a loli board anymore, Yea Forums is now the official loli board.
Fuck off pedo.
This and porn are the only options, Yea Forums has been unusable for almost a god damn decade because of the flood of these two
>Picks the singular blacked vid that matches your descripition
Traps / sissy whatever it is
dubs logged, grow up bitch
This fuck furfags.
nuff said.
Diaper(probably the stupidest fetish i’ve heard of)
Dick Rate
Self harm
So you love niggers and BBC?
bbc threads, by far
Everything. I'd just get rid of Yea Forums. It's glory days are long over and it doesn't deserve to exist without them.
That forced meme killing b, Andy Sixx
Tie between IG/FB threads, /pol/ threads and tribute threads
agreed log threads need to go
all /pol/ related shilling. IDC if it's from the right or left. The "umad wyte boi" shit and the conspiracy theories are just so fucking annoying. 2016 proved that while you there's no point in pissing in an ocean of piss, you can still fill it up with shit.
Nothing it's a random board you moron
more than i love shit. yes
any and all of what seems to be the same half-dozen or so threads that clog up this board. I think i pick Social Media Fapping if i'm stuck picking the single worst offender.
If you're a faggot then you have tumblr for that.
here are my filters.. shit I don't want to see here.
Regional threads
threads that have the word Yea Forums in it
Grow up faggots.
>If you could BAN any thread topic from Yea Forums forever, what would it be?
Those ask a femanon threads.
lol grow up and start eating shit! I don't know who this fag is that you messed up fucks worship. How did this start?
A little porn is okay, but there is too fucking much.
This type of thread
Same actually, most of it winds up being pretty niche and clogs the forum while I'm looking for more interesting shit. If I want a collection of porn I'm into, I know where to go.
The racist 12-year olds.
Its a tie between log threads and trap threads
It happened when a 12 yo girl sucked a log of shit out of his fucking asshole.
yeah i come here for the loli....
pics or it didn't happen
this seems to be a consensus. sorry loggers and traps you gotta go
not a 12 year old girl. I don't believe this happend. your entire movement is unverifiable...
They're also all made by the same person and possibly his friends who think they're cleverly manipulating us all. In reality he can't get laid because of his ugly face and terrible attitude and has decided to, as is popular currently, blame white men for it.
Go on, try to unsee this stupid face.
loli or shota, what ever the gay shit is called.
shota. leave my loli alone. this is the only board its allowed to be posted on. It's been here since the beginning of Yea Forums, loli is not going away.
Log / Andy Sixx spam.
Spotted the nigger loving cuck.
Filters Jew but not BBC.
Up to your typical tricks, rabbi?
log threads
Make it a blue board so no porn threads. There are already porn boards so don't understand why they can't just be there. All the interesting threads with original content and actual discussions gets drowned by all the fucking porn.
ban moot
lol he banned himself.
Unpopular opinion, but loli/loli hentai
It would decimate the Reddit and 9gag populations that stayed after they "TRIED" to post fucked up shit here
I can live with those. Those are just goobers with silly fetishes. I want to see the race-bait and political-bait purged from this place
All this shit gone
Micropenis detected
Nope, just allergic to gays, sissies and faggots.
that fucking idiot thats been making log threads for years now. take him out back and shotgun him in the face.
traps or political bullshit
Grow up.
Yeah, ban the whole FB/IG, wwyd, here is my classmate, what do you think of her bullshit forever.
Roll threads. It's fucking garbage for little kids.
to OP and others in this thread: none. who gives a fuck? lemme rephrase: who that at the same time is not a retard cares? you can ignore unwanted threads, you can filter them, you can accept that this is RANDOM board and maybe, just MAYBE read the rules. nobody is fkrcing you to watch the shit you dont like. better yet, you have been given tools to easily avoid that. guess for most its still not enough...
Incels will beat their dick to anything
>White boi threads
>trans faggotry of any kind.
>FB/ IG fap threads
For the most part degenerate porn.
But being realistic, Yea Forums's whole gimmick all of this time is that it was the "random board" and all sorts of shit would be posted. So there isn't much point in wiping the board clean.
If it's porn that's done away with then the 13 year olds will find this board and spam it with their stuoid shitposts, hence YLYL threads.
Yea Forums was never good and probably never will be good. The cancer just changed
Anyone who mentions Jews in any form gets permabanned.
K cya
you just mentioned them
I'd bank all ylyl threads and those threads where you give your partner's snap to see if their "loyal"
Any one that wants to ban qt trap threads just doesn't understand the beauty of feminine cocks
Dick rating
Mature son of a bitch.
Trap threads. It would force them to create a site dedicated to the fetish and lessen the overall gay spam on this board
Politics and the creepy ass WWYD roleplay threads.
>beep boop. brown man bad. empty-throates good. beep boop. sissy traps good.
I wondered when the self-righteous self-serving sanctimonious faggots would start popping their heads in
You don't give a fuck about kids faggot, you just want to kill people
Kill yourself instead
it's even more evidenced by the fact that they want to hurt people who jack off to cartoons lmao
How does this image make u feel?
imagine spending 20 minutes of your life writing up this HUGE STEAMING LOG OF SHIT
they should just fucking create /fb/ as a new containment board like the pony shit