I need some advice...

I need some advice. I have recently begun to smoke weed on a regular basis and currently because of school and to save money i have to live with my parents. They are against cannabis and if i want to stay with them and get fed i am not permitted to have weed. I also deal here and there so i can smoke for free but the problem is with the smell. If i buy 30g's shit smells really strong, surpassing the smell-proof professional baggies i bought. How can i hide the smell? I have it in 3 bags and rolled into a sock and it still smells quite strong. And i cant waste money on professional smell proof containers. Any tips? And any good hiding places?

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Where do you live?

Im from Slovenia. Why?

I strongly recommend a tea container, something air proof. Will likely do the exact same thing as a weed container, at a fraction of the price. I keep my stuff in a baggy, inside the air-tight tea container. I cannot even smell it from an inch away. Best of luck, but in all sincerity, be careful with the dealing, you are at your folks place.

Just buy a dab pen

>3 bags rolled into a sock
Nigger just buy a fucking mason jar. What the hell is this "professional smell proof container" bullshit? You scream underage or at least fucking stupid.

Tnx for the advice. Are there any other good air-tight containers i can use besides tea containers?

Thats hard to get where im from and its usually expensive.

Maybe you should stop smoking weed and wait until your life is in a better position that allows you the time and budget to freely and comfortably smoke

I hope one day you buy your 30gs and your parents find it when you're not home and instead of throwing it away they soak it in cat piss and put it back just to fuck with you.

Get a jar you 13 year old retard. If you are this stupid stop smoking weed, it's gunna make you more of a retard.

The normal ones do the trick and it's better than plastic or socks. Just my personal opinion though, and kind of risky

The thing is that a jar doesnt help. Im pretty sure in my country jars are different than in yours. I have never seen a real mason jar here, eveyone uses regular screw on jars for pickling and those dont help alot. Also when you open a jar up the smell bursts out and makes the whole room smell

>besides tea containers
No man, not that I know of, just look that shit up on Amazon, I promise you it'll be a fraction of the price as any weed container that does the exact same thing.

Jars are different in your country? Get fucked. You are an idiot. Kill yourself.

You are a little kid, get the fuck off Yea Forums

You ok man?

Better store it outside, some place with few people walking by, but still close to your home.
It's safer against police that way too. Just make sure you don't get spotted. If you do, change stash location.

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You were a kid once. Now it looks like you're just angry
Even if his question is stupid why would that warrant such venom?

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You're a fucking idiot and clearly a child still in high school

Mason Jar is the only way to efficiently mask the smell. Kid .

>his question
Don't pretend you aren't him you weasel of a man

When I was a kid I wasn't on Yea Forums faggot. Kill yourself ya loser

>. If i buy 30g's shit smells really strong, surpassing the smell-proof professional baggies i bought.

Ever you ever tried not being retarded? There is this thing called vacuum storage.

>make sure you don't get spotted
>if you do, change stash location
What the fuck do you think is going to happen if he gets spotted? That the person is going to say "oh that person is hiding illegal drugs, better just ignore it" no they're going to call the fucking cops

ITT: OP comes up with bullshit for why he can't buy stuff because he's just a dumbass teen

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I was
No way I'm not Slovenian

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Shove it up your ass in a plastic bag and all your problems will go away

Y'all dumb, just put it in water bottles that have a rubber ring to keep water from leaking and you're set

Oldschool preservatives jars. People (used to) make jams and such in it.
They are airtight, won't let any smell come out.
In holland we call them 'weck jars'.

Also, don't deal from your parents house dude. You might get them in trouble. Consequences will be very fucking real.

>Also when you open a jar up the smell bursts out and makes the whole room smell
Every container you open will release the smell. This is not reserved for jars.

Get fucked, noob.

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>Smokes weed
>Lives with parents to save money.
Are u some sort of fucking retard?
And welcome to a lifetime of addiction.

Most will ignore it. They wont go inside some bushes or behind some abandoned building just to see what you were doing there. As far as they are concerned, you probably took a leak or something. If you get spotted directly from adjacent buiding or people walking by, either someone is going to call the cops or they will steal your drugs. Either way its much safer than actually having drugs at your place, because they cant prove the drugs outside were yours, just because someone said so. All the dealers I know, do it like this, at least the ones who didn't get caught, and the cops here don't fuck around.

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You're a fucking cuck if you think that's true

>i cant waste money on professional smell proof containers

``waste`` the money fucktard

just put the weed in a sealable bag and put in in a container of oil, fully submerged.

What are jars?

Just shove the 30gs up your ass you fucking faggit.

>how to get caught 101

>he thinks 30g's qualifies him as a dealer
the only weed dealer in this whole situation is the guy selling you the oz, you're an assistant to the assistant weedman at best. if you can't figure out how to handle the smell then sell pills until you can pay your parents the back rent you owe.

I live in Colorado where it's legal, but in highschool this is how I got away with smoking in my room. You need a fan, a pipe or bong, and a gas mask filter.

>fan in window blowing outside
>use a bong or pipe NEVER joints
>put only a single hit of weed in bong
>smoke it all at once
>blow smoke through gas mask filter in front of fan

When I do this, I don't even see any smoke come out of the filter. I have been using a Russian GP5 gas mask filter and a Yugoslav M1 gas mask filter for years to do this. It only cost me $30 for each gas mask including the filter, and I'm sure they are cheaper in Europe than America.


Oh yeah and I forgot to add, for the smell use mason/canning jars. Maybe even an old jelly jar or something, but a mason jar is best. It will be smell proof. Put in bag then shove the bag in the jar.

learn to read, hes talking about storage smell, not usage.

Yeah ik I responded right after on storage but I was giving tips for both. Maybe you need some weed user you seem angry.

>not op
you clearly have a comprehension isue

the best hiding spot i ever had was inside my computer.

>Russian GP5 gas mask
have fun with the asbestos, bud.

re-read and try again little birdie

> deal to smoke for free

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First, keep it as d/l as possible at home; it's only your storage area, shouldn't be busting it out and blazing big blunts in your parents' basement anyway.

Second, know that scent molecules rise, and will permeate literally any substance eventually... Put your bulk up somewhere that isn't going to get full of bud stank and be a common traffic area... Do this, until you can get out and get a good spot for your bulk.

Only travel with bulk if it's a huge order, and ALWAYS mind your P's and Q's in traffic with weed on you.

Don't dress like a dealer, don't act like a dealer, don't be a dealer. Be a normal every-day kinda guy.

Get the hell out your parents' place; the worst thing is living with people who disagree harshly with what you're doing....

Learn to launder your drug money, cuz it's an illegal revenue strain and if the .gov doesn't get its tax off it, they come after you.


Get off Yea Forums until you're 18.

Those ones don't have asbestos