Today I placed my Smith & Wesson .357 Mag revolver on the table right next to my front door...

Today I placed my Smith & Wesson .357 Mag revolver on the table right next to my front door. I left 6 cartridges beside it, then left it alone and went about my business. While I was gone, the mailman delivered my mail, the neighbor's son across the street mowed the yard, a girl walked her dog down the street, and quite a few cars stopped at the "stop" sign near the front of my house.

After about an hour, I checked on the gun. It was quietly sitting there, right where I had left it. It had not moved itself outside. It had not killed anyone. Certainly, even with the numerous opportunities it had presented to do that. In fact, it had not even loaded itself. Well you can imagine my surprise, with all the hype by the Left and the media about how dangerous guns are and how they kill people. Either the media is wrong, or I'm in possession of the laziest gun in the world.

The United States is 3rd in murders throughout the world. But if you take out just 5 'left-wing' cities: Chicago, Detroit, Washington D.C., St Louis and New Orleans - the United States is 4th from the bottom, in the ENTIRE WORLD, for murders. These 5 cities are controlled by Democrats. They also have the toughest gun control laws in the USA. It would be absurd to draw any conclusions from this data, right?

Well, I'm off to check on my spoons. I hear they're making people fat.

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If its real send your gun with timestamp or gtfo

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Probably 99 out of 100 days you can get away with it.

On the one day out of 100, though, a kid dies.

That's not a price I'm willing to pay, just so you can have noisy toys to play with. Find some other way to be the "bad ass" you so desperately want to be.

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>But if you take out just 5 'left-wing' cities

That would be a compelling argument- if it were true.

>the Left and the media
...not the nutjob shooters.

St Louis is left-wing? Yea right

And a nigger broke in and stole himself a gun to use in future crimes due to your careless irresponsible storage of your firearms.
Well done

>Meanwhile a kid dies in a car crash every other one of those days

So you're saying if it weren't for liberals Americans would be able to leave all their guns and bullets out? What a fucking retard

>They also have the toughest gun control laws in the USA.

It's almost as if people can just bring guns they bought elsewhere into a city with strict gun laws, because we don't have border checkpoints on cities like east and west Berlin.

If only there were some way to pass laws for the entire country..

>Shit Facebook “meme” post
>”facts” are old and biased (Literally year after year 2/3rds of gun deaths are suicide)
>just overall shit

I’m very pro 2a, but this provides low info and is pretty shit.

gtfo newfags

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A “nigger” broke in your house, saw your keys sitting on your table, stole your car and killed people in an accident/ran them over.

All because you’re austically careless and didn’t shove your keys in your ass for safe keeping.

Dag dog you're lazy, go shoot somebody and stop neglecting your gun.

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inb4 rekt thread


did i kill chatt?

No you

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Sit on a chair, in front of the table, your gun loaded on the table, and meditate on :
"If one misconceives Emptiness,
Persons with little wisdom will be ruined.
Just as a person who mishandles a snake
Or is unskillful with mantras will suffer."

Emptiness is coherence ...

(Take care)

" ... one practices the so-calledSword Mantra,the practitioner places a sword in front of himself and starts reciting mantras. Now, when the sword starts moving through the power of the mantras, if the practitioner is able to hold it properly by the handle when the movement is moderate, he can travel wherever he wishes, but if instead he fails to hold it, there is a great danger of the sword swinging towards him and cutting off his head."

Are you that stupid?
Actually, scratch that. You are. But there is a solution: Load your ersatz dick, and shoot yourself in the head. Repeat until dead. Thank you for your cooperation.

The Gorilla pasta for the six-shooter

Yeah, totally absurd, reality contradicts the Democrats. Either reality needs to GTFO or the Democrats need to GTFO, and the retards that vote Democrats into office aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

>Therefore, reality is going to GTFO.

All of our problems come from retards wielding the vote...

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Please tell me what the "Republicans" are doing to reduce the welfare hell holes you cited? I'll give you a clue. Nothing.
I--big govt-----------------------------small govt--I
Got bad new friend. Dems, reps, socialists, communists(socialists), and fascists are all on the same end of the scale.
Firearms wont be removed from the US. Period. Just isn't going to happen. Your real enemy isn't the big bad Democrats. Just take a look at who finances both dems and reps to find your real enemy. Oh, the same people are the ones writing your children's textbooks too. I wonder where all the brainwashing and indoctrination came from.
Nahh, I'm sure it's all coincidence. No man or group of men has ever tried to rule the world before. Go back to sleep.

>if you just cherrypick the statistic, removing the worst spots, then we look pretty good compared to all those places where that didn't happen
You fucking retard.

>New Orleans

gun control nigga what???? thats a huge republican state with weak gun laws.

You're lucky, I did the same thing with my AR. When I got home it had killed 15 children, 3 disabled people, the mailman, a pigeon and had formed a terrorist organization.

>Cities run by Democrats
>why aren't the Republicans fixing it?

Proof that guns are only dangerous when used. I bet your parked car hasn't ran over anyone today either.

>with all the hype by the Left and the media about how dangerous guns are and how they kill people
Yep, that sure is how logic works. I left some bleach sitting around and it didn't kill anyone, therefore it's perfectly safe and you should drink it.

Not even your gun, genuinely shitty post, kill yourself with the gun you cropped from google images

lol look how butthurt the progessives are at this thread and this reply

So ban cars and bleach too as clearly they are dangerous.

here's your (you)

Guns aren't banned. What are you going on about?

Keep reading, shit for brains. Democrats and Republicans are on the same team. Notice how "republicans" is in quotations?
The differentiation between parties is strictly rhetorical. Functionally identical. Who finances democratic congressional budgets?
Who finances Republican congressional budgets?
When there are two sides to a transaction, one side with money, one side in dire need, who owns who?

>Probably 99 out of 100 days you can get away with it.
Funny I've been 'getting away with it' for almost 10,000 days. I must be that really rare exception. A statistical anomoly, huh?

Except that it is true.

My AR raped my wife and sold my 3 children into slavery.

This is how you make Russian dicks hard now. They are bored of drinking vodka and beating their wives to hell. Lol

why and for what do you need a gun? 90% of the world population dont own a gun and dont want anything to do with it.
just ameritards insisting on having their guns.

Everybody who thinks guns kill people, in the way OP does, is a straight up ass burger anf should probably kill themselves.

>90% of the world population dont own a gun and dont want anything to do with it.

Correct, but 90% of the world doesn't commit armed robbery either. Just the 10%. Here's a really fun fact for you, the guns stay. People own them and there is nothing at all you can do to change or stop this. You are totally out of control. The guns are staying.

The first law of nature directly involves self-defense, faggot. How many good people across the world and throughout history met a shitty end because they didn't have guns? A good chunk of the 90% of the world population are fucking pants-on-head retarded. The rest of the 90% probably live under some authoritarian regime where they effectively can't own a gun.

Guns don't kill people. But it does make it way easier.

And? So it shouldn't be easy for a 110 pound woman to be able to kill a 220 pound man? She should only be allowed to defend herself with her fists?

Doesn't make a difference if you place guns in both of their hands.

Here is the thing, nobody cares about the gun violence in the inner cities because it’s gangs killing each other. The country would like the disgruntled asshole that’s mentally ill to have some way of preventing them from getting a gun and killing a bunch of kids at school or co workers. Maybe some sort of vetting process is needed to make sure you can SAFELY operate a firearm, you know like a driving test? The you get a LICENSE to carry potentially deadly things. Wow what a crazy concept.

The 5 cities full of black people

Joke's on you, put mine in the safe the second i got it and melted down the keys

Because that process will stop someone that wants to get a gun from getting one.
Why not instead banish gun free zones where the majority of the killings "we care about" as you put it, happen.
Place purpose trained, well paid armed commissioned officers in schools. These men and women would do much more to prevent mass shootings in schools and churches than signs that say "everyone here is unarmed and will be helpless for the next 5-20 minutes until police show up."
Officer with a badge at every door says "men and women here willing to kill and die to protect all within. Fuck. Off."
Children are more important than a bank vault filled with pieces of paper. All police in banks will be reassigned to schools. Banks make plenty to hire their own private security.
Armed responsible citizens are another piece to this puzzle. I dont know exactly what expansion, if any, our role should sustain.
Stricter carry license courses should be implemented immediately. I was a law enforcement firearms instructor for 6.5 years and I have seen firsthand dozens of times officers and civilians being allowed to carry concealed or commissioned that had no business carrying. Law enforcement standards are MUCH, MUCH higher than civilians, but not high enough.
Enforcement of laws already on the books as far as background checks to get guns would help some. The percentage of people prosecuted for attempting to buy a gun, but are denied, is staggeringly low.

That is a retarded counter-argument. Basically you are saying you don't believe in equality.

>I'm in possession of the laziest gun in the world.
Nope, yours looks like stainless.
The laziest gun in the wold is black.

So let's outlaw something you can make with basic materials and a YouTube video. I get being a pussy, that's common but being this buttfucked Into submission by such a weak and one sided opinion. Let's get rid of legal guns so criminals have an advantage. Pathetic

>if you take out major population centers

Youre so smart.

Its a mental health and media problem, don’t allow yourself to be pitted against others who have difference in opinion. Taking guns away wont solve the problem but neither will blaming the left. As a gun advocate i cannot stress enough that there should be mandatory range time and weapon maintenance. But to stop the but jobs we need to figure out why mass shooters are so popular right around the age of social media even though guns are not a new thing. Im more right aligned but i do agree that mental health funding would help.

That's exactly the point.
That piece of wood and steel is the great equalizer. If you aren't facilitating the training of every woman in your life how to protect themselves, you're doing them a disservice. Just because a woman or small stature man or disabled person cant fight off a 220 pound fighter doesnt mean their right to self security if forfeit.
If you're attacking someone physically, you're in the wrong. You're bought and paid for. Dont want to be shot? Dont fuck with people. Just like the law says.

This. Its not the police objective to always protect you. Throughout all of history it was biggest and baddest and now we have something to even the playing field for the mothers, elderly, or just genetically ungifted. Now more than ever guns have a purpose with us, no one ever talks about how many cases of violent crimes stopped by the usage of a firearm without needing to discharge a round.

Bingo, and I’m a liberal.

Guns are weapons and we have the right to own them. We need to further legislate to ensure that safety is out first.

I’d be willing to be that OP wouldn’t leave that gun out if his son were wearing trench coats and posting black metal lyrics on insta, and I bet he wouldn’t leave it on the table if there were children in the room either. That would make him a bad gun owner, and thus, a problem.

Both extremes are wrong. It’s why they’re called “extremes” after all.

if you give a monkey a stick its going to hit something with it

I concur, OP is being a dumbass with a weapon if he was being truthful in which he should have that revolver given to a single mom in a ghetto trying to make her life better. Something we can all agree on is no matter who or what you are as long as your not a leech on the system you should be given a extra chance to improve your life and defend those you care about. Maybe we would have less domestic violence cases if we gave the victims of such who were of age proper training and the means to defend themselves. In my experience in social work people dont stop acting fucking dumb until shit gets real and if you have a gun in your face from a mother trying to protect her kids then shit gets real.

I grew up the son of a competition shooter and a commissioned officer. I was around guns of all types from the time I could walk. A gun is not evil. Parents that dont educate their children, dont arm them with the knowledge to protect themselves, are evil. Is it reasonable to expect that your child will never encounter a firearm while they are outside your watch? I think not. Educate them, snatch the mystery and mustique right out of the subject. Take the thrill of the unknown away from them in this particular subject.
Children are going to make mistakes. A mistake with a gun is not acceptable like others. When we shelter our children from knowledge of dangerous things, we are negligent and complicit in their mistakes.

Monkey of course because nigger tier of primates, but a gorilla and orangutans have been known to have iq just under ours which means they in many cases will act better and be more “human” than some of the fucks we have running around

Also this as a father I know that this world is danger, now educating and strengthening your child is your job as a parent, my daughter is forced to go to boxing and swimming classes not because it will better her chances in any market but rather prepare a world that has never given up on its violence especially to the young girls and women

This is the most truth that will ever be told on a Yea Forums post.
It will be ignored by most as well.

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user knows too much, hide your sentient gun OP

If you give a group of peaceful monkeys sticks, and a group of violent monkeys sticks, peaceful monkeys will be left standing in the end.
Violent monkeys will kill violent monkeys, peaceful monkeys will kill all remaining violent monkeys.

Post down barrel

ZARDAS says, guns are good. The penis is evil !

>Be Brown user
>Keep up with politics
>See the news constantly preaching that brown people are at an increased risk of homicide for being brown
>Told that police on average kill brown people more for being brown
>Told that the current administration is run by literally hitler and that every brown should be shitting their pants in terror
>Told this while simultaneously told that only the current administration and the police should be the only ones with guns
>Told that if you think you need a gun then you're just paranoid and shouldn't have one anyway

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happy faggot??

just because it worked one time, doesn't mean it works a second time or a third time. guns are fucking dangerous.

You got baited so hard. 95.5 average IQ californians.

If it was a fully semi auto it would have killed everyone crossing its path. Thats why we need to ban assault weapons. Fuck you op think of the children!

Yeah just wish you didn't spend the money on a shit 1911, .45 is not ideal its more of a show or fun gun compared to the new generation of guns. Low mag capacity and lower reliability compared to glocks and sigs. Plus velocity my nigguh but still nice piece

>fully semi auto
I hear my smege screaming in the back of my head right mow

the 2nd amendment is in place for the day we need to overthrow the government

If you bigots didnt did less toxic masculinity and took up hobbies like sewing you wouldnt cry about things like shoulder things that go up that are weapons of mass destruction! You are all racist homophobes.

Okay ill bite what is the scariest gun that is optimized for efficient baby killing

The problem in the us isn't guns, its mental health and separately accessibility to illegal and unregulated/registered firearms. Aka depression and "crazy" people and nigz wit gunz

Yup, no political side has spoken for this enough since they dont care enough and its better for us to argue and forget they are out sourcing jobs and we are losing to robotics

Arisaka Type 99 with the Bayonet mounted

Exactly one life is too many and those ghost guns are deadly. If no one has guns no one can shot. And we wouldnt have people like drumnf in office you fucking nazis. You know your just conpensating anywas you bigots.

Maybe it's time you do some investigation of your own instead of swallowing what our masters feed you.
The thoughts you're having aren't your own. The thoughts you're having are theirs. Your fears are theirs.
Break free man.
The war against our masters is won the second we see them for who they are. The media is not your enemy, the Republicans aren't your enemy, the Democrats aren't your enemy, the police aren't your enemy.
Who(1913) financed all of Obama's programs, foreign wars, deficit spending, bailouts?
Who financed all of trumps eerily similar things?
Bush 2s similar things?
Clinton's similar things?
Bush 1s similar things?...........
Do American taxpayers pay interest on the money borrowed to finance these things?
Is this interest, in the form of federal income tax (1910), paid to some public, federal entity or does it go into private hands?
Do the people that founded a certain private bank (1913) also happen to dictate the news you see on TV and see in newspapers through the CFR?
Are your children's textbooks dictated by those in the CFR?
Why are the super wealthy on the same side as the poor when it comes to laws allowing a larger government to "redistribute" wealth from the wealthy to to poor?
Why has our 80+ year long March towards centralized power not achieved these amazing results?
Deck is stacked against us man. Dont do them any favors by listening to what they tell you.

and how the fuck, exactly, are we supposed to get rid of all of the guns?

Politically, philosophically, statistically, logically, and just about every other way imaginable this is the most vacuous, ignorant, and childish argument I have read in a while.

t. firearm owner and NRA contributor

*nanking intensifies*

Half the worlds guns are in canada and the us alone so have fun wasting millions if not billions trying to take them away from every pissed off gun owner

Buy backs. Citizens dont need guns that can shoot 10000magazine clips per second. Its for public safety. Just gice them up. No ones coming to take your guns you redneck. Jesus fucking christ its 2019.

Guns will never be forfeit in the US. Why not spend your time educating yourself on how the democratic parties agenda is financed by the saaaaaaaaame people that finance trump instead of misspelling trump and socialists.
This is the poorest quality bait I've ever seen. Still got me.

Then nuke them we dont want those nazi racists in our society. What do you think your little toys can stand against the government.

I honestly feel bad for you.

Fucking bigot. You should just be like every other society and get rid of your silly toys.

You more likely to be killed in your neighbourhood then to be killed by a cop. Here is a pro tip DONT EVER RESIST ARREST EVEN IF ITS BULLSHIT CHARGES. Most cop shootings are more racially based meaning more black cops kill blacks and more white cops kill whites. But alot of the unarmed statistics dont account for someone resisting arrest or for verified mental health variables in which causes the detainee to act more violently which is a police training problem. Cops arent allowed to boot fuck you if you act silly anymore so its easier to tase you and shoot you then them just kick your ass so be glad that whining about police brutality brought you to these means

The people are enough to protect the people

Clearly bait but i want to see how deep you go lol. Most gun owners live near others who are on the opposite spectrum of things so enjoy nuking your own people and infrastructure. Unless that is a small price to pay to show dem nazis

Nice dubs and paragraph but if my post gave you the impression that I in any way buy into all that bullshit then perhaps I misspoke. I currently own two handguns and two rifles, one of which being an AR-15 with six 30 round mags. This world is cruel. If you're not prepared to kill then you will always be at the mercy of those who are, I have no intention of being at (((someone else's))) mercy. You should read the CIA and The Cult of Intelligence, I feel like you would like it. The author was very outspoken about the ill effects of the israel lobby on our country

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how do you think that this is actually realistic. what percentage of gun owners are going to sell their guns to the government? think before you fucking speak

while i agree that it sucks that guns exist and the world would be a better place if they didn't, they do exist, and no legislation can change that.

Like hanging blacks and shooting them with your pew pew toy guns with high capacity 1000round clips. What kind of hunting is needed with 1000round clips the bullets just make grapefruit sized holes in thinga. Only thing its good for is killing people. Use your words nazi you still have the freedom of speech for now.

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Mk ultra
Midnight climax
Any of the countless proven experiments on unwilling people
Yeah fuck the spooks I choose a gun before calling a cop or thinking my government has my well being in mind

The emu war had more rounds than that

Stop killing animals. Meat is murder omg i cant even

I highly doubt I would be killed in either honestly. I live in a very nice neighborhood and have been pulled over many times by police for taillights that went out, mistaken vehicle for a stolen one, failure to use a turn signal, speeding, and once running a stop sign even though I came to a complete stop and sat there for 5 seconds.

I've literally never had a cop get hostile towards me and I live in Texas.

I've even been pulled over with a taillight out while high as fuck on a food run, the cop knew the second he made eye contact with me and rather than bullshit him I was just honest when he asked if I had been smoking. Since they didn't find any in the car and I was being compliant, since I was pretty stoned and therefor in a really chill mood, the cop had his partner with the bodycam go search my car while he pulled me aside and said "I'm not telling you to do it but if you smoke in your car we can smell it, just remember that." and told me to get the taillight fixed. Perhaps I'm incredibly lucky but I feel more realistically the issue is overblown due to the actions of a few bad apples.

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I think everyone even pro gun people want some kind of gun or weapon control. I don't think most people would be cool with just anyone buying grenades, or missile launchers or nukes. So where do we draw this weird line in the sand? Because we can't just ban things that are dangerous, like cars, bleach, sharp objects, at some point you big daddy Gov can't hold your hand and you have to trust people to some extent to be responsible for themselves. It just seems like we are moving goal posts and fighting over increasingly arbitrary lines in the sand.

Like, dude, yea sure nothing happened. I've been driving for decades and I've never had an incident where a seatbelt would have made a difference.

But it's all about that one time it saves you when you could have been flung from a car.

I mean, that's why you HAVE a gun right IN CASE something happens?

So why are you opposed to securing your firearm IN CASE something happens?

Yeah sorry got baited by your post shouldve read more instead of skimming im with you

I rape every deer i gutshot try and stop me fagget

You should be killed with your own gun. You fucking white supremacist. Fucking disgusting anyone with a gun should be killed with their own gun. You violent pieces of shit.

It’s Called natural selection

this made me laugh, thanks user

What good is that when the burglar is at your best door???

I strangle their young with a confederate flag while i jerk myself off to trump debates.


Funny that you mention MK Ultra, Victor Marchetti is the author of The Cult of Intelligence and he was the executive assistant to former CIA Director Richard Helms. Helms began his career in the OSS during WWI and climbed up the ranks of the CIA. He served as the director of the CIA under both LBJ and Nixion. Ontop of this Helms also oversaw the MK Ultra experiments.

Here's a little snippet from another one of his works "Propaganda and Misinformation: How the CIA manufactures history"

"The real reason for the official secrecy, in most instances, is not to keep the opposition (the CIA's euphemistic term for the enemy) from knowing what is going on; the enemy usually does know. The basic reason for governmental secrecy is to keep you, the American public, from knowing -- for you, too, are considered the opposition, or enemy -- so that you cannot interfere. When the public does not know what the government or the CIA is doing, it cannot voice its approval or disapproval of their actions. In fact, they can even lie to your about what they are doing or have done, and you will not know it."

This guy has Real fucking problems

Yeah but if there trojan horse lie was spiking people with narcotics without the subjects consent, it makes you think what is really going on with the spooks in the shadows

Guns don't kill people,
Its those little lead things that come flying out of them really fast that kill people

False equivalency

Yeah not enough lube and not strong deer populations these days when im feeling frisky in the sack and the trigger

I’m the user that the person you’re following up on was following.

My father taught me saw gun usage when I was 7, and bought me my own gun a few years later. I can hit a fly at 200 feet with a .22 thanks to him. If he was alive, he’d have been a Trump supporter. I highlight that because I’m a liberal.

Owning a gun is a constitutionally protected right. Safe keeping is a responsibility. When the 2nd was written, guns just weren’t as easy to use as they are today. Muskets and fucking flintlocks aren’t AR’s or SMG’s.

I want legislation around responsible ownership. It can be codified, and debate around that is what congress should be doing. You’d see less shootings (accidental or mass), and I bet you’d see an uptick in gun ownership too.

Not knowing to always shove your keys in your ass for safe keeping. fucker got what was coming to him.

I mean I can get it if I'm being completely honest. In the political climate of today even I feel just a knee jerk reaction to roll my eyes when I see some brown guy begin to go on about hot topic political issues like police brutality. Usually it's the same talking points shilling for the democratic party or leftist viewpoints and I can only hear the same argument so many times before my brain just starts to turn itself off.

I can only say this on Yea Forums though because otherwise I'd be called an uncle tom or something by the leftists of all races. Anything to shut down genuine criticism or discourse though, typical of the whole team mentality really.

You sound too dangerous to be in society since you can shoot 200yd. You should be put in jail so you cant snap and kill all kinds of people. Is this the amerikkka you people want? Murderers everywhere! Jesus christ. You people are beyond help! Fucking nazis.

Forks make people fat too!

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If only your coworkers or family would still talk to you, amirite? The chans are the only ones who listen now :(

Obviously use chopsticks you bigot. Forks are symbols of the patriarchy

Oh yeah, they even went so far as to hire magicians to teach operatives slight of hand so that they could spike people's drinks with LSD to see if they could be more easily influenced. This was done in a pre-civil rights era and indiscriminately to all races, they are loyal to no one but themselves.

It's unlikely we'll ever truly know. I feel the only way people will know what the CIA is really doing is if the country collapses and no one is around to stop people from publishing top secret material for a country that no longer exists. As long as the U.S. as we know it exists they will do everything in their power to keep those secrets from us, we are seen as their opposition after all

10% of people have guns and you sayx10% of people commit armed robbery, nice 1 mate, total lack of logic

I do agree with that as firearms evolve so should the owners. AR’s and even some of the modern day shotguns can be pretty devastating in the hands of a user. That shouldnt mean that the average owner shouldnt be penalized as if he is responsible. If he takes care of his weapons and his own mental health (sees therapy and does follow ups)he shouldnt be infringed upon. i think now more than ever our police force needs to change as well with how we deal with gun crimes. Police should have branches much like our military some specialize in threat assessment and peaceful resolution but we should also have fast response units in every major population centre. Mass shooters i believe will one day evolve into improvised bombs and chemical attacks, hopefully never bio attacks seeing as amoebas are easy to grow and can be lethal while also being as simple as water contagion attack.!With the advancement of technology leads to the advancement in human lethality, and our police force isnt keeping up

Using your hands is the only solution. You havr to take it into your own hands!

Fuck the gun debate, imma shoot up the place with two super soakers, one filled with urine and the other with bleach

Yeah we are gone from the days of civil political debate and onto who cries wolf harder sadly but its still warming to see grounded individuals who are not afraid to be wrong or right in a debate regarding something as needed as gun politics

Who gives a shit? Let the niggers kill eachother, then problem solved

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Good point, let’s just go after every gun owner instead of the guns themselves, lock em up.

Truly based. The only thing scary though is that if they do work within the interests of the country ie. they dont want it to collapse or be weakened for foreign involvement. What does that mean in terms of what they are going against or how bad is the opposition when it comes to justifying crimes against your own people to beat them.

The mass shooters we need but not want

I like to think of myself as trying to be grounded. I can always admit that I don't have all the answers and that I can only do and push for what I think is right. Personally I feel the that we need the Second Amendment, I don't know if I want to live in a world where the U.S. Government isn't a little afraid of its own people or where we cannot defend ourselves from others who would do us harm.

To be exact, I'm Native American. Though I was not there, I still know about Wounded Knee. We know better than most what happens when they come for the guns, I just want to make sure that doesn't happen to anyone else regardless of their race. For the sake of my countrymen I try not forgot the lesson that taught me about gun control.

And where exactly do you live? Because the fucked up Democrats running my home town - OF ST. LOUIS - are about as left wing as Missouri gets.


Agreed. Everyone is clinging to their metaphorical guns in terms of the debate. I feel like people want to be right for egotistical reasons, rather than safety.

I think if we legislated around safety and training, then we’d make progress and see fewer people die.

You make good points about police. Really good points. Threat assessment and having peaceful resolution/quick response, with a focus on current and potentially new dangers benefits us all. FBI and local police offices in more frequent and open communication on these things would be great.

It's because currently we're top dog and we would like to stay that way. We have things like DARPA researching technology 25 years out and all sorts of shit we don't even know about going on. They seem us as the plebs and them as the elite, if they have to do some unsavory things on a few of us to protect their own hides then they'll do it without hesitation. In the eyes of the CIA there are only two kinds of people: Those who work for "The Company" and those who don't.

Cree here guns have fed my family when the government and my own tribal council has failed me. Moved my family off the rez and started a self suffice t farm. These days even some closest to us we cannot rely on , our own rez had no running water or heating which is hard in winter. All i see as a native man is both sides are bad for pitting each other against on another in which solves nothing we have to find common ground and compose ourselves to better one another for society as a whole. Keep strong and down to earth nativanon

Those 5 cities also have the largest black population.. funny how that works... Picture related.

As for your main point yeah, guns don't kill people, people kill people, guns are just a tool, they cannot do any harm on their own unless someone uses them. Banning guns won't solve the problem, it'll just push it to another weapon of choice. The problem is the people, if it wasn't guns it'd be some other weapon they'd use it'd not change.

I also find it funny how ultra realistic violence in games gets a pass, but some anime girls bare skin in a bathing suit is apparently a big no no in the USA, especally on sony consoles now, but I blame the fact sony's us hq is now in SJW land california. If they really wanted to be family safe they'd be looking into the violence in games, not some half naked anime girl in some niche game most people never heard of.

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Fair enough trying to remember the book about jfks assassination and how alot of the evidence points to the spooks. If you havent read it you should ill see if i can find it.


You too, it's always good to come across someone else who sees through the bullshit that pulls us all apart. I'd like to think that the day where more people see that is coming.

A man can dream

I'd be down, I feel like being an informed citizen is a good thing. Honestly if more people were aware of the shady shit our government gets up to I feel like we would be better off

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Come down to southeast MO it's pretty conservative down here