I want to fuck my 3 year old nephew
What would be the best way to kill myself?
I want to fuck my 3 year old nephew
idk man you got a gun or something?
acid; you should make it a slow death
Honestly since you know how fucked up you are theres still hope. Get a therapist and maybe they can help you fix your fucked up head or at least find out why you're fucked in the head
Honestly, you're going to kill yourself without actually doing anything? Just because you want to fuck your nephew?
Seems a waste.
First you should actually fuck nephew, then off yourself. Could be great fucking
Fuck the 3 year old nephew until you collapse dead from exhaustion.
Thanks. I've got one and I know why I'm like this. I was getting better but my nephew started getting older and now I'm crazy about him, I'm usually into 10 - 14 year olds so if I feel like this now things will get worse
Fuck him, then get v& & assraped to death by niggers in prison. Also that kid in the pic isn't 3.
If it wasn't so painful I would have killed myself when I was 11
That's not him. Just a pic I have saved
It's not too late. And plenty of 11 year chads and stacys had the balls to do it.
If he's hot , go for it
Eh then you're probably fucked. A shot to the brain is the quickest way to death I think. Doesn't get much worse than gay pedos
I I blow my brains out with a shotgun it would take me almost two minutes to die??
I don't have access to guns
dont therapists tell the police youre into little kids?
Buy a rope at your local store
Also shooting yourself in the head does not hurt
Once the bullet reaches your brain or fractured your skull, you are instantly dead
Then it's up to you. Death isnt pleasant
Deep web
Use Tor
There are gun Facebook groups
I’m no libtard, but buying a gun is much easier than you think, know what I’m sayin?
you got a bath tub?
no one really knows do they
Nah they'll only report you if you're saying you're actually gonna do something. Otherwise they're required to keep everything private
That’s basic biology
It’s like blacking out, instant death.
You wouldn’t be able to know you are felling pain if your brain is fractured
I have considered that question for the sake of science. I am pretty sure resting your skull squarely on a train track would work the best. As long as it’s up to speed.
It’s free, readily available to anyone, most likely 100% painless, and certain.
Now if you had the balls you might stare at that train coming, and get some perspective on your place in life as it closes in. But you could always be a pussy and look the other way with some earbuds in, and try to avoid the physical rumbles of death getting more obvious.
One way or the other, life will go on. With or without your problems.
Why not buy a rope?
Even if they would tell the police, what the fuck is the police supposed to do?
IDK man just go with the explosives and shave off 6 seconds if you're such a pussy.
Just so everyone knows, I have never done anything illegal, haven't even looked at CP
honeydick you. online decoys will start messaging you and entrap you. you will give in
id assume get your address. go to your house. take computer and shit. even if they dont find anything, your family would still end up finding out whats going on and it would be downhill from there