Why am i watching gay porn? i used to watch normal porn before but for some reason im watching gay porn now...

why am i watching gay porn? i used to watch normal porn before but for some reason im watching gay porn now.. has my gay been activated? how do i go back?

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If that delicious ass and those pussy lips peeking from the thong don't turn you back, I'm sorry to inform you are hopelessly gay, user

Its called porn addiction. It wont stop with gay either. Before you know it it Will be animals and children.

it happens i thought I was bi, but i fucked a twink a couple times amd just didnt enjoy it

I actually went animals before gays.. what can i do about it ?


stop jacking your cock as much mary sue, also draw back to the last fetish each time until its back to straight

Nothing. Absolutely nothing

Not sure why im taking it seriously but im bored so here you go:

Watching porn makes you gay by fucking with your brain chemicals and making you bored of normal sex. Eventually you start switching to grosser more sick shit and eventually traps and then to straight up men to satisfy your sick perversions. either stop watching porn so your brain can fix itself enough to go out and be with real woman, or continue to watch assloads of porn and get off on gay shit.

but hey, its not all black and white. There are pros and cons to both situations. being with women and having a normal family may make you feel like you have a richer fuller life, but can also make you miserable since women are often selfish and difficult to deal with. on the other hand being a queer means you dont get cucked by greedy whores, and not to mention its alot easier to have lots of sex when you're gay, but succumbing to this mental illness long term will continue to deteriorate your mental state and can make you depressed, suicidal, or even just plain psychotic. In the end you just have to decide what really makes you happy and hope it turns out for the best.


>Stop watching porn, stop being a faggot, fuck bitches, be happy.
>Continue to watch porn, be a degenerate faggot, fuck men, be happy.

Choose one.

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Hiw often do you guys jerk off? i want to know if im normal or not

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Your sexuality is a choice. Im straight but one time I accidentally got my dick sucked by a tranny when I was high as fuck on the town. I was looking for a working girl but was so out of it I couldn’t tell until I went to fuck her and there was a penis there.

Does it mean I’m gay? No because it was a mistake. Even if I just wanted to try it and didn’t like it I still wouldn’t be gay. Would I be bi? Probably not because I wouldn’t do it again.

It just comes down to choice. It is amusing hearing it talked about like a disease though...

>i think I’ve caught the gay

I was really ashamed after that night though... oh well worse things can happen.

2-3 times a week.

If I really want some pussy I’ll go a week or two without jerking off.

>using Yea Forums as a measure of what's normal

You still havent told how often you do it nigga

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Real gay porn, or traps?

You’re absolutely right You forgot the prositute option though. Women can be really fucking annoying sometimes.
I’m a single guy that goes to prostitutes regularly. It’s actually really great, my life basically consists of going to the gym, using steroids, playing the odd video game (I’m jamming some oldschool stuff atm like ratchet and clank and thug2), seeing working girls, perfecting my diet, generally just doing what I want to do instead of bending over backwards to keep some ungrateful/narcissistic bitch happy. Fuck that whole happy wife/happy life bullshit. All the guys i see in long term relationships look miserable as fuck. The ones with kids even more so.

Is 2 times a day too much?

Both, i imagine myself the one getting fucked pls it wasnt like this

The more time you spend on Yea Forums the more gay you become.


Whats your job?

You see these numbers? They confirm the gay.

You're not gay. Go suck a cock and realize what a mistake it was. Then stop watching porn. Dig a hole in the ground and busy yourself with manual labor instead of being in your own head all the time.


this pic is hitting the sweet spot omg

i used to do it at leat 2 times a day. now i am down to 1 time a day with breaks between some days. its addictive behaviour for sure