909 chino to start
Other urls found in this thread:
Kik mwbdm3 to trade 909
looking for san bernardino
looking for 619
I’m looking for chino
Sd never gets much love here
desperation bump
for san bernardino
Looking for 916, anyone have Julia Finley?
Adi 818
More ?
She's from the 818 I wish i could get more on her
california is cancer
Castle park apartments anyone??
San Bernardino...
Any 831?
Who has 562?
More of her please
Any nudes?
I don't have much but here
sadly no
i would like to see some 707 tittays
She's got big lips
Kat, Briefly 562 LBC.
Hello again, everyone. Lol
>Bruce Wayne
Any Bay Area?
Let's get some Downey in here ((remove the extra dot.))
Server with no rules! Post whatever you want without risk of ban.
Controversial topics.
Shitposting autism.
Gonna be a slow night eh?
Any 760 indio area?
Ps here
Where you from how old are you. 707 here
Holy shit 909 area code in Pomona right here brother
Steffani d. I gotta shitload of 925
Post 707
Let's go 916!
916 bump
562 Lakewood, anyone remember Shannon M? Lol
Any Santa Calrita/661?
Roxana S. from 916/707? Someone's gotta have.
More? Where from?
Only one I got. Chino
Come share the 530 and 916 win over on anonme
Got any wins of ihs chicks?
562 lbc
Anyone got more from her? 626?
No, how about a Kimiko 530
what highschool San Bernardino
She looks familiar does she go to pcc?
Just graduated high school (18)
But im looking for more of her, seen her posted
She looked like someone from a class nevermind
any sb highschool arroyo berdo san g cra(if you know you know) pacific
Kelsey 760 Hesperia
arroyo san g i have seen a few. Give me initials of who you want and i will check what i have
Keep the LBC coming
also what year??
Anyone from east la or boyle heights remember faloppa?
Aww yeeaahh Hesperia bro reporting in. Funny enough I knew a Kelsey whose tits were very similar
Oops I mean Kailey
What part of 925?
Anyone have a Justine H(a)rt. From San Diego
As you say, dubs
What’s her name?
Darla. You from the area?
where in 530? have any woodland wins?
Who has the wins on Asia W. from Long Beach? Graduated from Lakewood ‘11. Always wanted to check her body out without clothes
finally a thread that is my area
that's ghetto as fuck
britnie k 714
Same girl
909 Ontario
Bobbie Pinn
760 dorothy anyone have?
keep goin
any RHS 2017/2017 pics?
anyone from 805 TO recognize Allison?
Obligatory Crystal post
Too bad east la or boyle heights are never posted. Wish it would happen
My cousin from Garfield High
no but goddamn she's fire
Post more
She a hapa?
i know, it's a shame smh.
and damn your cousin is fire
Woo lets just post facebook pictures of girls that live near us. What the fuck
If only. not enough people who use Yea Forums in either area.
Anyone have anything on notoriousblackwidow? She has an o ly fans now.
I have no idea what a hapa is but I’ve been trying to find someone from my area who recognizes her
I went to Chino High. Class of 08
she sells nudes on snap
does she have ig?
who is she? looks just like my exs body
which really sucks because a lot of pics get leaked but the people who have them dont go on Yea Forums
fucking hapa nice day homie
Anyone got CHAMPS alumni wins?
willing to expose. have all infor. snap, tiktok, number, address, work, and both instas
Crystal 714 looking for more
where from
aw damn, i thought it was my ex
so close but yet so far
Yeah. Shit would spread to often.
At garfield a swim team girl sent some to her bf and he just spread them. She was hot af
Post your ex?
at roosevelt basically every girl's nudes got leaked on some app
I wish SD would get some love on these threads. I would really like to find someone I might know.
dont have her pics anymore, was a white knight back then and deleted them when we broke up
Bro I remember that app. Some owl or something right?
bump 818?
you go to SDSU rn by chance
yeah! ogle. good times
this girl is so damn fine
It hit hard. Here in Brea lots of Asian sluts got exposed. Damn good times
Shit that's crazy. Who were the bomb bitches at Roosevelt?
Nah it wasn't just Roosevelt it was like a Socal school thing. Oogle, ogle whatever it's called was linked to each school individually
Also a 562 bump
I see. Didn't have that when I was at garfield.
damn really? no wonder that shit got scrapped
No, but I know lots of people that go there.
i remember some girl Maya, got fucked by two dudes on the football team. this skinny blonde bitch jackie. some girl named Jewel i think with big tittie. those were a couple of them
right? I have a couple noods of her from a friend but not anything with face unfortunately
why her friend sending her nudes lmao
People started using it as if they were anons. Until people started getting arrested. This was back in like 16 or something
714 mater dei anyone
yeah definitely 16 since that was my senior year. shit was heated though. nobody could trust no one
clarification my friend dated her
Shit.One TA at garfield would flirt with the black football player. Auto shop TA was dating a 17 year old student. A girl got caught by her mom blowing the football team
a lot of sloots from my area went there
the whole team?? what the fuck lmao
oh okay. well shit this girl too fine
Posting more Crystal
Not the whole team lmao
just the black guys
here’s a side by side of her tits to her selfie
garfield goes hard then. no wonder yall were always winning the classic.
best I remember here was some girl getting fingered in the library
yeah this girl crazy hot. i'm impressed
Very hard to be natural and be this attractive. This woman will be someone's arm candy
lol I just wish I could find someone from my town to recognize her
hell yeah
Garfield was fucking carried. lmao without them they were shit.
Teachers at garfield were somewhat bomb no young teachers tho
818 reseda if anyone recognizes the initials YM
i’d count on that lol
You got any of them?
RHS teachers were pretty but not bomb. and we only had like three or four good looking teachers
nothing more than IG unfortunately
If any of you come across more Crystal I'd really appreciate it if you could send them to me. My kik AntBrism
323 took them via snap but didn't want her knowing I got them
Don't have nudes unfortunately
Finally some 323
name? and where in 323?
We had a good amount of good looking teachers. Usually in their mid 30s. Faloppa and lopez had fat tits. Mena a counselor had the best ass and would always show it off
Any 626?
Yuba city
we had Perez, pretty but skinny. some milf Chem teacher, some blonde bitch whose son was on the FB team. No one bomb though smh
This one in South Central but idk if I should give name so I wont
post more if you have 626
Bro we ain’t fucking white knights
no problem man. how'd you get the pictures?
Any 805 wins?
This is mena
Damn no 760 tonight
she looks like she got some ass. i shoulda went to Garfield
She sent them to my girl because she wanted to send them to a guy and get her opinion.
Share some stuff there's never any girls from around here
Looking for 661/bako
562 bump
any saddleback college students or teachers?
You wouldn’t believe it if you saw her ass.
Lets see it then
bump for CHAMPS girls
need 661 sluts
damn who's this?
Cristina from riverside.
Bro 661 doesn't exist in these threads lmao
i got sd what high schools
she's fucking cute
She likes to film herself sucking dick. There has to be wins out there.
No but shes getting me hard.
Damn where in 323 she from?
Wait is her name amanda?
how u know that?
Ah I was lied to about her name lol. What's her actual name? That way I can rename her folder
if you know her name/area you get more
bump for 714
Who’s this?
Kek I recognize I think R.S?
805 SLO win
Indio here
Give this bitch a cheeseburger
TBH I don't know her last name but wow spot on on the first initial
to the surprise of precisely nobody it's a fucking beaner.
More, currently in riverside 951, kik?
Also this, PDHS 760
Do you recognize her?
any 707 humboldt
any van nuys wins?
Nice where you know her from
nah i literally just guessed a name
Kek well that's one hell of a guess
south central right? did she go to fremont or something?
I'm not sure. I think she went to another one. I think dymally?? But I think only for a year
Any 805 SLO guys drop kik
honestly i just said fremont since thats the only south central HS i know of
alexis 619
that ass looks good
What ass nigga there ain’t shit there to see she’s facing forward.
Any SDSU 619?
Any 559?
Any 559?
Yeah that's one Ive heard of a lot but never even seen it don't think
562 lakewood
Did you know a Natalie C?
got any more? Very interested
she seems cute
im like 90% sure i've been inside Kailey
Damn. If it's the same one, she's also blown me. Got any more?
not on my computer
Anons mom is named Kailey, apparently.
Any Caira N- nudes from Ukiah? Or Cassie wins?
Redlands? I got some nudes
different HS. sorry
I do know a Nat C. But you’d have to be more specific. School was pretty big.
Drop your k.ik or cord if you're looking for 714 stuff
Any from el camino real high school?
Send more shit pussy