IK yall are mostly losers too, but like wtf is this life about guys

IK yall are mostly losers too, but like wtf is this life about guys...

>be me
>turn 26 next week
>working a decent job with insurance claims near my small home town in WI
>been out of college for 3.5 years
>had a great time in college and made some friends but we ll live pretty far away from each other
>still have friends around here but all they do is hit the bars and do shit on weekens
>I come home every night after work, make supper, maybe a light workout and watch baseball/netflix all night, maybe play guitar for a bit
>go to bed
>wake up hating that I have to go to work and waste my day
>no GF since junior year of HS and absolutely no prosepects
>dead inside

Wtf am I supposed to do guys? I just dont have motivation to do shit after a 9 hour work day. I just get high and sit around. Weekends I might do something fun but the Monday rolls around....Like I want to have meaning and I want feel good but like...I just feel like Im working until i die. I have some money saved up, but I did just get a DUI so thats gunna cost me some

Any suggestions? I recently got 50 tabs of strong acid...so thats gunna help...

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bumping with calvin and hobbs because they are my happy place

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I can’t help user but only here to say you’re not alone. Recently gave up nicotine and alcohol and I feel so utterly lost. Trying to retrain my brain to find enjoyment in the simple things, and also find motivation to improve myself and my career. One day at a time

it's very true. there's literally no fucking purpose in life. it's depressing if you really think about it.

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Idk man, im not really alone, I have plenty of friends...I just feel empty when and insignificant. I feel like I need a change, but this DUI kinda fucked me in that regard. Im 2 weeks without a cigarette and I have significantly cut down drinking since the DUI. I live in WI and all everyone does is drink here..

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idk man...thats the thing...I fel like there is I just feel like I dont have time to find it with work. Like I can be happy just finding a cool place to explore or hanging out in the company of friends, but I just dont find the time to go find the stuff and everyones too busy to hang like we did in college

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I’ve found that some times the simplest of things can give our lives value or meaning, but unfortunately those things aren’t often super obvious on the surface. Like maybe hanging out with friends scratches that itch, maybe it doesn’t. Maybe just going for a walk in the wilderness. Perhaps volunteering for those less fortunate could give you a purpose worth pursuing. Or even something simple like getting back into the old steam library and starting a game or finishing one you’ve been meaning to. The solution is a tricky one user, just have to convince ourselves to try and find it. We need to find something to make us happy. Something that doesn’t rely on a vice to get us through the day

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Go to a bar and make friends

yeah, so you'll go hang out with your friends for 2 hours to distract yourself from life. or you'll go travel for short term happiness.

once you walk back into your house, you'll be back in your depression hole. still the same problem: what the fuck is the point of this?

I I'm in a retarded "life purpose" phase right now too, which is why I can't really answer or help you on that. and I don't think anyone could. cause if you think about it, whatever someone tells you the purpose is, in the end, it's all just temporary happiness. there's no real purpose

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like I said...I have plenty of friends...but we are all working all the time and weekend comes and maybe we get together...but we all just get drunk cuz we hate life

yea thats exactly how I am feeling, but I do have strokes of happiness and I always feel like I have it figured out. I dont know man I think I need to find something I can do for work that I actually like doing...but we are slaves to money

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nice dubs spidey

Come hangout up north in Iron Mountain with me user. We can play guitar and watch Netflix together. No homo

Everyone ITT needs an adventure. One to tell their future friends and kids. I want to sail the world on a catamaran. I need a million dollars first. Anyone recommend me some adventures?

bruh that sounds fucking awesome....if your not ugly i wouldnt even mind jerking off together...no homo

I think I look pretty good

kinda wanna make this happen...sigh but like everything else in my life I wont pursue it

Well I will be on Grindr if you ever want to talk.

Go bust a nut in a random bitch it sound stupid but it helps

yea everytime I do get laid it does feel great...but Im terrible with women adn cant do that kinda shit