Rekt thread? Rekt thread

Rekt thread? Rekt thread

Attached: OHNO.webm (320x240, 240K)

Attached: Butane.webm (900x482, 1021K)

Attached: Failed_robbery.webm (768x436, 785K)

Attached: Percistence.webm (500x500, 1.91M)

Attached: Wannaseeamagictrick.webm (368x640, 1.79M)

Gee whiz guys thanks for your contributions

f-fuck off (bleggh) morty. piece of shit you know that, morty/

Attached: Gore 2013.gif (264x170, 1.31M)


Put the rocky theme over this faggot

Attached: nerve gas.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

wtf did it touch?

nerve gas pipe

Any chance I could get some rabbit torture or anything with rabbits suffering?

No idea why but I'm really into it recently

fuck off nigger

Vengeance can wait. Send a hunting arrow through the Nigger's liver.

You are completely fucked in the head. Fuck you, that dogs life is worth 10 times more than yours. You enjoy watching a dog get killed? This is how cereal killers start.

Attached: 1554088188863.webm (368x640, 1.99M)

Attached: 1541831087732.webm (352x640, 1.07M)

Attached: 1557653760165.webm (330x600, 1.66M)

Don't you have to be up for school tomorrow? It's getting late

Attached: 1538097183819.webm (1280x720, 1.86M)

Attached: 1554176144736.webm (1920x1080, 1.69M)

Attached: 1530240424873.webm (360x636, 1.05M)

Attached: 1525747311455.webm (638x360, 1.59M)

Literally the only good nigger. And I'm black.

Attached: 1526498344544.webm (400x400, 1.35M)

Attached: doggo gets boofed.webm (224x400, 721K)

i wish i understood

how high do you think that bridge is? 80 ft?

you mad, white boy?

Yeah, what a dipshit. You don't just hit water at that height.


Attached: 1557654434416.webm (406x360, 994K)

falling from a hight greater than 10 meters into water is like slamming against concrete

ah man that is so fucking awful.. just 1 second looking away..

Nope, we still control the world.

Attached: Laughing-Men-In-Suits.jpg (500x333, 24K)

literally i need the cutted finger picture

What is that?


What are those things? Far too large to be bees.

little small whiteboi...
just like swatting a fly!

Attached: 1502736481970.jpg (400x534, 28K)

not for long, lol, u gonna be crying

horrible horrible type bees

They are bees, but a different species than European honey bees.

underground nerve gas supply pipe
probably 4" victaulic fitting

Fuck you

Holy shit, story?
Can't even tell if it was accidental

Every civilization has its birthday traditions. In that one, you get clobbered right as you're about to cut your cake.

Either that, or he's a little shit, and that's payback.

Attached: Img_3890f6d3w.jpg (317x319, 15K)

they wanted him to have an eggcelent birthday

Attached: 1529054501177.webm (1280x720, 1.75M)

Yeah he accidentally poured the gasoline on himself then accidentally set himself on fire.

Attached: ezgif-2-abb8180f08.gif (496x279, 1.37M)

nerve bees

Oops, wrong one. Here you go

Attached: ezgif-2-674d8927b3aa.gif (496x279, 1.55M)


I love heroin

Attached: 1391337953805.gif (175x175, 797K)

Attached: CKxRG3iW8AAVYMk.png (600x456, 338K)

Gone....just like that.

if you go in heels first with good verticality you will be fine, but the dumbass decided to do a leap and his ass was bringing him down, so it was almost flat on the back landing.

what a stupid fucking dog. I'm glad he's dead.


Attached: 1559673996606.jpg (481x331, 40K)

Assad gassed his own people

That made me sad

2/10 bait

Attached: bait.png (224x225, 4K)

Oh my dear, where to start with a pathetic fuck, like you

This is not your ecochamber that tumblr is, this is where you are confronted with the purest that mankind is without its restraints, you are confronted with reality, these videos show fucking reality, if you are like me, you are desesitized to this kind of shit due to prior happenings, but your comment just shows that you have COMPLETELY misunderstood the idea of Yea Forums. Yea Forums is not "hey guys take a look at this funny link ha ha." Yea Forums is not Facebook's whiteknighting. Yea Forums is not Reddit, Tumblr or Yea Forums is a place for people to be monsters. Disturbing, cold, heedless monsters that they really are. Tsunami kills people in Asia and we laugh. Psychotic emo fulfills her sick desires with her cat and we laugh. A man rapes his grandchildren, we laugh and demand more. Suicide, foul play, genocide- we laugh. Racism, sexism, discrimination, xenophobia, rape and unfounded wrath- we laugh.

We are cruel; we do not forgive; we do not forget; we are the real face of the internet.

That's a beautiful muslim tradition you bigot!

Attached: isis_kid.webm (1024x576, 1.37M)

mmmm thats some good copypasta more pls

Attached: Big kahuna.webm (490x360, 1.96M)


lol wtf

Damn. Frank Caliendo is a savage

This is fucked up

That's an expensive way to feed a snake

Lol faggot I've taken lives, kids just don't deserve that. Nice pasta tho

No, you really haven't


Whatever brojust a heroin addict convicted of a 1st degree felony, not everyone on here is a NEET

Thomas stfu

But you're not really

Attached: 1559497024570.webm (768x432, 1.25M)

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

ha what

Attached: IMG_0482.jpg (483x604, 38K)

how can someone reach middle age being this fucking stupid. it actually angers me how dumb he is, i'm glad he's dead

Ah, the brainwashed minority. Glad to know the propaganda is working.

I could waste my time and explain to you details of institutions in the ohio department of rehabilitation and corrections or the smell and taste of black tar heroin or even the nuances of shooting meth and crack but frankly i have to be up for work in the morning so enjoy trying to be the Yea Forums police and eating your 4th bag of pizza rolls tonight. Later bruh

I'd kill them all. There is no excuse for this

They were huffing keyboard cleaner idiot

Attached: 4ecef4cd2f1eaa306b6ae7500fda55474ad14589bf3b37b1f02401ef7e7075bd.jpg (533x700, 84K)

chink who probably never saw an electric light until he was 17
imagine seeing retarded selfie shit for the first time and thinking "this must be how all the successful people spend their time"

ok but you really couldn't

based and cringepilled

When a Yea Forumstard uses the word nigger in the wrong context.

If you ain't in here to see kids and puppies getting murdered then GTFO

Yep, died on emergency. Can't remember where but some chink place.

There is news articles about him.

I knew the jews were white!

Attached: Rainer-heute.jpg (236x248, 14K)

Attached: attachment-image-fa9729ba-9046-44d0-8b39-7fd731c4c3e8.jpg (618x416, 48K)

You forgot the beheadings

Wow, overreacting a bit much?!?

wtf is a "nerve gas pipe"? I don't even think those exist. What would they be used for?

Yes and beheadings

Shot him in the ass on the way down too

Polish thread was lit with germans talking shit

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-04-23-20-28.png (720x1280, 147K)

Quit pretending like you are an olympic diver. Controlling a fall from 90 or so feet is difficult as fuck since the resistance in the air has a greater influence than you.

Jumping off mortally dangerous heights for fun is stupid.

>if you go in heels first with good verticality you will be fine,

This is just Nature doing it's work, son. You don't need to stop it.

Attached: femjoy_natural_redhead_4.jpg (800x1200, 130K)

A classic

Attached: 1554873836309.webm (768x576, 1.99M)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-04-23-20-48.png (720x1280, 147K)

Nerve gas attacks in Syria

Nerve gas is how everyone dies eventually

Christ they’re everywhere look it up. Make sure you check what country though. The vitaulic fittings can me metric or standard and that makes a huge difference. Probably why that happened in the first place.

Fun fact: bees are closely related to wasps and ants. This example of a bee really show the resemblance to an ant (pic related).

Attached: ants.jpg (2397x1700, 452K)

depends on landing. back first will never end well.

>Controlling a fall from 90 or so feet is difficult as fuck since the resistance in the air has a greater influence than you.
The resistance should keep you straight.

I wish that this kind of thing would happen to all Youtubers.

hey this is not a ylyl holy shit


Previously known by me but good Info for those who don't.
Thanks Yea Forumsro.

Attached: 1559360176953.jpg (512x494, 59K)

Reiner, Ruhe

good form white boi

Shut up darky

fuck off cockboi

Israel produces those videos

I've dove higher than this, head-first, into lake and salt-water. What's that? Yep, I'm still alive. The likely cause of death: Shallow bottom, or he couldn't swim. You have to jump from hundreds of feet to be 'knocked out' by water.

you must be new here

one of the greatest things i've seen on Yea Forums

Get off Yea Forums nigger, white skin only

Attached: polgoesoutside.webm (400x368, 404K)




he pours liquid on himself...

Birthdays are meant make children feel special. But people in the ghetto thrive on stripping others of their dignity and corrupting every single good looking aspect of their environment. Graffiti. Littering. And even the throwing of shoes up on phone lines -_-

It's a general pattern of driving society downwards. These people thrive on it. They know that if they try aiming up that they will fail. So they aim down and always succeed. In a way. It's good for their self-esteem. Bad for the boy's self-esteem.

Stomp on the little fuckers head until it bursts.

>calling someone new
>falling for obvious bait

Cereal killers, like Trix killers, Lucky Charms killers, and Raisin Bran killers?


what even is life?

Do you control your bowel movements? That hemorrhoid on your ass the size of the walnut? Is erectile dysfunction good for you?

Don't let the media fool you, user. These men are not only mortals but old ass, senile minded and physically decaying mortal men. The type that are one step away from retiring homes and drinking Ensure. Regardless of how fancy their retirement homes or mansions are, they all dread the sight of their look in the mirror after straining for 30 minutes every day to take a shit.

lol 'o' face

>The resistance should keep you straight.

> should keep you straight.

Is that why Olympic divers only train for 2 minutes a day once a week to keep them from cracking their back when jumping off the board?

Be thoughtful, user.

Attached: met-art_2015-10-29_MUSIDA_12.jpg (682x1024, 87K)

Attached: grindr.webm (720x420, 1.63M)

i wish i had never seen this

such sadness

Attached: 1464491016646.gif (480x260, 1.93M)

does this count

Attached: muslims are assholes.webm (480x480, 1.17M)

That's seriously fucked up, really OP. That's a good way to injure a beautiful snake.

Little cunt deserved every bit and more.

The puppy getting eaten by the snake and the german sheperd both ruined my life. Fak u forchan.

Attached: l4uUleX.png (469x359, 141K)

fucking fuck chinkmoot and this 2mb limit bullshit.

Attached: bitch bitch slaps a bitch with a bitch.webm (360x360, 555K)

Shut the fuck up faggot. Get off of Yea Forums.

Attached: 1424739164585.jpg (800x445, 67K)

It's actually 2.10mb
This webm is 2.08mb

Attached: 1521080209725.webm (854x478, 1.98M)

Attached: run nigger run.webm (220x400, 1.32M)

>1.98 MB
you fucking liar

it's not porn

Attached: wrong.jpg (600x800, 58K)

How nice of him to put up that tarp, for easy cleanup.

Attached: hard 2 kill.jpg (800x451, 57K)

the lack of autofocus is the real tragedy here. Also bump

shut up nigger

Attached: Fq4FcaM.jpg (768x1024, 92K)

Attached: RIP Chef.webm (640x480, 736K)


fuck niggers they always have to make everything into racebait cause they are insecure

Attached: 1559326203073.webm (326x180, 772K)

Attached: e3rFdov.jpg (960x1280, 143K)

Attached: 1558858740141.webm (202x360, 1.31M)

Attached: 9e9189d6c7ed6cdec00b6b4ab479e8a3.jpg (502x335, 26K)

did he died?


Attached: hey try the veal.webm (720x396, 1.15M)

I didnt know this was a ylyl

you were wrong

Attached: time to fap.gif (314x176, 1.53M)

is he died?

nerve gas

Attached: free hat.webm (1280x720, 723K)

Made me lol. Thanks user.

Attached: reply to this post or you will have mexican shit water in the afterlife.gif (177x238, 2M)


someone call the admin, josh is prop minging again!

Attached: prop minge in gmod.webm (640x360, 1007K)


Attached: the one thing you shouldnt hit.webm (718x404, 1.64M)

Attached: runescape rekt.webm (1280x720, 413K)

On one hand, fuck nazi retards
on the other, fuck niggers begging for money instead of getting a job

Attached: 1290894865170.jpg (413x479, 38K)

Attached: 1558847110430.webm (640x480, 1.46M)

How is it possible to be this retarded nice b8

> nice enough to record
> nice enough to put a tarp for easier clean up
> didn't miss

Attached: Americans are fat.webm (400x224, 1.19M)

is this real?

plot twist

it's real she just inhaled some nerve gas. she'll be fine. it's not porn.

fuck animal faggots fuck your gay love and admiration for animals fuck all of you fucking fuck you.

Attached: Peace and quiet.webm (450x360, 639K)

he keeps going the wrong way, what a faggot.

>444444 get

Attached: Pettis'd.webm (264x360, 743K)

Attached: Facial at the ATM.webm (360x640, 233K)

N i c e

is there a story?

>801444444 get

Attached: cat plays with mouse.webm (240x426, 311K)

Attached: #rekt.gif (440x250, 479K)

Attached: 1559708190674.jpg (381x410, 175K)

call this guy a faggot


Attached: when u gotta go.webm (400x500, 1.88M)

Attached: smart moves.webm (400x220, 797K)

Attached: 1559708074281m.jpg (718x1024, 75K)


Does eating cereal kill it? Or was is killed before being put in the box?

Attached: daddys lil monster.webm (1280x720, 1.95M)

Attached: 1559708002957.jpg (1000x750, 741K)

kek'd hard

the 2 guys reactions are priceless

Attached: doggos play.webm (328x600, 1.72M)

Attached: 1559707846597.jpg (1000x1000, 276K)


Attached: 1559707672936.jpg (1000x675, 367K)

Attached: 1559707619841.jpg (1000x1000, 840K)

Attached: 1559625424535m.jpg (1024x356, 93K)

Attached: sry im late.webm (600x340, 358K)

Attached: 1559622754425.png (1308x1080, 478K)

Attached: safe for work.png (548x700, 630K)

Timmy received a D on his science project that day.

>not knowing one of the most used copypastas out there

double trips you fucking spawn of satan

Attached: sfw2.png (759x745, 1.08M)

checked double trips!
NOW it's a REKT thread!

3 shots? Like the first 1 didn't do the job?

Attached: jazz hands.webm (304x500, 1.36M)

Attached: muh milk.webm (720x404, 1.97M)

Attached: 1481429229456.jpg (1024x748, 200K)

imagine being such an oblivious fucking retard to walk in front of an INCHING truck.

she even falls like a faggot.

10/10 deserved

Attached: just chinks on road.webm (640x640, 1.17M)

Attached: bull.webm (853x480, 1.96M)

Fuck thats tragic if she died

> user: "That's a but fucked, I'm kinda sad"

>sewers are full of methane
boys ignited it

Attached: nom nom.webm (768x432, 1.96M)

Attached: tree lovers.webm (640x360, 865K)

Attached: 1559348628156.png (693x1070, 63K)

Dem faces

If you wanna be a fucktard why don't you come here and say it to my face so i can answer you with a swift fist to the nose.


this is bait

The fuck? Is there any story behind this?

Attached: gril getting high.webm (268x478, 633K)

doubles and quads check'd

also, piece of sheet metal had some momentum and rekt the woman. It's okay though she was probably a Communist sympathizer. fuck her

she actually survived. too lazy to find the story

Attached: 1480635419114.gif (400x225, 1.72M)

Got quads, you gotta get story

Lol this is good copy

Attached: IMG_20190326_212257.png (887x474, 574K)

dude was saluting the whole way, why would you even stop him to talk?

Attached: 1526214694358.gif (680x680, 1.08M)

My eyes are shit. are those dogs?

How dumb can you be to think you're safe if you stop in the middle of the highway with cars going 80mph around you mere inches away.
I almost ran into a mini cooper that had his flashers on and he stopped in the fastest lane. Almost slammed into that fucker.

lol a chink brain can't know about parking brakes strollers have, a lot of videos with the same nature roam internet.

fine u niggers
>After 7 months of various hospital treatments and physiotherapy, Olga was released to reunite with her daughter. A St. Petersburg judge awarded her 4 Million Rubles (about $60,000 US) in compensation, and found Andrey Kazakov – the head of the association that owns the building, guilty of negligence. He was sentenced to 2 years probation, and ordered to pay compensation to Ms. Klintsova.

This would be more funnier if it happened in America.
Not only will it rile up the anti-gun fucks, but also children violence. The left would have a heart attack.

Attached: rapey fakey.webm (640x480, 1.95M)

Attached: cool trick.webm (336x600, 1.94M)

I legit feel bad for responsible black people.
They catch all kinds of unearned shit because of the general foolishness of their fellows

he a she

death or irreversible brain damage

Attached: timber.webm (270x480, 1.22M)

Thought it was funny then saw they were all alot older then him real fucked up

but not from the snake, it was too quick

Attached: grils playing.webm (640x480, 1.29M)

Attached: cultural enrichment..webm (266x480, 1.83M)

4chinz joke term for electric wire
no one will answer your legit question
anything electric is nerve gas, anything gas is "must of touched a wire" (sic)

what a filthy nigger/chink way to start a rekt thread

Fucking file name kek ((remove the extra dot.))

Server with no rules! Post whatever you want without risk of ban.

Gore. VC and pizza.

Controversial topics.

Shitposting autism.


Attached: image0-25.jpg (750x832, 163K)

If you don't laugh at this you're literally souless


Attached: bitch down.webm (1280x720, 949K)

Attached: mouth aids.webm (368x640, 1.32M)


Attached: abuse strangle.webm (500x515, 423K)

Attached: oh no.webm (448x298, 740K)

That script is Gujarati. This must be in Western India somewhere.

Attached: nigger mama.webm (170x300, 1.51M)

oh fuck off
go inhale some nerve gas

Play stupid games........

>upper right corner says ´gujarat´
no shit nigger and who cares. its all one big shithole. nuke em all

Attached: master baiter.webm (256x320, 174K)

its summer break you moron

but user is right u being an utter faggot

How the hell do these people run around with no shes?

Oh so THAT'S why you're here.

Attached: Scaffold electrocution.webm (640x360, 1.06M)

it's nerve gas

Apes evolve over time

>first shot completely destroys the head
>better shoot him 3 more times just to be sure

lol wtf i'd stay there too

They live to far apart to nuke. And nuking a mud hut cost billions of dollars.

Attached: smart move.webm (720x720, 1.61M)

dude can't even throw a proper punch and he takes down 5 guys with brute force.

He survived this

Attached: 1559101856966.webm (1280x720, 1.37M)

dont lie online u nigger

that's an expensive snake.

How the fuck is that racebait?
If it was the other way around, your dumbass would be cheering on the fact that the other guy would have gotten KOed instead of the little retard who tried to summon Saitama in a real world situation

I actually laughed out loud. Thank you for this.

I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

oh shit got real. zing

I ask that every time i see this.

Goodluck, I've been searching for Judy hopps guro ever since zootopia came out and the internet has let me down

Poor man

OP is a verified nigger

This will happen to OP and doggo gets justice

Chinks know math better than anyone but lack knowledge of physics

this is the most fucked up thing in this thread

filename kek

giant hornets, not once.

the white kid was talking shit about his MAGA hat

Thanks, I have been looking for this one for a while

supposed ta do it when you're going down asshole.

???? pithing needle?

Okay Special Warfare Operator's Mate. Whatever.


fuck trump...

Is that actually real? Granted iv never shot anyone but do heads really just fucking pop like that at that range?

nigga its a shotgun

You dont fuck with fat guys man, you just dont

Im pretty sure those where hispanics

yeah no

niggers arent taking over the world islam is , niggers are too dumb , they bow down to islam in northern africa , europe has more or less fallen in 15-20 years its done, in abt 100 a good chunk of amerifat will be under sharia, islam raped africa, its taking them a little longer in europe and amerifat but the left is intent on welcoming them with open arms, niggers never will run shit, islam is coming and our grand kids will pay the price

What a chad

That could have gotten a lot worse