What are Yea Forums's thoughts on smoking?

What are Yea Forums's thoughts on smoking?

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Undeniable bad for your health.

However if you enjoy it then go for it. Simple.

How do I quit the cigarettes lads?

Known too many people I’ve cared about who’ve developed cancer and or died from it. Would never do it.

Im almost 4 months now. I chewed the gum for a couple weeks then just stopped. Ive smoked for 18 years. You have to actually quit the nicotine, none of this vaping bullshit. Just quit, use a little replacement from the drug store (like the gum) for a week or two then quit. It sucks for a bit but it gets better.
Oh and having an actual desire to quit helps too..

I started a few weeks after turning 18. 27 now. It's obviously stupid and terrible. I hate the way it smells and there is nothing worse than being the only smoker when you come inside from one and the whole room's faces make it clear you smell like shit.

I want to quit. Tried cold turkey, patches, gum, juuls, chantix, welbutrin, all of it. But here I am.

Never liked smoking tobacco and hate the smell of it. Smoked weed everyday for like 5 years and it’s fucked with my head but whatever.

I don't get it. It just seems completely awful. There isn't even a high or any incentive

Its a stimulant. Nicotine is great its just highly addictave

Yeah but compared to weed and some other drugs it just doesn't seem worth it, given how addictive it is.

>compared to weed
why would you compare nicotine to thc?

Only meth

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I love it, and hate it at the same time

just miss when it had purpose

A non smoker will never understand smoking.

It's fucking based but a huge waste of money, I've tried quitting several times but it's basically impossible, I would choose weed over cigarettes if i had to

Cigarettes are shit and will ruin you. The occasional cigar or pipe isn't that bad though.

quit after i picked up weed,
probably start again and just buy and roll my own since its cheaper and I can control the portions
nonsmokers will just never know the feeling of that first smoke in the morning fog with birds chirping before the rest of the world wakes up

Smoke em if you got em.


I'm gonna quit in the next year. I'm 20 and have smoked for 3 years. Am I destined for cancer, Yea Forums?

I quit a month and a half ago. Just kinda was like fuck this and quit.

cont. but when it gets out of control is when it starts to suck, having a drink and needing to smoke back to back one after another and waking up in the middle of the night to go for a smoke in the middle of a thundrstorm or -40 degrees when you really dont want too, thats when i cut it back

To be honest you're right. It just never seemed worth it to me when there are alternatives that are less harmful. I know smokers but I really just don'y get it.

if it isnt weed i definetely don't wanna smoke it. i did it, but i swear i didn't wanted to it

i mean, if i wanted to get relaxed i just smoke some weed, my body accepts it better than cigarettes