He's right, you know?

He's right, you know?

Attached: flag-burning-comic[1].png (1000x500, 173K)

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based Poland

Attached: amu8vdgl37b11[1].jpg (2400x3000, 1.87M)

both free speech IMO

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Attached: jewfreespeech.jpg (600x400, 179K)

It's actually wrong, hate speech is free speech.

Who is stopping you? Both are free speech.

The thing people don't get about the 1st Amendment is that it's specifically *for* speech that might piss people off. Think about it, would agreeable speech even need a law protecting it? It's so you can speak your opinion without fear of persecution.

Secondly, censorship is no way to win an argument. When you have to forcibly silence your opposition, you give the impression that you're unable to win the argument, that they're right. If you refuse to allow the discussion, you lose your chance to convince them. Ideas can only be defeated by better ideas, not by censorship.

there is no such thing as hate speech there is only free speech

>tfw there is no difference

Attached: 974B647A-9900-4A34-93A7-168B972365F4.png (593x580, 621K)

I agree, both should be legal

you win the internets

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One is a representation of a political entity. The other is a representation of a minority group. So yes. One's free speech and one's hate speech.

It's not hard, faggot.

no it’s not but the comic doesn’t even work.

It's literally an object. It's not that hard, breeder.

Yes, sneakers work just as well as dress shoes when stomping out flaming messes.

Oh, I get it! the LGBT is a political entity, so they get special rights. Americans are a minority in the world, so they can get stomped on. Thanks for clearing that up.

The burning of the American flag is a subject that often comes up in case law, hence why it is more well-known and well-established that it is legal to burn the U.S. flag. It is not indicative of hate, therefore, BECAUSE the act of burning the flag is actually symbolic as you are exercising a right that the flag represents.

Most people, therefore, can appreciate the destruction of an American flag.

However. You cannot so easily represent that right, nor exercise it by burning a gay pride flag. Since the very symbol of our government can be burned, it is not indicative of an exercise of rights to burn a pride flag, though it is still within those rights.

So no. He’s not right. He has re-framed the legal matter as one of popular opinion, which is quite problematic.

>Supreme Court unanimously reaffirms: There is no ‘hate speech’ exception to the First Amendment



You need to re-read my post, buddy boy.

ALL of it. I know it’s a lot but you need to read ALL of it.

Actually let me amend my post:
I said that you can’t exercise the right but I meant that you can’t EASILY exercise the right by burning the pride flag, because the point you’re trying to prove is ambiguous.

But it is still within your rights.

your lose Poland

Attached: 534117_12.jpg (480x320, 23K)

>Posts accurate reply
>yOu dIdnT ReAd mY PoSt

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