Name a more perfect girl than this

Name a more perfect girl than this

>Protip: You can't

>inb4 feminine pebis

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I’m fuckin ded

Your mom

prefer mine with a pulse you autistic incel.

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are those udders?

Why, yes. Yes they are.

God I wish I had one of these

a crotch with tits on top,

Udder perfection.

But most importantly, no mouth.

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there must be an ass on the other side

a real one

>need to spend money regularly
>argue all the time
>have to give attention instead of playing vidyas
>will sometimes turn you down for sex

And exactly what part is better?

one of these that can pop down to the kitchen and fetch me a sandwich and a beer afterwards.

until the mad scientists that produce these things get to that stage i'm going to have to stick with a real live girl.

the fact that she's real

Silicone is real too user.

With all the money you save on a girlfriend, you could hire a personal chef and a maid. This thing pays for itself.

Silicone doesn't doesn't live, doesn't help you calm you done when you had a bad day, doesn't support you even if you're bound to fuck up, doesn't smile at you, doesn't talk to you, doesn't say good morning or good night, doesn't laugh at memes and watches with movie with you, doesn't bombard you with messages cause she cares, silicon doesn't do it, and if your gf doesn't do it as well I'm sorry for you.

I've literally never had to spend money on a female or argue with a female. And I've never had a female who constantly wanted attention. Sorry you made bad choices in your partner selection.

>going into an obviously joking thread to be humorless cunts

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yeah, I could do...
but I don't think a personal chef or a maid would be prepared to rub their tits over my cock and talk dirty to me whilst i sip my beer and smoke a cigarette in preparation for round two.

Maybe not, but if you tip well enough, they might tickle your balls with a green onion or a feather duster or something.

There's pros and cons to everything user.

hmmmmn... interesting.

will do further investigations

Nigga don't pretend that Yea Forums isn't absolutely full of incels that unironically feel like OP

I am OP tho

but will the silicone titty make me feel loved?

mega fuck slut comin' thru

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Ok my point was that there are alot of incels who unironically agree with the sentiment you were expressing in your orginal post, regardless of if you truly believed it or not.

But why be humorless on Yea Forums? To what end?


>$90 for feet

there's something wrong with you bro

Attached: centaur chick.jpg (400x694, 105K)

Because there's no way to tell whether or not you're joking on the internet or being serious and seriously believing this shit has caused multiple shootings. It's naive to act like words don't have meaning.

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I want this doll

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